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I promise to be patient with JP


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I am kinda getting sick of people saying that JP is an unproven kid, or that he is injury prone. First of all, the former is obvious, the latter is bull sh--.


The point is, we are pretty sure JP isn't gonna take us to the Super Bowl next year. We are all well aware of that.


Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we went 5-11 or 6-10. Although I feel our defense and ST could probably win us several by themselves.


But that being said, I promise to give the kid a chance. I will wait until AT LEAST week 8 before i make one comment about cutting him, beheading him, or equating him to Rob Johnson, or ANYTHING negative about him. I am going to give him a legitimate chance to prove himself. Should I break this promise, I will not post for a month. There.

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sign me up...though it wont be easy, i am more than willing to give the kid a fighting chance...


i'd much rather rip my hair out knowing JP is making rookie mistakes than rup it out over Drew making those same mistakes...

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But that being said, I promise to give the kid a chance. AT LEAST until week 8 before i make one comment about cutting him, beheading him, or equating him to Rob Johnson. Should I break this promise, I will not post for a month. There.


Thats big of you.. :devil:


I will reserve judgement on JP until Week 8 also....of the 2007 season.

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Thats big of you.. :devil:





Believe me, it's bigger than you think. There will be people here asking for his head by halftime of the first preseason game. Just watch.


You're willing to give him 2 and a half seasons? Well, that's really big of you.

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I am in doubly---


1) I promise not to be critical through 2006

2) I promise not overhype if he has the inevitable 12 for 13 preseason game and crown him the next combination of Kelly/Flutie/Kemp/Ferguson and Lamonica...

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I am in doubly---


1) I promise not to be critical through 2006

2) I promise not be overhype if he has the inevitable 12 for 13 preseason game and crown him the next combination of Kelly/Flutie/Kemp and Lamonica...



You won't say one critical thing through 2006? DAMN....

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I'm giving him three seasons.  That's right, three SEASONS.  I'm not going to annoint him the next great player (ala Roethishamburger) nor rip him unmercifully, because he's going to do some remarkably stupid things AND make some amazing plays.


3 seasons....summer, fall and winter?? :devil: How big of you.

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I'm giving him three seasons.  That's right, three SEASONS.  I'm not going to annoint him the next great player (ala Roethishamburger) nor rip him unmercifully, because he's going to do some remarkably stupid things AND make some amazing plays.



3 seasons before what, AD? A winning season? Playoffs? Playoff win?

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I am kinda getting sick of people saying that JP is an unproven kid, or that he is injury prone. First of all, the former is obvious, the latter is bull sh--. 


The point is, we are pretty sure JP isn't gonna take us to the Super Bowl next year. We are all well aware of that.


Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we went 5-11 or 6-10. Although I feel our defense and ST could probably win us several by themselves.


But that being said, I promise to give the kid a chance. I will wait until AT LEAST week 8 before i make one comment about cutting him, beheading him, or equating him to Rob Johnson, or ANYTHING negative about him. I am going to give him a legitimate chance to prove himself. Should I break this promise, I will not post for a month. There.



Normally, I would but our playoff window is closing fast! But the time he's "ready", our D will be rebuilt with nothing buy younger guys (read: they will suck!) and we won't have the Teams we have now.


Remember, Drew is being cut because JP can take us further now. No excuses. He has to produce.


I will be watching and cheering him on!!! I will be pissed if he can't help us.


Sorry, but my lifetime allotment of optimism has been all used up regarding this team.

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I am kinda getting sick of people saying that JP is an unproven kid, or that he is injury prone. First of all, the former is obvious, the latter is bull sh--. 


The point is, we are pretty sure JP isn't gonna take us to the Super Bowl next year. We are all well aware of that.


Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we went 5-11 or 6-10. Although I feel our defense and ST could probably win us several by themselves.


But that being said, I promise to give the kid a chance. I will wait until AT LEAST week 8 before i make one comment about cutting him, beheading him, or equating him to Rob Johnson, or ANYTHING negative about him. I am going to give him a legitimate chance to prove himself. Should I break this promise, I will not post for a month. There.



If we go 5-11 or 6-10 it will undoubtably be because Losman did not step up to the plate and collapsed under the pressure. I will not be all warm and fuzzy if this is the case. Is it that hard to ask Losman to not be a hero and take care of the ball???? That is all he has to do and it isn't asking a whole lot if you ask me.


You seem to forget that we have a hellacious defense, running game and special teams. We have to make the playoffs or Losman no doubt gets tagged the goat. If he's not comfortable with this or does not want to put in the neccessary hours of practice than he should quit now.


The Bills are no longer in a rebuilding phase compadre.

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Believe me, it's bigger than you think. There will be people here asking for his head by halftime of the first preseason game. Just watch.



You're right, and thats completely ridiculous.




You're willing to give him 2 and a half seasons? Well, that's really big of you.


I didn't say I was happy about it, but it IS realistic. There is no other way to evaluate a QB. Jim Kelly took almost 3 years to become big time. McNair & Pennington (over 2 years each). The very few immediate successes at QB can be counted on one hand. It took Favre almost 3 years before he was routinely making plays.


Even Brady, for all his good play, took into year 3 before the coaches really trusted him and let him open things up. Granted, he won a SB in Year 1, but that was more because the coaches protected him and the superior talent surrounding him than anything else.


It is a looong drawn out process and its not for the impatient. I don't like it any more than you, but thats reality unless we want to become one of the perenniel rebuilders in the NFL. We have to commit to JP and stick to him for a good 2.5-3 years.

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You won't say one critical thing through 2006? DAMN....




He needs two years......to be honest--I have nothing other than conjecture to base this on--but here is the way I think this will go


1st half next season--the kid has enough mobility and there is very little film on him--I say we are 5-3 at the halfway point depending on the schedule...


2nd half next season--teams catch up with him--they come up with schemes to control him a bit--we go 4-4 or 3-5 and just barely sneak in or miss the playoffs.


1st half 06-this is the make or break time--if he adjusts to the new looks teams are throwing at him -- we go 6-2 or 5-3 if not--we are 4-4/3-5


2nd half of '06 we make the playoffs and we have our QB of the future or we die on the vine and are looking at a total rebuilding job on O and D....


That's it -- two years...

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I am kinda getting sick of people saying that JP is an unproven kid, or that he is injury prone. First of all, the former is obvious, the latter is bull sh--. 


The point is, we are pretty sure JP isn't gonna take us to the Super Bowl next year. We are all well aware of that.


Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if we went 5-11 or 6-10. Although I feel our defense and ST could probably win us several by themselves.


But that being said, I promise to give the kid a chance. I will wait until AT LEAST week 8 before i make one comment about cutting him, beheading him, or equating him to Rob Johnson, or ANYTHING negative about him. I am going to give him a legitimate chance to prove himself. Should I break this promise, I will not post for a month. There.



I'll be patient.


I just have very low expectations of him. But I'll be patient and let him prove me wrong.

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you feelin' alright tom?



:I starred in Brokeback Mountain: That better?



My attitude towards Losman will be the same as my attitude towards any rookie QB: it takes at least two years of real game-day play (not just mop-up) to properly grow into a pro QB, and I'm willing to give him that much. Furthermore, I'll be consistent in saying what I've been saying about Bledsoe: 1) I don't really care, because it's a team game, 2) if Trent Dilfer can win a Superbowl with a power running game and strong D, anyone can, but it doesn't make them a good QB, and 3) if the line sucks and the receivers drop balls, the QB's going to look like he sucks no matter what.


It's just that what I see in Losman is a kid who I don't think can make the jump to NFL-paced ball...particularly if he starts this year (if he does, I expect the experience will ruin him). That doesn't mean I want him to fail, or I'm some "anti-Losman" zealot who wants him to fail. I just think it more likely than not that three years from now, we'll all be bitching on how TD ruined two drafts with one busted pick.

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I definitely will be patient...He'll make some good plays and some not so good plays as you'd expect with a young QB. With the combination of playmakers on the Bills' offense, excellent D and great Special Teams, JP won't have to win games on his own. This is a good situation for JP, unlike the scenario for many other young QBs (i.e. Eli Manning).


He'll have to avoid mistakes as he learns early in the season and hopefully we'll see an expanded offense as the season progresses.


Time tells no lies, we shall see.


Go Bills in '05 and beyond.

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