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Join the band, be rascal and Join the band

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Hey Lordy Join the band be a rascal and Join the band!


Of course today's loss sucked, and I am totally irate about how ill-prepared our team seemed, how Ryan and Co seemed outplanned and outcoached, and how adjustments were not made. That said....


I would just like to express my extra dismay with the seemingly large number of total Bandwagon Chicken Little Fans hanging out in the shoutbox and on TBD generally. Kindly reflect upon the following truths:


1. winning the first two games would not guarantee us a slot in the Superbowl (or the playoffs)

2. losing the first two games would not guarantee that we go 4-12 or 8-8

3. I for one, generally like to look at the all-22 before deciding that a QB looks like a "deer in the headlights" or indecisive or whatever. Were these coverage sacks, misdirection by the D that had him confused, or just indecisiveness? I won't know until I look. I'm glad to know we have so many football geniuses here who can tell from the TV or the heat of the game

4. Tom Brady had 4 games out of 15 where he threw >2 INTs his first year playing. That's a fact. It seems if this crowd were coaching him, he'd have been escorted out of the building


My take: R-E-L-A-X. Either this team is legit, and will keep improving and learning, or it's not. But having chicken little hysterics on TBD after 1 bad loss just makes you look like a bandwagon fool of a fan






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