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Darby and Gilmore Holding It Down on the Corner

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8 INTs is a ton. The Chiefs D shut down pretty much everyone late in the season too.

Our corners had to cover a lot longer than theirs. They had a pass rush. Maybe Peters was a little better, but if so, it wasn't by much.

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At the end of the day, Marcus Peters was a far superior performer than Darby, who tailed off late. Peters had 5 more breakups than Darby and led the NFL with 8 INTs (and he played on a much better defense).

darby tailed off late because Gilmore got hurt and he then got much more responsibility back there. Then he got hurt himself and there was probably a little bit of the "rookie wall" involved as well.


That said I think peters will get DROY and he deserves it. I am still very, very happy with Darby.

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Our corners had to cover a lot longer than theirs. They had a pass rush. Maybe Peters was a little better, but if so, it wasn't by much.

Darby is good -- don't get me wrong. This is just a reminder that a season is 16 games, and those later games count just as much as the early ones when impressions are first formed. Darby did tail off late, perhaps because of the groin.

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Darby is good -- don't get me wrong. This is just a reminder that a season is 16 games, and those later games count just as much as the early ones when impressions are first formed. Darby did tail off late, perhaps because of the groin.

I also think that it says a lot that despite the fact that Sammy was abusing their secondary, KC never chose to put Peters against him 1-on-1.


They protected him that way.


Not a bad thing. A smart thing, actually.


Just a point that I believe adds some context to the comparison.

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I am hoping that once McKelvin comes back he can provide a shut down slot guy. The Pats* and Giants reallly hit the team hard in the slot. McKelvin in 2013 under Pettine really turned his career around playing in the slot. If Rex can turn him into that kind of corner again then teams will have a much harder time attacking the slot against the secondary.

Ideally, Pettine should come back as DC. Wouldn't that be nice.

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8 INTs is a ton. The Chiefs D shut down pretty much everyone late in the season too.

Halfway through the season, Darby had not given up one TD and Peters had given up seven. Darby gave up about four or five the second half and I am not sure how many Peters gave up. That's a much bigger stat and fact than INTs.

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Halfway through the season, Darby had not given up one TD and Peters had given up seven. Darby gave up about four or five the second half and I am not sure how many Peters gave up. That's a much bigger stat and fact than INTs.

Not as flashy though. I think if Darby played the second half just like the first, allowing 0 or nearly 0 TDs, he would have a shot.

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