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Bills Trade Cassel to Cowboys


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I almost feel sorry for Cassel. :D



The answer to the trivia question : What player signed the richest 1 year contract in NFL history?


Matt Cassel signed a 1 year $14 million contract in 2009 with NE as a season ending injury to Tom Brady and timing forced the Pats to give him a franchise tag which he signed. Even more ironically this came after Cassel NEVER even started a game in college as a QB.


This all makes sense though as the 2 QBs who beat him out in college were BOTH Heisman winners Leinart and Palmer.


Nothing bad at all to say about Cassel. He has taken great advantage of some miraculous opportunities by being a GREAT practice player behind some of the most honored #1 QBs ever in the game (the two Heisman winners and Brady).


He also has a downright bizarre litany of injuries to him at the wrong time but not only impressive practice work as the #2 behind greatness, but short-term impressive play leading to several AFC player of the week honors and even a 2010 pro bowl berth.


However, after signing some huge contracts events have conspired to several times force teams to bale rather than pay him a huge bonus. When teams bale, he then gets a huge buyout, OR the chance to resign with another huge one-time gift, OR both.


Cassel has not only received the one-time dividends of his franchise deal but also signed a $60 million (about $40+ mill guaranteed) deal with KC and this was about 3-4 contracts ago.


In the recent Bills deal for example he got $500,000 from us and a guarantee that we felt good about cutting him from.


It would seem no unreasonable that the market got the Bills to pay him some more to resign him or that the Boys will now be motivated to give him a few hundred K to sign a longer-term deal with them to smooth out any cap implications of their acquisition of him.


My guess is that Cassel and his pregnant wife are doing quite fine with this situation.

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Weird cause now EJ is the #2 and he was supposed to be cut a couple weeks ago?! strange!

The main indications EJ was gonna get cut were from crack media mavens like WGR or Carucci (or is more accurate to label them as on crack) who were on record declaring Cassel the WINNER of the Bills QB battle.


The simple actual facts are that on the actual field of play this pre-season EJ had by far the best TD passes (a bomb for a TD in game 1, 4 other scoring TD passes, and achievement of the maximum possible QB rating in game 3. In fact, despite these actual factual occurrences, Tyrod deserved in the minds of most folks due to his running threat and heads up play the starting QB job.


The actual events at QB this pre-season simply stand as clear PROOF that the Buffalo sports media simply does a BAD job reporting on the Bills.

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Is criticism and skepticism warranted when a GM has produced 2 teams which combined to go 15-17? Because if you want to debate, I will. OTOH, using hypothetical arguments I don't much care for.


I remember in 2008 then-GM Russ Brandon was adamant about keeping Losman after Edwards had become the starter. Brandon's contention then was that retaining a backup was necessary because QB injuries occur:




Why then is that same sentiment not applicable? Do the Bills have a veteran backup the coaching staff believes can play in a short stretch?


And why would a team in win-now mode trade a backup QB for future assets which don't help in 2015.

To the bold, for a number of reasons.


First, Have you seen Matt Cassel play? He is a high percentage passer because he was always checking the ball down instead of pushing the ball down field. if the Bills wanted another QB like that they can just bring back Trent Edwards.


Second, did you happen to notice how bad that Bills offensive line is when the Patriots stacked the box, and brought heavy pressure? Even someone as mobile as Taylor was mostly ineffective. Cassel the statue would be basically useless in that situation, and in his past he has had 1-7 / 4-11 seasons. Realistically the only two seasons Cassel has had were when he was with the Patriots, and one year with the Chiefs when he had the ex patriots OC (Charlie Weis) calling plays.


Third, The Buffalo Bills must have a ton of confidence in both Tyrod Taylor as the starter, and EJ Manuel as the backup.


Fourth, I dunno about you but I'm excited at the prospect of Taylor developing, and getting better. Then his backup is also learning as he goes, and developing. If EJ can play well behind last years worst in the NFL offensive line for two games, and did so when the team actually tried to run the ball instead of throwing 40+ times a game. I think he would do OK this year if something happened to Taylor.



Lastly, I think the Bills did both the Cowboys, and Cassel a favor because they will need him more then the Bills, and behind their league best O line he might actually accomplish something if given a start.

Edited by Nihilarian
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Rex: Manuel's progress made trading Cassel realistic
Matt Cassel may have been the backup QB for Buffalo the first two weeks, but the progress of EJ Manuel was something the Bills could no longer ignore. So when Dallas presented a trade proposal for Cassel, Buffalo felt comfortable pulling the trigger.


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Doug Whaley is a BEAST!!!


I don't get the love of this move. We basically got nothing at all for him and now we have just two QB's on the roster. With our OL, we could be back in the position of trying to find a backup at any time.


Plus Cassel had options after we cut him. I realize going to Dallas isn't that bad a deal, but it kind of sucks that we did this to him after he expressed a desire to keep his family here.

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No mystery there. In the dictionary next to 3rd and pu$$y is a picture of Orton.


I think Orton's career earnings were in the $40M range. Assuming he kept 25-30% of that, he's set for life. He also had about 5 concussions and is smart enough to get out before he becomes like too many other players. He may have been a vanilla QB, but suggesting he is a kitty is over the top.

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Losing a vet backup in the film room and the sideline for a 5th rounder two years from now makes our team better today?


They have QB coaches in the film room and on the sidelines, I'll never buy that argument. There are all kinds of "mentors" you can surround a player with that don't need a roster spot. If he needs another mentor, hire some recently retired QB to hang out with EJM.

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