Gene Frenkle Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 12:17 AM, matter2003 said: By working harder in the weight room than you do at your job and by not allowing myself to be herded like a sheep the way you allow yourself to be. You literally have no idea what I do, but feel free to keep telling the world how much you workout. You speak as you're the only person here who takes care of yourself. Genetics and exercise regime are likely much more of a benefit to you than natural foods and herbal medicines, just like Tom Brady, apparently.
Big Turk Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 (edited) On 10/15/2015 at 2:17 AM, Southern Bills Fan said: I think he means that he's one of those dudes who doesn't have a job because it would interfere with gym time. I have a job. A very good one actually. I simply choose to be responsible and accountable for my own well being and not expect the doctor to "save me" like some do when they choose not to care about their own health. Try it sometime, you might actually enjoy it. Edited October 15, 2015 by matter2003
Gene Frenkle Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 1:14 AM, Captain_Quint said: Can I use this for my signature??Please do!
Big Turk Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 5:11 AM, Gene Frenkle said: You literally have no idea what I do, but feel free to keep telling the world how much you workout. You speak as you're the only person here who takes care of yourself. Genetics and exercise regime are likely much more of a benefit to you than natural foods and herbal medicines, just like Tom Brady, apparently. It all works together, like spokes on a wheel. No exercise or training regimen can ever make up for a poor diet. That's the number one rule and why so many people don't see the results they should from working out---they think an hour a day at the gym allows them to do whatever they want the other 23 and it won't matter. Wrong. On 10/15/2015 at 4:07 AM, DC Tom said: Curious...what naturopathic or homeopathic remedy did Brady take for his torn ACL and MCL again? Was that 30C Ruta Grava, or did 6X Calcium Phosphate do the trick? Or was it the magic of Oregano Oil? My wife was prescribed McDonald's three times a week by her internist, because her cholesterol was too low. One of her coworkers ate "nothing but twigs and berries," and exercised regularly (semi-pro dancer), and basically had Crisco for blood. So it genetics, or endocrine variations, or hepatic variation, or whatever...but there's a wide variance between individuals irrespective of lifestyle. My cholesterol is on the verge of being too low at 173(160 is considered dangerously low and actually can be WORSE than having high cholesterol). I make sure to take in as musch saturated fats as I can...full fat ground beef from pasture raised cows, full fat grass fed organinc milk, butter, eggs, liver, etc... Not sure I'd recommend are getting a lot of garbage along with saturated fat...
Gene Frenkle Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 4:07 AM, DC Tom said: Curious...what naturopathic or homeopathic remedy did Brady take for his torn ACL and MCL again? Was that 30C Ruta Grava, or did 6X Calcium Phosphate do the trick? Or was it the magic of Oregano Oil?Fun topic for the main board. This is so typical 'Western medicine is evil until I REALLY need it'. Maybe Br*dy used a surgeon of Eastern origin to reconstruct his ACL. You know, just to keep it real.
Gene Frenkle Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 5:23 AM, matter2003 said: It all works together, like spokes on a wheel. No exercise or training regimen can ever make up for a poor diet. That's the number one rule and why so many people don't see the results they should from working out---they think an hour a day at the gym allows them to do whatever they want the other 23 and it won't matter. Wrong.Again, you have no idea what I do or anything about my health or body type. By 40 you're supposed to realize that you really don't know anything and then cease making absolute statements which make you appear foolish. I'm sure you'll get there someday.
ExiledInIllinois Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Seems that my quote function is not working again. Matter, I don't necessarily argee w/you on some things... But you are spot on w/your last post. That is exactly how I straigtened my situation that was destined to derail me. That's exactly how I was able to lose the needed weight.
Gene Frenkle Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 5:47 AM, ExiledInIllinois said: Seems that my quote function is not working again. Matter, I don't necessarily argee w/you on some things... But you are spot on w/your last post. That is exactly how I straigtened my situation that was destined to derail me. That's exactly how I was able to lose the needed weight.Hey man, good on you for losing 100 lbs! Seriously. Whatever works. My only point is that lots of things can work. There's no magic in anything. Way to eat healthier!
Pine Barrens Mafia Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 l wonder if this has anything to do with all those natural medicine doctors big pharma has been assassinating. It has to be true, I saw it on Facebook!!
4merper4mer Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 (edited) On 10/15/2015 at 5:40 AM, Gene Frenkle said: By 40 you're supposed to realize that you really don't know anything and then cease making absolute statements which make you appear foolish. I'm sure you'll get there someday. I know right? It's like those super religious people forcing their views or the angry bald atheists who continuously mock others. Wait, what? Edited October 15, 2015 by 4merper4mer
MattM Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 (edited) This new piece of info kind of points in the same direction I was getting after reading the NYT Magazine puff piece on Brady in March. I found it weird then that he had turned to a guy who got his degree at night from some college in LA no one had ever heard of and had no other real experience in his past. After reading this piece, that was probably because Guerrero would rather have "no past" in the press than his real past selling bad meds to suckers. Hmmm, either the guy has done what all the doctors in Western medicine can't or he's cheating in some way--I wonder which it is? I also wonder what his "miracle cures" for Brady entailed (remembering that Tommy Boy plays on a team that had a reputation as a place where aging vets go and seem to regain a step and at least one of them has been found to have used HGH, which they still don't test for and which said player was only caught because he was dumb enough to use his own name and address on the shipment and the pharmacy in question got raided by the cops). I also seem to recall that as per his trial transcript and evidence Dr. Galea (another quack caught dispensing PEDs to athletes) visited Boston twice in August the year after Tommy Boy hurt his knee and administered his "miracle drips" to an unnamed pro athlete. Anyone else ever wonder who and what that was? The Brady quote about lots of "grey area" also is right in keeping with a sociopath who doesn't know right from wrong, as we saw this summer in his Deflategate defense. Edited October 15, 2015 by MattM
JohnnyBuffalo Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 Wow...calling into question the integrity of Tom Brady....I am completely shocked and appalled.
Campy Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/14/2015 at 8:09 PM, matter2003 said: Yes, because believing that natural foods and supplements that contain active ingredients in their natural form are somehow better than man made ones is insanity apparently. Funny how those repeatedly are shown in studies to work better than prescription drugs in many cases with none of the side effects but yet people who aren't brainwashed by the Western Medicine pharmaceutical companies, doctors, hospitals and the FDA who all work in conjunction with each other to push people into drugs at the earliest opportunity are somehow "quacks". Well, count me as a quack. Almost 41 years old, jacked with abs, 183 lbs at under 10% body fat on no prescriptions with all blood work normal. I'll take my chances doing things my way. I see how "their way" works on a near daily basis and I'm thoroughly unimpressed. I can do better. If only you read the article you'd realize the guy's a quack for claiming his "natural supplements" prevented concussions.
4merper4mer Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 2:47 PM, Campy said: If only you read the article you'd realize the guy's a quack for claiming his "natural supplements" prevented concussions. But if read the article he might have to even slightly acknowledge that not all magic beans are really magic beans and that he in fact may actually be mortal. This might also prevent him from looking down his nose at victims of any and all diseases as McDonald's eating chumps who earned their cancer/heart disease/MS/insert disease name here.
Wacka Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On another internet board I;m on, here is a nut who claims that getting coffee enemas will prevent appendicitis. Or they could us e the wonder drug touted by someone on the PPP. Ganga.
ThurmasThoman Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 4:54 AM, matter2003 said: That's where you are wrong. I don't "swear off" Western Medicine. I just simply think they have it completely wrong. Their idea is to treat you once you become sick. My idea is to prevent myself from needing treatment by not becoming sick in the first place. Western Medicine has its place, ie in life threatnening conditions where you need treatment ASAP, but in my opinion when the treatment is "the rest of your life" on prescription drugs there are far better and safer alternatives, and its backed up by many studies. The real problem is that people are unwilling to accept the fact they are responsible for 90% of their health problems and are totally unaccountable to themselves, and would rather place their health in their doctor's hands than take the time to increase their knowledge of how to prevent these problems from arising in the first place. Or they just don't care, because its actually work to eat healthy and exercise, two of the main proponents of any healthy lifestyle. To answer your points, yes I understand very well what coumadin does. The clot busting effect is with nattokinase not coumadin, and nattokinase thins the blood as effectively if not more so than coumadin. Secondly I meant to say that hundreds of thousands die each year from cardiovascular disease, not lipitor. Simply that lipitor is given to lower cholesterol, but its a pyrrhic victory when it comes to your health. Yes, it lowers cholesterol very well, however cholesterol is NEEDED by the body for many things, namely its present in the cell membranes and also acts like a bandaid inside the body repairing internal damage. Not to mention cholesterol is needed for the production of sex hormones such as testosterone as they are synthesized in the body from cholesterol. So you are effectively stopping the production of something vitally important to the body. It also has ZERO effect on preventing cardiovascular disease, which is why its prescribed in the first place since they mistakenly think that lowering your cholesterol by itself will prevent heart attacks and strokes, when its been found cholesterol levels have little to do with this and that triglycerides levels are much more indicative of future cardiovascular events. So if it has no effect on preventing cardiovascular events, then obviously they have a faulty premise, ie lowering cholesterol has NO effect on the prevention of cardiovascular disease and its use is completely out of bounds, espoecially due to the many side effects its use carries, including death in more than a few cases, which is probably underreported as it may be a direct factor in causing their death without being actually looked at as the cause itself. The problem is that once something is believed to be true, no matter how often its shown to not be true via studies, research, etc, its nearly impossible to see changes for many years. I mean they are still trying to tell people saturated fats are bad for you when its been shown time and time again they are slightly beneficial to you or neutral at worst, raising your total cholesterol levels but raising your HDL more than your LDL thus improving your HDL:LDL ratio. This nonsense is based on the very first "study" done on saturated fats if you could even call it that 50-60 years ago which was so flawed it would be laughed at if presented as evidence these days where the researcher took his results and made them fit what he thought should be the truth. Ever since then, saturated fats have been bad but its based on faulty evidence. They know its faulty evidence, its been proven time and again, and yet the recommendation still remains to avoid saturated fats. Why? Because what they learned in medical school is based on old information. Bottom line is all I am saying if people were more accountable to themselves and would stop thinking that taking prescription drugs for the rest of their life is "normal", they would be a lot better off, and the prescription drug companies, nursing homes, doctors and hospitals would be a lot worse off. There is nothing "normal" about having things like high blood pressure or type 2 diabetes in 95% of the cases---its caused by their lack of concern for their own well being. People need to stand up, be accountable to themselves and stop being a passenger when it comes to their health. I'd call the people that post on this board sheep, but that would be so degrading to a species that lives in harmony with its environment that it would be unfair to the sheep. In all honesty brother, I tell you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my soul: you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to bring any sort of enlightenment to this board. These people don't just do what they're told, and think what they're told to have in their head for thoughts, they angrily parrot it back to you with the intellectual depth of a teaspoon to back their argument. They spend more time trying to come up with witticisms to criticize those with a different viewpoint than to actually question their own line of thinking. Challenging one's viewpoints is the cornerstone of intellectual growth: this place is about as stagnant as a puddle on the side of the road at a 4 way intersection. No surprise to see WEO chime in on this discussion: he is the stubbed cigarette butt that floats at the top of that puddle of filth. He wears his moderator badge like some sort of Orwelian overlord, using his stoic stance of intellectual stubbornness to reign over discussions and ban, lock, or delete opposing viewpoints. Messageboard? Who's message. I'm surprised there isn't a link to buy a teeshirt from at the bottom of everyone's sig here. We're 3 pages in to you being criticized for saying a healthy lifestyle should involve exercising and eating right. How that viewpoint can be criticized is beyond my understanding. Posters on this board act like it's some sort of "politicizing" issue. Did I see someone up there say his "doctor" told his wife to EAT MCDONALDS? These are the people you are having a discussion with. These are the people that live in Buffalo. This is why there are so many great expats around the country that cheer for the Bills, but why none of us live in Buffalo. It's a dying city, in a tail spin, patting themselves on the back because some guy that made a billion in FRACKING bought both sports franchises and is going to milk the cashcow on the waterfront with the slogan "One Buffalo" so these poor souls can think their life has meaning again. Wait until the fracking industry reaches it's crisis point in 2025. Pegula's liquid wealth is going to plummet, and the LA/Toronto talks will be right back on the table. Good for you for living healthy, opening your third eye, and seeing behind the curtain of the modern world. Get yourself a netti pot if you don't already have one, just make sure you use distilled water. I irrigate my sinus cavity every morning: year 6 without a cold or a flu. "But those are necessary, it's more unhealthy not to have them". False: they were brought into the human population when we domesticated animals. And NO "new age quack" would say modern medicine doesn't have a place. It's an option. Some guy on here said something about Brady's knee? Could you moron's miss the point any harder if you tried? Living in harmony with the environment and living a balanced lifestyle is about preventing illness, so your days can be filled with energy, light, laughter and love. Not taking a pill with god knows what in it so you can pump out autistic babies and numb yourself to the divine, and your souls journey on earth. Mind over matter is what every culture on the face of this Earth has always accepted, except for this currently "enlightened" society. Which, if we live in a world where they offer pills to make you feel happy, how "enlightened" are we, really? Here's a curve ball for anyone wanting to argue this guys viewpoint, or any other medical-intervention free lifestyle: The Placebo effect. Thanks, I'll hang up and listen.
FireChan Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 4:24 PM, JohnnyGold said: I'd call the people that post on this board sheep, but that would be so degrading to a species that lives in harmony with its environment that it would be unfair to the sheep. In all honesty brother, I tell you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my soul: you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to bring any sort of enlightenment to this board. These people don't just do what they're told, and think what they're told to have in their head for thoughts, they angrily parrot it back to you with the intellectual depth of a teaspoon to back their argument. They spend more time trying to come up with witticisms to criticize those with a different viewpoint than to actually question their own line of thinking. Challenging one's viewpoints is the cornerstone of intellectual growth: this place is about as stagnant as a puddle on the side of the road at a 4 way intersection. No surprise to see WEO chime in on this discussion: he is the stubbed cigarette butt that floats at the top of that puddle of filth. He wears his moderator badge like some sort of Orwelian overlord, using his stoic stance of intellectual stubbornness to reign over discussions and ban, lock, or delete opposing viewpoints. Messageboard? Who's message. I'm surprised there isn't a link to buy a teeshirt from at the bottom of everyone's sig here. We're 3 pages in to you being criticized for saying a healthy lifestyle should involve exercising and eating right. How that viewpoint can be criticized is beyond my understanding. Posters on this board act like it's some sort of "politicizing" issue. Did I see someone up there say his "doctor" told his wife to EAT MCDONALDS? These are the people you are having a discussion with. These are the people that live in Buffalo. This is why there are so many great expats around the country that cheer for the Bills, but why none of us live in Buffalo. It's a dying city, in a tail spin, patting themselves on the back because some guy that made a billion in FRACKING bought both sports franchises and is going to milk the cashcow on the waterfront with the slogan "One Buffalo" so these poor souls can think their life has meaning again. Wait until the fracking industry reaches it's crisis point in 2025. Pegula's liquid wealth is going to plummet, and the LA/Toronto talks will be right back on the table. Good for you for living healthy, opening your third eye, and seeing behind the curtain of the modern world. Get yourself a netti pot if you don't already have one, just make sure you use distilled water. I irrigate my sinus cavity every morning: year 6 without a cold or a flu. "But those are necessary, it's more unhealthy not to have them". False: they were brought into the human population when we domesticated animals. And NO "new age quack" would say modern medicine doesn't have a place. It's an option. Some guy on here said something about Brady's knee? Could you moron's miss the point any harder if you tried? Living in harmony with the environment and living a balanced lifestyle is about preventing illness, so your days can be filled with energy, light, laughter and love. Not taking a pill with god knows what in it so you can pump out autistic babies and numb yourself to the divine, and your souls journey on earth. Mind over matter is what every culture on the face of this Earth has always accepted, except for this currently "enlightened" society. Which, if we live in a world where they offer pills to make you feel happy, how "enlightened" are we, really? Here's a curve ball for anyone wanting to argue this guys viewpoint, or any other medical-intervention free lifestyle: The Placebo effect. Thanks, I'll hang up and listen. What a curve ball.
PromoTheRobot Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 (edited) On 10/15/2015 at 4:24 PM, JohnnyGold said: I'd call the people that post on this board sheep, but that would be so degrading to a species that lives in harmony with its environment that it would be unfair to the sheep. In all honesty brother, I tell you from the bottom of my heart to the top of my soul: you are barking up the wrong tree by trying to bring any sort of enlightenment to this board. These people don't just do what they're told, and think what they're told to have in their head for thoughts, they angrily parrot it back to you with the intellectual depth of a teaspoon to back their argument. They spend more time trying to come up with witticisms to criticize those with a different viewpoint than to actually question their own line of thinking. Challenging one's viewpoints is the cornerstone of intellectual growth: this place is about as stagnant as a puddle on the side of the road at a 4 way intersection. No surprise to see WEO chime in on this discussion: he is the stubbed cigarette butt that floats at the top of that puddle of filth. He wears his moderator badge like some sort of Orwelian overlord, using his stoic stance of intellectual stubbornness to reign over discussions and ban, lock, or delete opposing viewpoints. Messageboard? Who's message. I'm surprised there isn't a link to buy a teeshirt from at the bottom of everyone's sig here. We're 3 pages in to you being criticized for saying a healthy lifestyle should involve exercising and eating right. How that viewpoint can be criticized is beyond my understanding. Posters on this board act like it's some sort of "politicizing" issue. Did I see someone up there say his "doctor" told his wife to EAT MCDONALDS? These are the people you are having a discussion with. These are the people that live in Buffalo. This is why there are so many great expats around the country that cheer for the Bills, but why none of us live in Buffalo. It's a dying city, in a tail spin, patting themselves on the back because some guy that made a billion in FRACKING bought both sports franchises and is going to milk the cashcow on the waterfront with the slogan "One Buffalo" so these poor souls can think their life has meaning again. Wait until the fracking industry reaches it's crisis point in 2025. Pegula's liquid wealth is going to plummet, and the LA/Toronto talks will be right back on the table. Good for you for living healthy, opening your third eye, and seeing behind the curtain of the modern world. Get yourself a netti pot if you don't already have one, just make sure you use distilled water. I irrigate my sinus cavity every morning: year 6 without a cold or a flu. "But those are necessary, it's more unhealthy not to have them". False: they were brought into the human population when we domesticated animals. And NO "new age quack" would say modern medicine doesn't have a place. It's an option. Some guy on here said something about Brady's knee? Could you moron's miss the point any harder if you tried? Living in harmony with the environment and living a balanced lifestyle is about preventing illness, so your days can be filled with energy, light, laughter and love. Not taking a pill with god knows what in it so you can pump out autistic babies and numb yourself to the divine, and your souls journey on earth. Mind over matter is what every culture on the face of this Earth has always accepted, except for this currently "enlightened" society. Which, if we live in a world where they offer pills to make you feel happy, how "enlightened" are we, really? Here's a curve ball for anyone wanting to argue this guys viewpoint, or any other medical-intervention free lifestyle: The Placebo effect. Thanks, I'll hang up and listen. Wait....WEO is a moderator??? Edited October 15, 2015 by PromoTheRobot
FireChan Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 4:28 PM, PromoTheRobot said: Wait....WEO is a moderator??? No. Johnny just thinks he's a shadow government spy for Roger Goodell, Big Pharma and Payless Shoes.
Big Turk Posted October 15, 2015 Posted October 15, 2015 On 10/15/2015 at 5:11 AM, Gene Frenkle said: You literally have no idea what I do, but feel free to keep telling the world how much you workout. You speak as you're the only person here who takes care of yourself. Genetics and exercise regime are likely much more of a benefit to you than natural foods and herbal medicines, just like Tom Brady, apparently. That wasn't directed at you personally, but towards the American populace in general.
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