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I've been suffering from gout attacks on the average of 2X per year for the last 7 years or so. For those of you that never had it, it's one of the most painful things you can imagine. I have literally cried from hour after hour of agonizing pain - it's like someone put a lit match next to your skin & just left it there & you can't put it out.


I am not overweight, I think it's mostly hereditary in my case. I've heard the usual stuff about diet & alcohol & I'm taking daily medication.


Has anyone ever tried herbal remedies, & if so which ones and do they work? I'll take any help I can get. Thanks.

Let me get this straight.....You have a deisease and you seek help in a sports web site?


Why not call a doctor, Snapperhead?



I'm assuming he has. And the doctor, working mainly for his insurance company didn't say "well, there's an over the counter herbal product that seems to work well - and even though that means you can take that forever and I'll never see a dime after today, take that". More than likey, his doctor said "here's a Rx, take it, pay your $10 copay, and I'll cash in from Blue Cross, or Aetna, etc".


Often times, the Dr won't even know about some "home brew" that might help...

Let me get this straight.....You have a deisease and you seek help in a sports web site?


Why not call a doctor, Snapperhead?


The guy is just checking to see if anyone might take something that helps. People find answers from other people. What the f.....
by the way, from some quick research, looks like your days of red meat, alcohol, cheeses and fatty foods could be done.


Someone recommended Cherries, tons of em, or cherry juice.


There doesnt seem to be any instant relief, but this one gives a different herb for every type of gout.




But you wouldn't help Sue with her homework?? :blink:


:doh: j/p

The guy is just checking to see if anyone might take something that helps. People find answers from other people. What the f.....




Mike, why do you feel the need to swear at me? I am just trying to help this igmo.

Mike, why do you feel the need to swear at me? I am just trying to help this igmo.


I have gotten some extremely grreat advice from fellow members on alot of important non- football issues. There are some very knowledgeable people on board, and when we can help we do. That's all, sorry for the F-bomb.
Mike, why do you feel the need to swear at me? I am just trying to help this igmo.


Terrific. Ray Charles teaching Stevie Wonder how to drive seems like an excellent idea.

Terrific.  Ray Charles teaching Stevie Wonder how to drive seems like an excellent idea.




"I just called... to say .... hit the road Jack..."


hmmm... sounds good to me.

I'm assuming he has. And the doctor, working mainly for his insurance company didn't say "well, there's an over the counter herbal product that seems to work well - and even though that means you can take that forever and I'll never see a dime after today, take that".  More than likey, his doctor said "here's a Rx, take it, pay your $10 copay, and I'll cash in from Blue Cross, or Aetna, etc".


Often times, the Dr won't even know about some "home brew" that might help...



Now that's funny. If anything, doctors work for the drug companies, not insurance. They make a hell of a lot more from someone like GlaxoSmithKline then they ever would a HMO.


Stick to the porn industry.

Terrific.  Ray Charles teaching Stevie Wonder how to drive seems like an excellent idea.


Something tells me this is going to turn into an Airplane post, Shirley not..............................
a lot of leisure suit larry love in this thread



Hmmmm, never noticed Barts. I'm more old school though, back when Larry was cool.

I'm assuming he has. And the doctor, working mainly for his insurance company didn't say "well, there's an over the counter herbal product that seems to work well - and even though that means you can take that forever and I'll never see a dime after today, take that".  More than likey, his doctor said "here's a Rx, take it, pay your $10 copay, and I'll cash in from Blue Cross, or Aetna, etc".


Often times, the Dr won't even know about some "home brew" that might help...


Montel Williams found his "home brew"
I have gotten some extremely grreat advice from fellow members on alot of important non- football issues. There are some very knowledgeable people on board, and when we can help we do. That's all, sorry for the F-bomb.



Listen, Mike...I have been around a long time. I know quite a few things about life and health.

Have yuo ever actually MET some of the people who frequent TSW?

Well, I have and most of them are either mentally or emotionally retarded.

They create these web board "personas" that make them seem really cool, but in real life these people are a laugingstock.

Take my word about this, Mike...I am one of the only actually cool people around here and you need to listen to me.

Understand me, IGMO?

Terrific.  Ray Charles teaching Stevie Wonder how to drive seems like an excellent idea.


Is that some kind of racist statement? Are you saying one black man can't teach another to drive? WTF.


I have had gout for about twenty five years. The first incident it felt like somehow I had broken my foot, it ended swollen about double its size. I found out that gout is caused by a build up of uriac acid which the liver cannot break down which will settle in a joint , the most common being a persons big toe. The uriac crystalizes which and joint moves causes a abrasion and swelling , consequenting the extreme pain. My doctor prescribed a drug called allopurinol which is the most common one used for gout, he told me I would need take this the rest of my life. He told me that how it works is after the first incident of gout , it may not be another five years until another incident , but the incidents will increase over time. I took the allopurinol for awhile , stopped eating so many things with high amounts of salt and lost some weight for me this resolved the problem , I get attacks these days often when I am under stress.

I would rather not take any more medication that absolutely necessary so these days I watch my weight , and salty foods.

The easiest resolution is to take the know remedy allopurinol .

I have had gout for about twenty five years.  The first incident it felt like somehow I had broken my foot, it ended swollen about double its size.  I found out that gout is caused by a build up of uriac acid which the liver cannot break down which will settle in a joint , the most common being a persons big toe. The uriac crystalizes which and joint moves causes a abrasion and swelling , consequenting the extreme pain.  My doctor prescribed a drug called allopurinol  which is the most common one used for gout, he told me I would need take this the rest of my life.  He told me that how it works is after the first incident of gout , it may not be another five years until another incident , but the incidents will increase over time.  I took the allopurinol for awhile , stopped eating so many things with high amounts of salt and lost some weight for me this resolved the problem ,  I get attacks these days often when I am under stress.

I would rather not take any more medication that absolutely necessary so these days I watch my weight , and salty foods.

The easiest resolution is to take the know remedy allopurinol .




It's your fault you have the gout---YOU GLUTTON

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