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I have had gout for about twenty five years.  The first incident it felt like somehow I had broken my foot, it ended swollen about double its size.  I found out that gout is caused by a build up of uriac acid which the liver cannot break down which will settle in a joint , the most common being a persons big toe. The uriac crystalizes which and joint moves causes a abrasion and swelling , consequenting the extreme pain.  My doctor prescribed a drug called allopurinol  which is the most common one used for gout, he told me I would need take this the rest of my life.  He told me that how it works is after the first incident of gout , it may not be another five years until another incident , but the incidents will increase over time.  I took the allopurinol for awhile , stopped eating so many things with high amounts of salt and lost some weight for me this resolved the problem ,  I get attacks these days often when I am under stress.

I would rather not take any more medication that absolutely necessary so these days I watch my weight , and salty foods.

The easiest resolution is to take the know remedy allopurinol .


Thank you, I knew one of our knowledgeable members would come foward and help.
I've been suffering from gout attacks on the average of 2X per year for the last 7 years or so. 



Dude, sorry to hear about that. That really sounds like it sucks. Hope I don't get the gout. Maybe I should drop a few.


I decided that after all the years I have viewed TBD to finally register :blink: to hopefully help you and others you have encountered gout. Gout is a form of arthritis and there are no treatments that will make gout go away for every, it is about managing your level of uric acid in your bloodstream.


At age 42 I have already encountered over 60 gout attacks :I starred in Brokeback Mountain: . In years past I would get gout about every 6-8 weeks. Now that I understand gout more and have changed my eating and drinking habits, now I only get it once or twice a year. All males on my mother's side get gout, so heridity does have a role in my case. I know the pain and don't wish it on anybody. I have learned to control gout through daily medication such as Alloporunial (sp), drinking plenty of water, avoid drinking binges, and modifying my eating habits. I suggest that you follow your doctor's advice and take the medicine as long as you don't get any side effects. If you don't get gout under control the build up of uric acid forms not only the crystals for a gout attack but will ultimately lead to kidney stones. All the older males in my family have had kidney stones and like an actual gout attack they are very painful and may eventual lead to surgury or other treatments to pass the stones.


But even taking Allopurunial everyday does not stop all attacks. You need to be very attentive to the warning signs that lead up to a gout attack. First of all there are all types of foods that you will find that can cause a build up of uric acid and I won't list all the different types, but the one thing that was told to me by my doctor is that if you eat these various types of foods, make sure you do it in moderation, just like drinking. Eat shellfish, turkey, organ meats, and/or drink alcohol (especially beer and hard liquor) three days in a row you will get gout no matter what you do to prevent it.


The best way to cure a gout attack is right in the beginning. At the first twinge of pain in the joint (usually a toe joint) I begin rubbing the effected joint to get the circulation going and try to move the crystals along, take sodium naproxin (OTC anti-inflamatory), and drink plenty of water to help dilute the sodium naproxin and flush the system of the uric acid.


During this time avoid all alcohol or other foods mentioned above (the complete list is extensive and some of the items I would never believe are on the list). Also, I have found that cherries and blueberries are the best to help reduce the amount of uric acid in your blood stream.


Hope this helps you out.


What do they give you when you have an attack? Colchicine is prescribed to help dissolve the crystal quickly. Unfortunately it can have a very disturbing consequence. Although it can be successful in expediting a resolution. The three reasons to stop the drug:


1. The gouty attack is gone,

2. You have maxed out the dose for the 24 hours,

3. You can't stand the diarrhea it may cause.


I know it's not preventive, but it can help, if you are only treated with an anti inflammatory.

I've been suffering from gout attacks on the average of 2X per year for the last 7 years or so.  For those of you that never had it, it's one of the most painful things you can imagine.  I have literally cried from hour after hour of agonizing pain - it's like someone put a lit match next to your skin & just left it there & you can't put it out.


I am not overweight, I think it's mostly hereditary in my case.  I've heard the usual stuff about diet & alcohol & I'm taking daily medication.


Has anyone ever tried herbal remedies, & if so which ones and do they work?  I'll take any help I can get.  Thanks.




try this :blink:

a lot of leisure suit larry love in this thread


Just finished that game. Funny as hell and definitely addicting. Glad there was a good ending after so much....um....frustration.


Hmmmm, never noticed Barts. I'm more old school though, back when Larry was cool.


Larry has a kind of cool that never dies. :blink:

try this 


Now that was funny. Further proof that a woman can wait quietly until her opportunity for revenge. :D


But regarding the gout. I too have heard great results from cherries (especially acerola (sp), blueberries and (I think) blackberries.

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