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Who's going to be the first coach fired this year?


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But I will stick to my original comment he wasn't fired, he walked away as he was informed he would not be back for the following season. He didn't want tocoach as a lamb duck, so walked away,


I'm curious as to your source on this. My recollection was that he was fired. An internet search found articles saying he was fired. This is the first I've heard otherwise.

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I'm curious as to your source on this. My recollection was that he was fired. An internet search found articles saying he was fired. This is the first I've heard otherwise.


I believe he was indeed fired. At least officially. It is possible he was unhappy and asked to be fired (so he could still be paid) but this is the first I'm hearing of it.

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I wouldn't put it past the Pegula's to pay Roman head coach money to keep him one more year. The selling points: HC money for OC responsibilities - offer to inherit Rex's team if he retires after a THE Super Bowl 51 Repeat! :w00t:

If the situation Roman is inheriting is not good, why go there? Why not wait one more year for a good situation? Think if Pettine had waited for a different situation like Atlanta or even Oakland. A lot can change in a year. Desperately diving into a head coaching job can actually be a bad way to go. You certainly want to go where a reasonable QB situation already exists. One scenario that would scare me: Indianapolis - Luck with Roman would be a tough matchup every time out.


Rex is not going to retire after 1 season even if Bills win next 4 Superbowls. Best he could hope for is co-head coach with Bills like some teams do w/coordinators.

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Every year about a half dozen seem to go, so many/most that have been mentioned plus a surprise or two.


I'd say top 3 candidates are:


Philbin, team hasn't gone anywhere with him, major scandal on his watch, he has no signature style or philosophy, add that to this year's high priced roster and he's toast unless they make playoffs


Fischer, still riding the fumes of that one super bowl appearance a whopping 15 years ago. This one will be his last


Pettine, adds nothing, took a roster that seemingly had only one way to go which was up, and still somehow found a way to make them worse

Edited by JTSP
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The Browns fired a coach after one year so I doubt they will fire Pettine in two. He lasts one more year if they can get to 8-8. Philbin on the other hand is done after this year as they missed the playoffs for three years. No progress and Ross wants to fill the stadium. The Bills loss was an embarrassment to that team. Caldwell should last another year as he was able to get 11 wins last year and was very competitive. He may have to fire a coordinator to save himself.

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Thinking about this a bit more, I have to say I agree with the Jeff Fisher comments. The guy is treated like he's Lombardi but he hasn't done stojan in St. Louis. They give Seattle fits but look terrible against mediocre teams. If he isn't on the hot seat he should be.

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Rex is not going to retire after 1 season even if Bills win next 4 Superbowls. Best he could hope for is co-head coach with Bills like some teams do w/coordinators.




If the Bills win 4 Superbowls (sic) in ONE season, Rex should retire. I mean, c'mon. Winning 4 Super Bowls in one season is an accomplishment that is hard to top.

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If the Bills win 4 Superbowls (sic) in ONE season, Rex should retire. I mean, c'mon. Winning 4 Super Bowls in one season is an accomplishment that is hard to top.

You beat me to it. That was a rather poorly worded post.

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Oh yeah, Sean Peyton's on shaky ground in the big easy right now.

It is weird though because Benson is INCREDIBLY loyal to some people. He has some of the most incompetent people that I have ever seen running different departments (not referring to Payton or Loomis). These guys have been terrible at their jobs for years and given a free pass. I will be really, really surprised if they fire Payton. Common sense says that the heat turns up on Loomis soon but I don't think that it will knowing that organization. The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting a different result (and Tom Benson has already had to go to court to see if he is sane).

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