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Kyle Williams: Bills lack of composure "inexcusable"


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I agree and it is a long season. This is one game. They can learn from this.


Absolutely. There is a LOT of new talent on this team. It takes time to figure it all out. We should be thrilled with all of the flashes we've seen from the offense so far. Tyrod, Percy, Sammy, Woods, Clay, McCoy, and Karlos have ALL showed great playmaking ability so far.


Even though it was a bummer to lose yesterday, we saw a lot of good in a lot of areas, against the defending superbowl champion, dynasty status NE Patriots. The defensive performance was disappointing, but they were put in a tough spot a number of times. For god's sake, we gave Tom Brady the ball on our FIFTEEN and our thirty on back to back possessions via bad special teams, bad offensive 3 and outs, and bad penalties (horrible punts by Schmidt). Can't think of a worse way to dig a hole vs. one of the best QBs.


That said, we weren't too far out of the game the whole time, and the team showed some resilience. Rex needs to get the penalties cleaned up, they need to learn a little poise and composure, and the offense needs to keep figuring out their identity and settle into rhythms in games.


If you would have told me before the season we'd be 1-1 after our first two games against these opponents, I take that every single time. Step back from the ledge y'all. Let's hope they get it cleaned up and bounce back vs. the Fins next week on the road. At least they'll get to wear their home blues in that game.

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These aren't 19 year old college kids; these are grown men being paid millions to act and play like professionals. Blaming Rex is way too convenient an excuse for the actions of guys like A Williams.



Absolutely the players are to blame as well for their actions as well as their play But teams take their lead from the HC. If the HC shoots off his mouth and gets the players so fired up they make stupid undisciplined mistakes like we saw yesterday, then the HC has to shoulder that blame. Additionally, the apparent lack of preparation (outside of the first drive which was very nice), and the lack of in game adjustments falls on the HC as well as the coordinators. If coaching is going to get credit for wins like the Colts game, they also have to take the blame when warranted, like now in my opinion. Nothing overly convenient about it.

Edited by CodeMonkey
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Well at least kyle showed up to make his comments after the game. May have helped if he and his line partners showed up during the game and made a play or 2.


I don't think the problems with the penalties were from coming into the game unprepared or over hyped, alot of the times a couple bad calls can throw everyone off and unhinged things. The problem was they let it spiral out of control instead of taking a step back and try to calm down and let a bad call go. 8 know there have been many times in hockey or baseball games where I have personally had a bad call rattle me and it threw me off for the rest of the game which creates more mistakes. It's on the coaching staff to grab these guys and get them to calm down and let things go before it escalates, and if not the coaches, the grown men playing the game should be doing this for the coaches so the blames on both of them. There were plenty of bad calls made in that game but unfortunately they let it get to them

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I call bullcrap on it and here is why. Great leaders are proactive not reactive. Kyle has been in the league long enough that this stuff should of been addressed before the game. Its the same old story with this team. Its a loss within the division and it could of been avoided. Everybody has something to say after thr fact. Its a long season and hopefully this garbage gets corrected.



Absolutely the players are to blame as well for their actions as well as their play But teams take their lead from the HC. If the HC shoots off his mouth and gets the players so fired up they make stupid undisciplined mistakes like we saw yesterday, then the HC has to shoulder that blame. Additionally, the apparent lack of preparation (outside of the first drive which was very nice), and the lack of in game adjustments falls on the HC as well as the coordinators. If coaching is going to get credit for wins like the Colts game, they also have to take the blame when warranted, like now in my opinion. Nothing overly convenient about it.

Leadership breakdowns led to the epic breakdowns we all witnessed yesterday. I totally agree
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Absolutely the players are to blame as well for their actions as well as their play But teams take their lead from the HC. If the HC shoots off his mouth and gets the players so fired up they make stupid undisciplined mistakes like we saw yesterday, then the HC has to shoulder that blame. Additionally, the apparent lack of preparation (outside of the first drive which was very nice), and the lack of in game adjustments falls on the HC as well as the coordinators. If coaching is going to get credit for wins like the Colts game, they also have to take the blame when warranted, like now in my opinion. Nothing overly convenient about it.


No argument there -- Rex is in charge and bears responsibility. But I don't want to hear how Aaron Williams' actions are all Rex's fault.

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These aren't 19 year old college kids; these are grown men being paid millions to act and play like professionals. Blaming Rex is way too convenient an excuse for the actions of guys like A Williams.


Yup...better to get knocked down a peg or two early.

They are called kids often by team, press and fans but when they mess up they are called "grown men".

I wish people would be consistent!

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