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The Mort Chat report


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Two Bills questions again this week.


Dennis (Buffalo): You often hear that an NFL team will employ a very "vanilla" offfence in the preseason as to not give away anything for the regular season. Any chance this applies to o-line blocking schemes as well??? If not, I don't think the Bills have a prayer of going very far in the AFC


Chris Mortensen: Are you serious? The Bills have played one preseason game. It is a new scheme. The last component of an offense in a new scheme to come together is usually the line. The other night, Travis Henry just happened to miss a few cuts he should have made. But to draw conclusions off a preseason game is ridiculous. Remember, use the preseason to evaluate new individual talent on hand - never use it to gauge or to predict a team's regular season.


Rudy is that you?



Rock (Fairfax, VA): Mort, McGahee is having a great preseason, even if it is against non first stringers. Does Henry have to worry about his job safety? Are we looking at a RBBC? If so, such a shame to see Henry's talent wasted.


Chris Mortensen: No! Henry has been one of the stars of Bills camp, not McGahee. But theMcGahee comeback story is so big that it's only natural to receive attention. The Bills think McGahee will be about 95 percent by mid-October, but barring an injury or a bunch of fumbles, Henry will be the team's featured back. The Bills hope to run the ball about 35 times a game - that leaves enough for McGahee to continue to make progress.


"Chris Mortensen: No! Henry has been one of the stars of Bills camp, not McGahee. But theMcGahee comeback story is so big that it's only natural to receive attention. The Bills think McGahee will be about 95 percent by mid-October, but barring an injury or a bunch of fumbles, Henry will be the team's featured back. The Bills hope to run the ball about 35 times a game - that leaves enough for McGahee to continue to make progress."


That SHOULD silence all the TH haters / McGahee lovers on this board. I hope. TH is the starter and deservedly so - McGahee is NOT and eservedly so.

That SHOULD silence all the TH haters / McGahee lovers on this board.




Yeah, right.


Mort has been saying this for a few days now...


Let's not all jump on the bandwagon of 'we're billsfanone' or the 'bench travis' stuff. As Mort says: Remember, use the preseason to evaluate new individual talent on hand - never use it to gauge or to predict a team's regular season. That's an important statement. Preseason is different than when games count. Players are playing for themselves right now - not looking to help the team. Towards the end of preseason maybe that changes, maybe not. But all that counts is this run of exhibition games is that inbetween the games, the team learns to play together, builds chemistry and comes out uninjured.


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