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Who's going to be the first coach fired this year?


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roman is going wherever rg3 goes I think. He's got a great mind and could turn rg3 around methinks. Unfortunately that means we lose him but Rex can find a guy.



What makes you think RG3 is salvageable? What about Kap? Similar skillset with same type of regression as read option goes way of dodo.

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roman is going wherever rg3 goes I think. He's got a great mind and could turn rg3 around methinks. Unfortunately that means we lose him but Rex can find a guy.

I wouldn't put it past the Pegula's to pay Roman head coach money to keep him one more year. The selling points: HC money for OC responsibilities - offer to inherit Rex's team if he retires after a THE Super Bowl 51 Repeat! :w00t:

If the situation Roman is inheriting is not good, why go there? Why not wait one more year for a good situation? Think if Pettine had waited for a different situation like Atlanta or even Oakland. A lot can change in a year. Desperately diving into a head coaching job can actually be a bad way to go. You certainly want to go where a reasonable QB situation already exists. One scenario that would scare me: Indianapolis - Luck with Roman would be a tough matchup every time out.

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What makes you think RG3 is salvageable? What about Kap? Similar skillset with same type of regression as read option goes way of dodo.


I think the guy has some real talent...he's a headcase it seems though. The right coach needs to come along though and rebuild him.

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I don't know why people here think it is an absolute that Roman goes. Granted there are limited opportunities but more and more you have to wonder if these guys will be more selective about where they go. Early peeks suggest Miami, Washington, Indy and Cleveland jobs may open up. So as a HC candidate do you want to land one if these? A Greg Roman may simply say no thanks.

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I don't know why people here think it is an absolute that Roman goes. Granted there are limited opportunities but more and more you have to wonder if these guys will be more selective about where they go. Early peeks suggest Miami, Washington, Indy and Cleveland jobs may open up. So as a HC candidate do you want to land one if these? A Greg Roman may simply say no thanks.


indy would be a job anyone would run too...you'll hear cowher rumors and all that if it opens up.

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Roman's as good as gone if our offense continues to shine. Guessing Chris Palmer will be promoted next year to fill that void. Agree with you about Philbin, no way the owner waits until the end if Philbin's lost the team already. I do feel bad for Pettine though. I think he's a good coach in a lousy situation.

I read a post in another thread that intrigued me. There is no salary cap on coaches, right? So, would Greg Roman, or anyone, prefer to stay at a lower coaching position, with a pay raise equivalent to a rookie head coaching gig, to stay in their current position if there is an honest hope/expectation to get a Superbowl ring - before taking that next step?

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I wouldn't put it past the Pegula's to pay Roman head coach money to keep him one more year. The selling points: HC money for OC responsibilities - offer to inherit Rex's team if he retires after a THE Super Bowl 51 Repeat! :w00t:

If the situation Roman is inheriting is not good, why go there? Why not wait one more year for a good situation? Think if Pettine had waited for a different situation like Atlanta or even Oakland. A lot can change in a year. Desperately diving into a head coaching job can actually be a bad way to go. You certainly want to go where a reasonable QB situation already exists. One scenario that would scare me: Indianapolis - Luck with Roman would be a tough matchup every time out.


The Pegulas seem to show they would pay top money for Roman as a OC. Living in Tampa, the Glazers paid Kiffin, 10+ years ago 4 million a year for DC job (big money back then for a coordinator job). They did it as Kiffin ran the defense, and Gruden ran the offense. I can see El Pegul doing the same if Roman delivers us a top 10 offense, and an 11-5 season with playoffs. You know Rexxy will give us a top 10 or maybe 5 defense.


This could be fun, and yes we have a weak schedule, so playoffs will tell us how good we really are. We play the NFC East, and the AFC South. Both are the worst in the NFL. If we are not 11-5, we really are not that good. Remember last year both wildcard teams came from the AFC North. Why? They played the NFC South, and the AFC South. They had the easiest schedule in football.

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Philbin-Miami 1-2 is as good as gone if this team doesn't get a WC


Pagano-Indy 1-2 in his 4th year, and the GM doesn't like him, and this owner won't accept a losing season with Luck at QB


Wisenhunt-Tenn 1-2 in his 2nd year * looks like they have found their franchise QB in Marcus Mariota


Fisher-Rams 1-2 in his 4th year, and he might have stepped into an enormous pile of dodo in the NFC West as his Rams have never finished better then 7-9


Gruden-Skins 1-2 in his 2nd year


Lovie- Bucs 1-2 in his 2nd year- The owners might fire him and the GM for choosing the wrong QB. Time will tell.


Gus Bradly Jacksonville 1-2 In his 3rd year now. Is Bortles the answer at QB?


Mike Pettine Cleve 1-2 in his 2nd year now


Jim Caldwell Detroit 0-3 with Stafford at QB, and megatron :wacko: 11-5 last year and a WC berth so who knows.


Mike Tomsula- 49ers 1-2 first year, but this GM & owner might have a very low losing threshold


Not even gonna mention the 69 year old HC of the Giants because should they have a losing season he will step down

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Philbin-Miami 1-2 is as good as gone if this team doesn't get a WC


Pagano-Indy 1-2 in his 4th year, and the GM doesn't like him, and this owner won't accept a losing season with Luck at QB


Wisenhunt-Tenn 1-2 in his 2nd year * looks like they have found their franchise QB in Marcus Mariota


Fisher-Rams 1-2 in his 4th year, and he might have stepped into an enormous pile of dodo in the NFC West as his Rams have never finished better then 7-9


Gruden-Skins 1-2 in his 2nd year


Lovie- Bucs 1-2 in his 2nd year- The owners might fire him and the GM for choosing the wrong QB. Time will tell.


Gus Bradly Jacksonville 1-2 In his 3rd year now. Is Bortles the answer at QB?


Mike Pettine Cleve 1-2 in his 2nd year now


Jim Caldwell Detroit 0-3 with Stafford at QB, and megatron :wacko: 11-5 last year and a WC berth so who knows.


Mike Tomsula- 49ers 1-2 first year, but this GM & owner might have a very low losing threshold


Not even gonna mention the 69 year old HC of the Giants because should they have a losing season he will step down


Very accurate assessment. I still see Philbin as the first head to roll if fish don't make the playoffs or at least finish 10-6 (ain't happening). Coughlin should take the honorable way out and retire at the end of the year. Fisher's on shaky ground in the NFC West, Pagano could very well leave at the end of the year and replace Philbin in Miami.

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Very accurate assessment. I still see Philbin as the first head to roll if fish don't make the playoffs or at least finish 10-6 (ain't happening). Coughlin should take the honorable way out and retire at the end of the year. Fisher's on shaky ground in the NFC West, Pagano could very well leave at the end of the year and replace Philbin in Miami.

Thanks :D


I don't see Pagano getting another HCing job right away if he fails with Andrew Luck at QB!


Frankly, I can see Miami going all out, as they tried to hire Jim Harbaugh previously. I look for them to make a big run at Bill Cowher, errp, meant JON Gruden aka "Chuckie". Heck, should the Bills make the playoffs I can see them trying to steal Greg Roman. * Hrmm, Mike Shanahan sitting at home might be another possibility.

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