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Obama supports Tom Brady

Just Jack

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Jesus Christ man. I really feel sorry for you if this is really how you act. 40 going on 14. :rolleyes:


You are the one acting like a 14 year. Not me. Didn't you cry a few times you were so angry and fed up you were going to leave the country and never, never, never come back cross your heart hope to die? Ass bag

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You are the one acting like a 14 year. Not me. Didn't you cry a few times you were so angry and fed up you were going to leave the country and never, never, never come back cross your heart hope to die? Ass bag


Ass bag?? That's a new one. Is that the big insult going around the playground these days?


Once again it's quite amusing you accusing people of being angry and then in the next sentence call them a name. Why so mad kiddo? Sally refuse your offer to go to harvest dance with you?

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