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Hammer, thank you for letting us have our shindig at your lot!

SDS, thank you for setting this whole place up. We wouldn't all be here without you and your dedication to us! Hopefully, if soccer doesn't take all your time and drain your budget you can get back up for a game!

RosenRosen, I do not know how drunk I got Saturday but thanks for hanging out! Tell Jamie and the group that took Morgan to the strip club that she had a great time! It was so nice taking a friend this year who I knew would have a good time and embrace ya'll as much as you did her. How'd your son fair with his girlfriend?

Beerball, so happy you made it! Thank you for the cooler! It would have been great to have met your daughter and see your wife again! When you pass thru NC any time, please hit me up! So glad we got to meet up again!

Jack, you're no long tailgate champion, seriously?! Just... amazed. Kelly is even more amazing then I had imagined! You two are so perfect for each other and I am so happy you brought her!

BuffaloBill, Great to see you again, two years in a row! Next time you're up in Bedford, let me know, maybe we can meet up for a beer. Bring your father, maybe, meet up at the Bills bar in Greensboro!

Flutie, what a great time, too bad Mead couldn't be there, but thank you to both of you for the food! Your son was a lot of fun and I remember being that age at the game. Glad he could enjoy passing the ball! Can't wait to have you join me in Carolina!

Mr Ags, you don't even post here or read any of this. So, don't read this!

Cletus, your sister is hot! Is she taken???? Thanks for the corn, always a pleasure spending time with ya'll! Julie is great, you totally married up. When you are back in NC, I will go out of my way to come say hi!

BillsNutInHouston, I barely remember this moment. I had been given about 12-15 jello shots, had just finished a bunch of 'shine, had many many beers and just down some RedBulls. I hope I didn't embarrass myself, but it was great seeing you and your family! Glad to hear you're not in Pittsburgh, time for a name change!

DrD, how many years and we just now met up? So thankful you got a chance to stop by! Your fiance and you make a good pairing and hope to see you another game that I stop up for! Stay in touch!

R.Rich, if you ever post again or just read that. You rock that hat better then I do. You need to get yourself one, in fact, many women came to me and asked if you were Darius Rucker. You and your wife are always a pleasure to see!

GG - Great to have shared so much time with you during the game, often times its just someone babbling on about something they can't get over which makes no sense. I look forward to seeing you next year!

Heitz, I had never met you until Saturday night, your avatar is spot on. Dude, you're awesome and it was fun sharing time with you at the game. I can see how in to the game you are when you post the insightful tidbits you do!

Rockpile, Every time I get to see you, it just warms me up! You're such a positive and happy guy! It was great to see your daughter joined you and great to have shared yet another sip of 'shine with ya!

CBF, So great to finally meet you! I know what you mean about being one of the few young guys there! It was a great time and hopefully you can stop back by next year for the TBDHOT.

BillsInTheBurgh (or however it is), wish you posted more! It was great to have seen you, share some insight with you, wish you and many others would come back more often here!

Lori, We miss you here, and it was great to have spent time with you at the tailgate.

Wawrow, if you're able to read this, you've not finished that jar. I'm proud of you, but realize more then likely that jar is gone. Hope you enjoyed it! Always a pleasure having you stop by!

NickInEngland, great to have run in to you with Jay the night before. What an incredible weekend it was and I hope you are at peace with the events you witnessed.

Gugny, you're amazing! I got your text on the way home last night and almost pulled over to respond. I just don't know what to say, even still now. You and Kim are awesome! Thank you for being the great friend you are!


Anyone I missed, I didn't forget you! I am still in a fog.


4 quarters of info:

1. I drank 2 bottles and 2 glasses of water between Friday and Sunday. 41 beers, 5 redbulls (four on gameday morning alone), 2 Monsters, 17 mtn dews, who knows how many jello shots, tons of shine and liquor, slept only 2 hours Saturday night. If I included Thursday night when I went out in charlotte, add 11 beers, 4 Avion shots, and 9 mtn dews. You guys also fed me so well that I do not think I can possibly eat anymore for a week. I need to go back on my diet. Oh, and I need to come back just to satisfy some of the women I met. Both Morgan and I struck out on getting a date while in Buffalo.


2. If anyone ever doubts that we don't pull in some amazing and beautiful women they only need to look at Kelly, Julie, DrD's fiance, Gugny and so many more. Beerball, I am happy you found your soulmate in Gugny. Let us celebrate love!


3. I love ya'll like family!


4. Go Bills!!!!!!!!!!!


and.... Pinto Kenny enjoying my shine!



Cletus and his wife. Best picture I could find after zooming and cropping and enhancing.

Edited by Boyst62



Cletus and his wife. Best picture I could find after zooming and cropping and enhancing.


I hope the wife is the one wearing the red rain jacket.


A great big thank you to all of those who cooked and brought food to share. Not everyone is either capable or talented enough to contribute in that capacity. I would say this was probably the most diverse, highest quality food spread we had ever had. I personally had:



Bacon, cheese, bagel breakfast sandwich

Home made garbage plate

Grilled corn (sounds simple - but the corn was amazing)


Jello shots

A shot of moonshine


I couldn't stuff in another bite and that was without tasting the bacon wrapped venison.


We came within $10 of what we owed Hammer, so that was spot on. I also tossed in $20 for the jello shot syringes (those bad boys are 50 cents each!) I think 200+ were made?


The canopy city worked well to keep people out of the rain. The parking arrangement was perfect. I think we need some background music for next year. I"ll work on that.


Tickets were awesome. That saved a lot of people a lot of money by not having to go to the open market.


Should have name tags next time.


I didn't ask Jack how much he put out for the water/gatorade.


All in all, a great day - even with the misty weather.



  1. At least 20 people came up to me and said the same thing about one particular guy, I'll let you figure out who it was...this is what each one basically said..."how the !@#$ did CC end up with her?"



Ha! Gotta be money or package - right?


I don't know about you, but I definitely know I out-kicked my own coverage. :beer: (I wish she would join us again one of these years)...

Posted (edited)




Cletus and his wife. Best picture I could find after zooming and cropping and enhancing.

How can you call that enhancing when we can still see Cletus' face? And how the hell did you strike out with the last Tinder one who sent you all those pictures? Let me know if you need me to ghost write for you again :)

Edited by JÂy RÛßeÒ

and BTW, it's a huge danger to try and list all the great contributions on such a day... If anyone was overlooked - please forgive me/us...


and Jack, nice call on the 15x15 tent... Well played.


and BTW, it's a huge danger to try and list all the great contributions on such a day... If anyone was overlooked - please forgive me/us...


and Jack, nice call on the 15x15 tent... Well played.


Can you please post the address where contributions can be mailed?


and BTW, it's a huge danger to try and list all the great contributions on such a day... If anyone was overlooked - please forgive me/us...


and Jack, nice call on the 15x15 tent... Well played.

yeah, I started out telling myself that I wasn't going to list names but couldn't help myself. I know I forgot Houston and I apologize for that miss. For anyone else just remember I'm feeble minded.

yeah, I started out telling myself that I wasn't going to list names but couldn't help myself. I know I forgot Houston and I apologize for that miss. For anyone else just remember I'm feeble minded.


and thank you for manning the grill!


Can you please post the address where contributions can be mailed?


Nope. We're good. If there are any remaining reimbursements to be made - I'll gladly cover those.

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