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Pope Francais At It Again


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shockingif there were anything more diminutive than lower case available, i'd have typed in that.

There is. You'd think that someone as well read as you would know that. Then again you don't even know how to type a sentence correctly so I'm not surprised.

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There is. You'd think that someone as well read as you would know that. Then again you don't even know how to type a sentence correctly so I'm not surprised.

there you go, talking about yourself again...


oh, and people generally type for me, it's really not a good use of my time. - i dictate.

Edited by birdog1960
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disagreeing with your stance does not make one a moron. it's a badge of honor and a measure of intellect. i'd bet him over you with huge odds on any objective measure of intelligence. it's truly pathetic when people feel compelled to attack on obviously fundamentally excellent person only because they disagree with him. not like he's making intellectually dishonest arguments or anything.

Fundamentally excellent? The man is corrupt, hypocritical and shelters hundreds if not thousands of pedophiles.

Edited by joesixpack
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disagreeing with your stance does not make one a moron. it's a badge of honor and a measure of intellect. i'd bet him over you with huge odds on any objective measure of intelligence. it's truly pathetic when people feel compelled to attack on obviously fundamentally excellent person only because they disagree with him. not like he's making intellectually dishonest arguments or anything.


First, my post does not call il Papa a moron, which I went to some length to explain within the editor's marks.


Second, to criticize practices that one's own "company" is engaging in, seems to me to be the very definition of intellectual dishonesty.


Third, I'm not in a pissing contest with the guy regarding who has the highest scores; I am pointing out some glaring inconsistencies that have existed through the years to the point that they are now givens sans the usual winks.

Edited by Keukasmallies
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Recall il Papa stating that people who manufacture guns and those who invest in weapons industries, who call themselves Christians, are hypocrites. Now picture the cordon surrounding the HF at all public and many private events; are they armed with Tinkertoys? Is not someone who depends on guns on a regular basis also a hypocrite for railing against them?


And, of course, POTUS's circle of steel, armed to the teeth, appears to belie his comment that guns make us less safe....huh?


Do these folks ever think about what they're saying?

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