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"On the Democratic side, the major donors that fund the Democratic Party, they don't despise their base. The billionaires who write the giant checks that fund President Obama and Hillary Clinton and the Democrats on that side of the aisle, they don't despise the radical gay rights movement or the radical environmentalist movement or all of the people that knock on doors and get Democrats elected," Cruz said.

By contrast, the 2016 Republican presidential candidate continued, "Republican donors actively despise our base, actively despise the men and women who showed up and voted you and me into office."

"I can tell you when you sit down and talk with a New York billionaire Republican donor — and I have talked with quite a few New York billionaire Republican donors, California Republican donors, their questions start out as follows," Cruz said. "First of all, you've got to come out for gay marriage, you need to be pro-choice, and you need to support amnesty. That's where the Republican donors are. You wonder why Republicans won't fight on any of these issues? Because the people writing the checks agree with the Democrats."'

Those donors, Cruz added, also view the people who elected the Republican majorities in Congress "as a bunch of ignorant hicks and rubes."


Posted (edited)

For those who care about first hand reports,


here is Sen. Cruz’s floor speech in its entirety and video can be viewed here...............*WARNING* (for some) the speech is long and contains multi-syllable words :lol:



Now , the Politico piece is alright, even though the OP laughingly (albeit predictably) misrepresents that :D




here are some other excerpts:



Mr. President, there is a reason the American people are fed up with Washington. There is a reason the American people are frustrated. The frustration is not simply mild or passing or ephemeral. It is volcanic. Over and over again, the American people go to the ballot box, over and over again, the American people rise up and say the direction we're going doesn't make sense. We want change. Over and over again, the American people win elections. In 2010, a tidal wave election. In 2014, a tidal wave election. And yet, nothing changes in Washington.



“In today's Washington, there are three kinds of votes. There are, number one, show votes, show votes, show votes. Votes that are brought up largely to placate the voters where the outcome is fore other detained, where most Republicans will vote one way, Democrats will vote the other, Republicans will lose, and the conservatives who elected Republican majorities in both houses are supposed to be thrilled that they have been patted on the head and given their show vote that was destined to lose. We had a vote like that in recent weeks on Planned Parenthood. Leadership told us: ‘You should be thrilled. We voted on it. What else do you want?’ We voted on it in a context where it would never happen. And indeed it didn't. The second kind of vote are votes that simply grow government, that dramatically expend spending, expand corporate welfare, and those votes, Mr. President, those votes passed. Because you get a bipartisan coalition of Republican leadership and Democrat, both of whom are convinced that career politicians will get reelected if they keep growing and growing government, and in particular, handing out corporate welfare to giant corporations. Oh, boy, if you have got the lobbyists on K street pushing for something, you can get 60, 70, 80 votes in this chamber because Republican leadership loves it, and Democrats are always willing to grow government.

“And then there's a third kind of vote. Votes on must-pass legislation. In an era when one side, the Democratic Party, is adamantly committed to continuing down this path that is causing so many millions of Americans to hurt, must-pass votes are the only votes that have real consequence in this chamber. They typically fall into one of three categories – either continuing resolution or an omnibus appropriation bill or a debt ceiling increase. Each of those three are deemed must-pass votes, and if you actually want to change law, those are the only hopes of doing so. But I mentioned before you have got one side that has preemptively surrendered. Republican leadership has said: ‘We will never, ever, ever shut down the government.’ And suddenly, President Obama understands the easy key to winning every battle. He simply has to utter the word ‘shutdown,’ and Republican leadership runs to the hills.


Edited by B-Man


He has no idea what he's saying.

Wow, you the idiot, saying that about me?

So your saying the 1% is right?



Yes, that's right. The top has useful idiots that they get to vote for their policies. Sounds like Cruz has read "What's the matter with Kansas"


Wow, you the idiot, saying that about me?


Hmmmm, I thought we were the angry ones here. I know being wrong all the time and having it pointed out to you on a daily basis can be frustrating but try to relax. It's ok.


Some its par for the course here. And you are an idiot


So when someone calls you an idiot or any other names they are just angry but for you it's par for the course. You're so cute when you're hypocritical.



How many of his lines make it in to your scripts?


I've tried to infuse Gator's special brand of hostility, hypocrisy, and idiocy into a few of the tween characters I've written. Usually the comic relief characters or the villains. But the problem is, no one believes tweens are that hostile, hypocritical, or idiotic. It just doesn't ring true.



I've tried to infuse Gator's special brand of hostility, hypocrisy, and idiocy into a few of the tween characters I've written. Usually the comic relief characters or the villains. But the problem is, no one believes tweens are that hostile, hypocritical, or idiotic. It just doesn't ring true.


No, that level of hostility takes years to develop. Or a couple of Jerry Sandusky encounters.

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