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MLB Commish Will Not Reinstate Pete Rose


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In the words of the great Chico Escuela, "...Baseball been berry, berry good to Pete Rose. Three-point-two-million-dollar para Pete Rose. Charlie Hustle, you bet. Thank you berry, berry much."

Edited by The Dean
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Pete Rose got caught breaking some of MLB's strictest prohibitions. MLB and Pete Rose agreed on a punishment: Rose was banned for life, in return MLB would bury the evidence.


Sometimes, additional evidence surfaces and earlier agreements are amended based on that evidence. In Rose's case additional evidence did surface and it was even more condemning of Rose's actions. There appears to be no basis upon which to revisit the original findings and resulting punishment.


Rose hasn't hit any more homers, nor stolen any more bases; he has only admitted to even more and more deceptions. Just because the world has moved on and the context has changed, there is no reason to consider reinstating Pete Rose: He did what he did, lied every which way for years, then finally admitted it. That proves once again the original punishment was proper. He was punished for what he did, he accepted that punishment.


Forgive him if you must for tainting the game of baseball, but don't wipe away the punishment for some, "....already paid his debt...." reason. He hasn't paid in full since lifetime means lifetime. Rose supporters probably view him as a man's man; then expect him to act like a man and accept what he agreed to accept.

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I don't see how a someone with a career .303 batting average could be the best pure hitter ever.


Tony Gwynn, Rod Carew, Wade Boggs, Ichiro - those guys were better pure hitters

I guess it's how one looks at it. He's got about 2,000 more at bats than number 2 on the all time at bats list. He has the most singles and the 2nd most doubles of all time. One could argue it's because he had more chances; but one could rebut with "they were also chances to strike out, etc.


Regardless, he shouldn't be reinstated until after he's dead because he agreed to being banned for life.

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He broke the golden rule.


Then he lied about it. Over and over and over, again.


Then he admitted it.


I've gone back and forth on this one for years, but I've finally settled on the opinion that he should not be re-instated while he's alive.


He arrogantly snubbed his nose to the game for years; lying the entire way. He's also one of the best pure hitters who's ever played the game; perhaps even the best (only he and Ted Williams are up for that honor, in my opinion).


I think he'll be reinstated and placed into the Hall of Fame after the time comes that he can not possibly enjoy it.


And I'm okay with that.

So he IS a lot like Brady.

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It's way past time to reinstate him.


Ensuring he would never again hold a manager role was appropriate. Banning him for life was just personal vendetta.

Had Bart Giamatti not died in office, many believe it likely that Rose would have been reinstated to the general game, yet still prohibited from managing.

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Had Bart Giamatti not died in office, many believe it likely that Rose would have been reinstated to the general game, yet still prohibited from managing.


And who knows what was said off the record at the time regarding the duration of the ban. Rose was guilty so was basically forced into an 'agreement' but there's no way he would have voluntarily agreed to a permanent ban.


I just don't see the value in excluding the guy from the history books, which is basically the only value of a lifetime ban at this point.

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Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand, unlike the other major sports, MLB isn't officially affiliated with their Hall of Fame, however they obviously have a very close partnership. Because of this, even though they have the right to induct Pete Rose, out of respect for MLB's wishes, he's out.


Assuming this is true, could they keep the ban, however MLB "give their blessing" so to say, to allow him to be inducted?

Edited by The Real Buffalo Joe
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Correct me if I'm wrong, but from what I understand, unlike the other major sports, MLB isn't officially affiliated with their Hall of Fame, however they obviously have a very close partnership. Because of this, even though they have the right to induct Pete Rose, out of respect for MLB's wishes, he's out.


Assuming this is true, could they keep the ban, however MLB "give their blessing" so to say, to allow him to be inducted?


I'm certain that you have to be declared eligible by MLB or you cannot be in the Hall. If not, Shoeless Joe Jackson would likely be inducted by now based on his accomplishments as a player.

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I'm certain that you have to be declared eligible by MLB or you cannot be in the Hall. If not, Shoeless Joe Jackson would likely be inducted by now based on his accomplishments as a player.


More evidence of the idiocy of MLB. Are people really still upset about what Joe Jackson may or may not have done 96 years ago??

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Keep him banned... Put him in after his death... If they EVEN want to do that. Piss on his grave would be better.


This is why baseball is still the best game and our national pastime.


They get it right now messing. Dude has no remorse for what he has done and still does get it. The best he can say is: "I lost a lot of money." Huh, that's still the mind of a sick gambler.



Good riddance! This one is for Shoeless Joe Jackson...


More evidence of the idiocy of MLB. Are people really still upset about what Joe Jackson may or may not have done 96 years ago??

Yes. Because it directly ties into gambling and the cleaning up of the game from gamblers. Rose and what he did is still the disease 96 years later than when it was first cleaned up.


There will never be room for gamblers in the game and they should be come down harder than anything else, even murderers. Gambling is the ultimate disease on the game.


Sorry Rose... You bum!

Edited by ExiledInIllinois
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Keep him banned... Put him in after his death... If they EVEN want to do that. Piss on his grave would be better.


This is why baseball is still the best game and our national pastime.


They get it right now messing. Dude has no remorse for what he has done and still does get it. The best he can say is: "I lost a lot of money." Huh, that's still the mind of a sick gambler.



Good riddance! This one is for Shoeless Joe Jackson...

Yes. Because it directly ties into gambling and the cleaning up of the game from gamblers. Rose and what he did is still the disease 96 years later than when it was first cleaned up.


There will never be room for gamblers in the game and they should be come down harder than anything else, even murderers. Gambling is the ultimate disease on the game.


Sorry Rose... You bum!



I find it hilarious when people point to the game of baseball as if it upholds some standard of integrity given its history of not letting everyone play based on race. Then there are many other scandals throughout the history of MLB including issues with Amphetamines, Cocaine, and Steroids.

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I find it hilarious when people point to the game of baseball as if it upholds some standard of integrity given its history of not letting everyone play based on race. Then there are many other scandals throughout the history of MLB including issues with Amphetamines, Cocaine, and Steroids.

I beg to differ. Betting on your own team that YOU are managing is the most insidious problem the game will ever have... Even over (by far) those other scandals you've listed. You know what the next on the list is? Cheating. It all goes to the core of the game.

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I beg to differ. Betting on your own team that YOU are managing is the most insidious problem the game will ever have... Even over (by far) those other scandals you've listed. You know what the next on the list is? Cheating. It all goes to the core of the game.



And what keeps players in 2015 from gambling on their games?? Damn right....they think about Joe Jackson and how they don't want to be 'banned' in 100 years!

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I find it hilarious when people point to the game of baseball as if it upholds some standard of integrity given its history of not letting everyone play based on race. Then there are many other scandals throughout the history of MLB including issues with Amphetamines, Cocaine, and Steroids.


And, at this point - the steroid users aren't getting in the Hall either

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