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My 10 cents on the game.


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1) Not a bad debut for Tyrod Taylor. Efficient mistake free football is all we need from him

2) Karlos Williams is a stud in the making
3) Darby's gonna be ok on the corner, yes he's going to get burned at times but he'll get better as the season goes on.

4) Gilmore's a very good corner, just don't expect him to lead the league in INT's

5) No worries about Carpenter

6) O-Line is still a work in progress

7) Preston Brown is a pro bowler in the making

8) Still need to get the ball to Watkins more

9) Ground and Pound will work for the Bills offense, but that first play they called, don't call that one again.

10) Gotta love the defense

Edited by BmarvB
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