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Do you feel different about the Patriots loss??


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Great win yesterday gentlemen!! It was an all round team effort on Offense, Defense and Special Teams. Coaching was impressive, TT was sharp, receivers, RB's, DLine, CB's...everything clicked.


BUT I still can't get over that New England loss.


I think that game just basically boiled down to Tom Brady, Edelman and Gronk. I hate to think of the NE game as a "learning experience", but that's what it appears to be. Even as we were beating the Fish by 28 pts I couldn't help but think "why couldn't we do this last week?"


That NE game is going to continue to piss me off for the season. Although the win against Miami was impressive, we still need to compare our team to the Pats as the gold standard; in that respect, we have no reason to be over confident.

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