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Who's going to be the first coach fired this year?


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Dan Campbell Introduced As Interim Head Coach (20:48)
Watch as Dan Campbell is introduced as the Interim Head Coach of the Dolphins in a press conference with Executive Vice President of Football Operations, Mike Tannenbaum. Don't miss Campbell's candid comments about his vision of how he'd like the football team to compete in practice and in games.


Campbell Looking To Turn Everything Around
By Alain Poupart

New interim head coach had been Dolphins tight ends coach since the start of the 2011 season. He first joined the Dolphins organization as a coaching intern in 2010.


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Cowboys 2-5 and Jerrah having a bad case of agita!


Tennessee 1-6, and the Wis could be gone at the end.


Detroit fired the offensive staff, and at 1-7 that wasn't enough firings


San Fran 2-6 and Tomsula should get another year. The GM on the Niners that dumped Harbaugh isn't as smart as he thinks he is, and he could be gone soon.


Jacksonville was on the verge at 1-5 but the Buffalo Bills gave them a gift of a win. Gus Bradley 2-5 could be gone at the end


Indy at 3-4 I think the Chuck Pagano story is a forgone conclusion. But the guy could save himself with a bunch of wins


Rex Ryan is starting to slide into this conversation even at 3-4, as is Mike Pettine at 2-6

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I can tell you who might be next...Jim Cauldwell 0-4 Lions


Talk about wasted talent. Stafford, Megatron, Golden Tate, AND the #3 defense in the NFL is now ranked 29th.


Yep. I can see his head on the chopping block next.

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Huge coaching carousel in 2016.


I think Caldwell, Campbell, Whisenhunt, Pettine, Payton, Bradley, McCoy and Pagano are goners.


Harbaugh and Garrett will stay.


Tomasula is gone if the 49ers find somebody available that's better.


My two wild cards for coach departures are Chip Kelly and Andy Reid. With so many college jobs open, Kelly can name his price. Reid, I see him retiring.


I only see the Bills ditching Rex if the team *really* under performs - like a 5-11 season with a bunch of Jauron-esque blowouts. Unlike others, I don't see the Pegulas letting Ryan hang around just because of the contract. It's in their best financial interest to field a winner as soon as possible and if he can't get it done they won't hesitate to move on.

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Payton won't be gone. That Saints offense has started to look like a Saints offense again. Watch for Jim Schwartz resurfacing there as defensive coordinator next spring....



they have tenn, washing, houston, car, tb, det, jax, atl. they are 4-4 and could end up 10-6 and in playoffs

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they have tenn, washing, houston, car, tb, det, jax, atl. they are 4-4 and could end up 10-6 and in playoffs


Yep. Very easily and even if they don't make the post-season... so long as the offense looks good and it is the defense that struggles they will keep Payton and sack Rob Ryan.


The only was Payton is not the HC in New Orleans next year is if another team gives the Saints a king's ransom to get him out of there.

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Payton won't be gone. That Saints offense has started to look like a Saints offense again. Watch for Jim Schwartz resurfacing there as defensive coordinator next spring....

I think with all the coaching changes coming at the end of this year with as many as 7-8 job openings I think Schwartz stands a very good chance of getting hired as a head coach somewhere. Perhaps in Miami after all because I don't blame him for not wanting to take over someone else's mess half way thru a season. He would be freaking outstanding with all the defensive talent they have in Miami IMO.


Teams will go hard after Bill Cowher, Jon Gruden. Mike Shanahan. Wade Phillips.

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Teams will go hard after Bill Cowher, Jon Gruden. Mike Shanahan. Wade Phillips.


Will they? Really? I am not so sure teams are desperate to head back to the past. Unless Cowher indicates that he is ready to come back to coaching everyone will continue to presume he is done, same with Gruden. Shanahan is a likely interviewee, but Wade as much as I have great respect for him is done in the NFL as a Head Coach. He will be 69 by the time the 2016 season kicks off. How many 69 year old retreads are there? Phillips had no interest as a DC until his old mate Kubiak got a job again and I have to believe age was a major factor in that.

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