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Darby and Gilmore Holding It Down on the Corner

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McKelvin will be back soon. This is a strength of this team. Now if Gilmore would just play press more with quick release QB's, it would be great. We have to hit Green on the LOS.


Once he gets moving, no one seems to be able to cover him.

rex said he wouldn't be putting anyone on Green 1:1 without help. The issue is... That "help" might be in the form of Duke. Lol. The good news is Andy still throws inaccurately a lot.


Green has had issues in the past though with physical corners. He doesn't like it and he's injury prone.

Edited by YoloinOhio
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If you have a quick accurate QB who can fire the ball on a spot in less than 2 seconds their is not much we can do. Very hard to defend, but Rex and company better be trying to figure out a way. Our 2 losses were that recipe. Titans was a disaster with injuries but Eli and Tommy boy were able to hit those ridiculously fast passes


We have to figure that part out or we will not beat the Patriots

Edited by ddaryl
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