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Best Defenses Ever - Some Perspective


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1985 Chicago Bears - Week 3 gave up 411 passing yards to the Minnesota Vikings.

2000 Baltimore Ravens - Week 17 gave up 473 passing yards to the New York Jets. They were playing all starters as they were still trying to win division.

2002 Tampa Bay Bucs - Week 9 gave up 173 rushing yards to the Minnesota Vikings.

2013 Seattle Seahawks - Week 4 gave up 325 yards passing and 151 yards rushing to the Texans team led by Matt Schaub.


The point is, even the best defenses get beat up sometimes and none of those teams had Brady/Belichick. A lot of you really need to chill, this is only week 2. Can't we wait until at least October before throwing in the towel?

Edited by Mark80
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Thanks for providing some perspective. Despite the meltdown for the majority of the game yesterday, we were down a score with 4-5 min left and still had a chance to tie at the end of the game. I think if we had stopped them and Bradham doesn't get that PI call, we would have scored and won. With all the penalties and playing about as bad as you can imagine on defense we made it a game. Next weeks game is huge. If we win it could be the start of a nice run. If we lose, could be trouble and the division would most likely be out of reach already.

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I was as into this emotionally as any fan out there. We went from very high, to very low, rather quickly. However, perspective is everything. The relative performance of two games early in the season provides very little data to predict the outcome of the rest of the season. I'm not a stats guy, but I'd say there are in excess of...lets go with 5 things that could quickly change the trajectory of the season and the AFC east specifically . Many folks (not me, btw, though I'm wrong on lots of things) were suggesting the imminent demise of the pats last season around this time. Yesterday, in spite of whatever else you think about the pats, we lost to the team that won the SB 9 months ago. For those on the ledge, get off it because it's the smart thing to do. It'll be there later in the season if you want to hop back on.

Edited by leh-nerd skin-erd
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For those on the ledge, get off it because it's the smart thing to do. It'll be there later in the season if you want to hop back on.

its to be expected after a long offseason of fans talking themselves into the pats no longer being good, and us being great. truth is the pats are excellent, and we are very good. they simply beat us this week - its the nfl and that happens.

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Agreed, the perspective is refreshing. Everyone, myself included, needs to remind themselves that no one plays perfectly. All players have bad days; all teams have bad games. Overly criticizing Tyrod or Rex or Dareus or any of them after one performance is ignoring that simple fact.


That's not to mean we shouldn't talk about what went wrong. But, we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Whatever this game plan was... Throw it out. Burn the trash can. Bury it in a field under a full moon. It stunk and needs to never be seen again. The really bad thing is just about any fan on this forum could tell you that dropping Hughes into coverage and not blitzing Brady is a bad plan. Or that play 7-10yds off the LOS against the dink and dunk master is not a good idea. I just don't understand how coaches over think this stuff and blow it so badly.


Offensively, they're going to have to open it up a bit. I saw it in the Colts game and yesterday it was in full display. Crowd the box and force Tyrod to throw long.

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1985 Chicago Bears - Week 3 gave up 411 passing yards to the Minnesota Vikings.

2000 Baltimore Ravens - Week 17 gave up 473 passing yards to the New York Jets. They were playing all starters as they were still trying to win division.

2002 Tampa Bay Bucs - Week 9 gave up 173 rushing yards to the Minnesota Vikings.

2013 Seattle Seahawks - Week 4 gave up 325 yards passing and 151 yards rushing to the Texans team led by Matt Schaub.


The point is, even the best defenses get beat up sometimes and none of those teams had Brady/Belichick. A lot of you really need to chill, this is only week 2. Can't we wait until at least October before throwing in the towel?


Good post. I'll add this: http://forums.twobil...band/?p=3692136

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Agreed, the perspective is refreshing. Everyone, myself included, needs to remind themselves that no one plays perfectly. All players have bad days; all teams have bad games. Overly criticizing Tyrod or Rex or Dareus or any of them after one performance is ignoring that simple fact.


That's not to mean we shouldn't talk about what went wrong. But, we shouldn't throw the baby out with the bath water. Whatever this game plan was... Throw it out. Burn the trash can. Bury it in a field under a full moon. It stunk and needs to never be seen again. The really bad thing is just about any fan on this forum could tell you that dropping Hughes into coverage and not blitzing Brady is a bad plan. Or that play 7-10yds off the LOS against the dink and dunk master is not a good idea. I just don't understand how coaches over think this stuff and blow it so badly.


Offensively, they're going to have to open it up a bit. I saw it in the Colts game and yesterday it was in full display. Crowd the box and force Tyrod to throw long.


Indeed, all players and teams have bad days and games. Two points:

1. I really need to carve time to watch the all-22, but it really should NOT be a choice between running vs "crowd the box and force Taylor to throw long". Long throws are by their nature low percentage throws, and unless you have an elite QB, that doesn't work. If the D is stacking the box and preventing the run while bringing the heat, the solution is to have several hot outlets that are short to medium high percentage throws. What I don't know yet is if Roman was doing that and Taylor just didn't see it or was confused by what the coverage was, or if they were inappropriate for him (across the middle of the field and hidden by a surging DL) or if they were just not there.

2. (see above) we really can't afford to throw out, burn or bury this game plan until we study the h*ll out of it and figure out what to do better because it WILL be a blueprint for other teams and we must counter it.


Again, haven't watched the all-22 yet but IMO there's a lot to be learned from the GB-TeamformerlyknownasSeasnakes game. Rodgers put on a clinic on how to evade pressure and zing off those short passes. Aside: according to Wiki, Rodgers only has 1" on Taylor. Anyone think that's real?

Interesting! The Pats were SO on their game yesterday on offense I am leaving off the asterisk. For today. Their offense was jaw dropping.


Thou Shalt Not Omit the Asterisk.


I kind of thought our D was jaw dropping, but for different reasons.

Edited by Hopeful
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Indeed, all players and teams have bad days and games. Two points:

1. I really need to carve time to watch the all-22, but it really should NOT be a choice between running vs "crowd the box and force Taylor to throw long". Long throws are by their nature low percentage throws, and unless you have an elite QB, that doesn't work. If the D is stacking the box and preventing the run while bringing the heat, the solution is to have several hot outlets that are short to medium high percentage throws. What I don't know yet is if Roman was doing that and Taylor just didn't see it or was confused by what the coverage was, or if they were inappropriate for him (across the middle of the field and hidden by a surging DL) or if they were just not there.

2. (see above) we really can't afford to throw out, burn or bury this game plan until we study the h*ll out of it and figure out what to do better because it WILL be a blueprint for other teams and we must counter it.


Again, haven't watched the all-22 yet but IMO there's a lot to be learned from the GB-TeamformerlyknownasSeasnakes game. Rodgers put on a clinic on how to evade pressure and zing off those short passes. Aside: according to Wiki, Rodgers only has 1" on Taylor. Anyone think that's real?

rodgers isn't very tall. I think he is 6'1, right?
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Indeed, all players and teams have bad days and games. Two points:

1. I really need to carve time to watch the all-22, but it really should NOT be a choice between running vs "crowd the box and force Taylor to throw long". Long throws are by their nature low percentage throws, and unless you have an elite QB, that doesn't work. If the D is stacking the box and preventing the run while bringing the heat, the solution is to have several hot outlets that are short to medium high percentage throws. What I don't know yet is if Roman was doing that and Taylor just didn't see it or was confused by what the coverage was, or if they were inappropriate for him (across the middle of the field and hidden by a surging DL) or if they were just not there.

2. (see above) we really can't afford to throw out, burn or bury this game plan until we study the h*ll out of it and figure out what to do better because it WILL be a blueprint for other teams and we must counter it.


Again, haven't watched the all-22 yet but IMO there's a lot to be learned from the GB-TeamformerlyknownasSeasnakes game. Rodgers put on a clinic on how to evade pressure and zing off those short passes. Aside: according to Wiki, Rodgers only has 1" on Taylor. Anyone think that's real?


Thou Shalt Not Omit the Asterisk.


I kind of thought our D was jaw dropping,

Good points, as usual.


But, ok, don't throw out the game plan. Keep it as a reminder of exactly what not to do against them in the future.

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1985 Chicago Bears - Week 3 gave up 411 passing yards to the Minnesota Vikings.

2000 Baltimore Ravens - Week 17 gave up 473 passing yards to the New York Jets. They were playing all starters as they were still trying to win division.

2002 Tampa Bay Bucs - Week 9 gave up 173 rushing yards to the Minnesota Vikings.

2013 Seattle Seahawks - Week 4 gave up 325 yards passing and 151 yards rushing to the Texans team led by Matt Schaub.


The point is, even the best defenses get beat up sometimes and none of those teams had Brady/Belichick. A lot of you really need to chill, this is only week 2. Can't we wait until at least October before throwing in the towel?


we need to earn the best defense, talk is cheap and makes you look stupid if it doesn't happen



Fixed 0:)

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