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Report: Fred had deal in place with Steelers in March


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My guess is someone was in the Pegulas ear, they didn't make the call by themselves.


The Bills have a long history of non GMs influencing ownership. The best sign of change is the fact Jackson was was released.


Possibly. It could also be that the Pegulas were new owners and were worried about the PR to cutting a popular player for both fans and businesses. So they told Whaley to at least bring him to camp.

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@mikerodak: CBS Sports reports that Bills granted Fred Jackson permission to find new team in March; reached deal with Steelers:



This is why Fred thinks Whaley lied


Oh, Brother.


Some facts:

Transcript of Whaley press conference 3/11/2015

Q: What kind of role do you see Fred Jackson having for the Bills next season?

That is going to be up to how the coaches see him and it is an open competition for every role. He may win the job. I can’t say that. That is the beauty of football and the beauty of competition. It brings out the best in everybody. It also creates depth for us.

Q: Did you ever have the intention of cutting Fred Jackson?



Whaley never said publically (that I can find) that the Bills would keep Fred Jackson. He said "open competition for every role". If it's true that the Bills gave Jackson permission to speak to other teams and told him he was likely to be released, Whaley's "no" may be technically correct but disingenuous. He didn't intend to cut him, he intended to release him to a new contract reached with another team, which is just a cut in a party outfit.


LaCanfora now reports that while Jackson was on a plane to Pittsburgh "team officials informed Jackson that from ownership on down, it was decided that the running back was too important to the team and community to let go, that they anticipated him being there for 2015 and they were reversing course on his release." I don't know LaCanfora's source - hopefully it's not just Tim Graham, who is the one who made the original report that the Pegulas got involved.


My $0.02: Let's go play some football. Fred has a happy new home with the Seahawks and his buddy Marshawn. If Fred had gone to another team in March, there's no guarantee he would have made their roster, so no one can say that would have been better for him or not - without a history with the coaches and trainers, if he's injured in training camp or they need more roster space, there's no guarantee. The Seahawks IMO are probably a much better team than Pitts, whose D currently looks like Doo (of the Canine source).


If Whaley was the messenger who told Fred "we anticipate you being here for 2015, you're too important to the team to proceed with your release" and then one of the messengers who told Fred "we made the decision today to release you", I can see where Fred would feel Whaley isn't honest, but it's pretty clear that other people were involved both in March and in August. Look at the Bills roster - it is very heavy on WR and TE, plus 3 QB. Does anyone really believe that Greg Roman didn't have heavy input into those numbers, which make it kind of tough to keep 5 RBs and a fullback? The other aspect of course is money, a vet player who is not a starter and is making top-15 money on the team is always going to be a target for cap casualty and in hindsight it's very clear the Bills were clearing cap to sweeten the pot for Dareus, but everything suggests that money was not the only issue, roster slots (and leaving room for injured WR) factored heavily.


I doubt very much Whaley "knew he was going to release him". Going into training camp no one knows how players are going to shake out. The WR could have stayed healthy, the TE could have sucked and cut one more, Fred could have stayed healthy and made himself the clear #2, Karlos Williams could have sucked, the draft could have played out differently and the Bills don't draft an RB 'cuz someone higher on their board is left. Maybes don't fly in September.


The bottom line is Fred feels jerked around and is taking his release very personally, as many players have, and is saying stuff he probably wouldn't say in 6 months or a year. Football is a business. Business decisions were made. Everyone has a new locker.


Now can we go play some football?

Edited by Hopeful
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My guess is someone was in the Pegulas ear, they didn't make the call by themselves.


The Bills have a long history of non GMs influencing ownership. The best sign of change is the fact Jackson was was released.

Seriously? There was widespread raw outrage back in March when word was leaked that Fred was going to be cut.

This place went nutz.


Agreed about the sign of real change though. Fred was and is much loved here and always will be. It was a tough cut.

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I guess I would say that there was no guarantee he would have made the Steelers either.



Sounds like the Whaley cut him but owners stepped in story might not be wrong


Concur, sounds as though LaCanfora has a new source for that (maybe Fred himself, based on what he was told)


I'm guessing though, the ownership stepped in with "why not give him a chance to earn a roster spot?" not "absolutely keep him no matter what" - or maybe I'm just "Hopeful"

It is a bad place for a football team when non-football management/ownership makes football roster decisions. Our 15 season playoff drought bears witness there.

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jeez no wonder Fred was mad at Whaley. said one thing and did another. Fred could have only been a couple hours away from his kids instead of 3000 miles. if they were going to release him they should have just done it. Fred deserves better than that from this organization

Reportedly Pegula nixed releasing Jackson at the time

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Seriously? There was widespread raw outrage back in March when word was leaked that Fred was going to be cut.

This place went nutz.


Agreed about the sign of real change though. Fred was and is much loved here and always will be. It was a tough cut.

It was a much larger punch to the stomach releasing him in August,especially right after a big run in preseason and McCoy hurt. It also pissed off Bills sponsors.


It's very obvious to me that the only reason he wasn't released in March was people that have been meddling for decades did it again. Whaley won, which is the best sign of change.

Edited by TheTruthHurts
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Wouldn't the honest thing have been to say "You are too important to the team to release. We expect you to compete for a roster spot, but we can't guarantee a roster spot. If we do cut you, we will make sure to imply its because you are old and could not win a roster spot. Hopefully that won't hurt your negotiating value compared to the deal you are working out with the Steelers now"

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@mikerodak: CBS Sports reports that Bills granted Fred Jackson permission to find new team in March; reached deal with Steelers: http://t.co/hm00i0XGRE

This is why Fred thinks Whaley lied

Wow Fred doing backdoor deals.... What a disgrace.


Funny that people blame Whaley when he was the only one ready to move on from Fred. It was the fans and Pegulas that stopped the move.

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See It must be Brandon is still interfering with football decisions!! *sarcasm*


I mean seriously who could that be, doubt it was Rex as he has no history with the guy It was a mistake by the Pegula's who are new at this to interfere. Whaley now is taking the heat for it, but that's why he makes the big bucks as they say.



My guess is someone was in the Pegulas ear, they didn't make the call by themselves.

The Bills have a long history of non GMs influencing ownership. The best sign of change is the fact Jackson was was released.

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to me it sounds like Whaley really didn't know. He was going to release him in March, pegula stepped in. At that point no one knew what the future would hold. A lot can change in the NFL in 6 months. He didn't know they would get karlos or any RB in the draft and that he would play his way to the #2 spot, or that all the RBs would get out of TC healthy. Fred should have known that he didn't lie... But rather things can change. What is true in March can look different in September after the draft, OTAs, and TC. And the responsibility of Whaley is to the team/organization. Not to make sure he can go to a closer city.

How can we really say getting Karlos changed Whaley's mind when he was gonna cut him when we just had Boobie and Brown?

Edited by FireChan
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See It must be Brandon is still interfering with football decisions!! *sarcasm*


I mean seriously who could that be, doubt it was Rex as he has no history with the guy It was a mistake by the Pegula's who are new at this to interfere. Whaley now is taking the heat for it, but that's why he makes the big bucks as they say.



No one involved in actual football decisions. I don't know if it was Russ, but someone on the business side. This stuff went on all the time. Bills were/are very dysfunctional. Hopefully it's in the past. Edited by TheTruthHurts
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I don't think it's a coincidence that after cutting Freddie, the Bills announced they'd re-signed Dareus. I think they needed those cap dollars to make the Dareus deal work.


Did Whaley lie? Probably not. I think he may have changed his mind. The public reaction was so negative about the possibility of him being released, I think the front office didn't want to mess with the team's mojo. Since then, with Rex taking charge and the team taking shape, and the community obviously excited, I think the front office figured they could take the PR hit from releasing Freddie.


The thing is, Jackson was probably the second best back on the team, and especially with Shady's hamstring questionable for the duration of the season, let alone today, I'm worried about the ground and pound strategy falling apart.


Personally, I think the Steelers are going 5-11 this year. Their defense is terrible, and their performance on Thursday night, when they ran up a zillion yards on offense but found a way to lose, reminded me of a lot of bad Bills teams. I hope Freddie gets to play in a playoff game, and maybe even get a ring. His chances are much better with Seattle than the Steelers. If it was necessary for him to leave the Bills, things couldn't have worked out better for him. Good luck, Freddie, and I hope you have a great season and lose to the Bills in the SB.

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then Fred would still be on the team. Whaley knew he was going to release him. don't tell him he will be on the team then cut him after training camp

If Fred couldn't understand what his situation was , then he isn't very bright. He knew the GM wanted to release him in March. Most fans knew there was a good chance he would be gone.

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While I'm not happy about Fred's release at all and may never fully forgive DW, it may have gone down like this...


The BIlls sign Shady. With so much money tied up there, and other good cheap backs on the roster, Whaley decides to talk to Fred about him not making the roster.


The Pegulas nix the cut when Whaley informs them. Whaley, based on what he now heard from the Pegulas, tells Fred he's going to stay a Bills after all.


Whaley realizes that resigning Dareous (and others) is going to be difficult/impossible without some serious penny-pinching. He revisits the idea of cutting Fred with the Pegulas. This time he persuades them.


From Fred's point of view, Whaley is a liar. But DW may have never actually intentionally lied to Fred.


P.S. Today I'll be watching the game with the Bills Backers of Seattle wearing my #22 jersey.

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I'm stunned by this news. Back in March, before the draft, before the Bills got KW, Whaley was going to cut the 2014 team leader in the locker room, first downs, yards from scrimmage, rushing, and pass receptions. Yeah, I get it. 34 years old, slow, uninspiring, injury prone, fumble machine, too expensive. SMH.

Edited by Freddie's Dead
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I don't think it's a coincidence that after cutting Freddie, the Bills announced they'd re-signed Dareus. I think they needed those cap dollars to make the Dareus deal work.


Did Whaley lie? Probably not. I think he may have changed his mind. The public reaction was so negative about the possibility of him being released, I think the front office didn't want to mess with the team's mojo. Since then, with Rex taking charge and the team taking shape, and the community obviously excited, I think the front office figured they could take the PR hit from releasing Freddie.


The thing is, Jackson was probably the second best back on the team, and especially with Shady's hamstring questionable for the duration of the season, let alone today, I'm worried about the ground and pound strategy falling apart.


Personally, I think the Steelers are going 5-11 this year. Their defense is terrible, and their performance on Thursday night, when they ran up a zillion yards on offense but found a way to lose, reminded me of a lot of bad Bills teams. I hope Freddie gets to play in a playoff game, and maybe even get a ring. His chances are much better with Seattle than the Steelers. If it was necessary for him to leave the Bills, things couldn't have worked out better for him. Good luck, Freddie, and I hope you have a great season and lose to the Bills in the SB.

why is it questionable for the rest of the season? because you're not sure about it?

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