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I may live behind enemy lines, but I've never been one to keep a low profile when it comes to the Bills.


Made a new addition to the truck for this season... this should get the pink hat pats** fans plenty riled up.


If you see me on the highways of New England, give me a honk, a wave, and a "Go Bills!"



Live in Haverhill, in the northeast corner near the NH state line. Commute 100 miles round trip to Marlborough every day. Should give plenty of a$$hats the chance the opportunity to get pissy each work day.


When the Bills finally beat them back in 2011, I drove to work with the 3x5 Bills flag flying. Back then my commute was all back roads. Today, it's all highway. The flag wouldn't survive it.


I hope the Bills win just so you can have the best ride into work on Monday.

Definitely this.


License plate suggestion:



I don't get it. Well I get the F U part and maybe the MA stands for Massachusetts? What does the whole thing stand for?


Nice! I'll look for ya on 495? I commute to Boxboro from Ct......

You'd be heading the opposite way, I believe. I head south on 495 in the morning and north to go home in the evening.

License plate suggestion:



MA only has 6 digits on the license plate. That'd be a good one, but I'll stick with my Full Metal Jacket reference "Pvt. Joker" plates, since when I was in the Corps, I was a Combat Correspondent,I was Pvt. Joker.


This is having exactly the effect I am looking for.


Got tons of dirty looks on the highway this morning, and all the pats** fans at the office have seen my truck in the parking lot and are getting pissed.


God it's gonna feel good to roll into the lot Monday after the Bills knock of their no-good, cheating, tainted-legacy having team on Sunday afternoon.

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