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Should say 1/5 the way to the Presidency. The dysfunctional party of Trump is blowing up before our eyes.


I would love to see Trump elected just to see you explode. There are zero other reasons but that one just mike make it worthwhile.


I would love to see Trump elected just to see you explode. There are zero other reasons but that one just mike make it worthwhile.


Lol, I'd roll with it and laugh. We survived Bush, who was not nearly as smart as Trump, so we would survive Trump. Heck, I'll take Trump over 3/4 of the yodels the GOP is tryng to pass off as serious leaders.


Which candidate do you like? Ha ha


The actual Headline:


Clinton Camp Says One-Fifth of Delegates Secured for Nomination


The DNC is meeting the next few days in Minneapolis, a desperate campaign sends out a publicity statement trying to get the "inevitability train" back on the rails,


and the gators of the world open up and swallow.



Super delegates (the way political establishments holds onto power in both parties) are always going to vote for the front runner.


A few primary losses in Iowa and NH could change that quick.




Should say 1/5 the way to the Presidency. The dysfunctional party of Trump is blowing up before our eyes.

Trump is in no way representative of the Republican party. He's a liberal that has tapped into an ugly nationalist, nativist, single issue vein. Gallup polls indicate that 46% of Republicans would not consider voting for him.



I would love to see Trump elected just to see you explode. There are zero other reasons but that one just mike make it worthwhile.

I tried to vote by email, but Hillary deleted it


He is running for and winning the Republican race at this point. Some liberal

There is such a thing as a liberal Republican. Trump, for example, supports the ACA, supports a high corporate tax rate, supports Planned Parenthood, supports the Kelo decision, supports unions, supports increased taxes on high earners and a graduated tax system, and he supports big activist government in general. He has portrayed himself as a single issue nativist, and tapped into an ugly vein in our country which runs through both parties. Recent polling shows that while 36% of Republicans would support Trump in a 3rd party run, So would 19% of Democrats.


Lol, I'd roll with it and laugh. We survived Bush, who was not nearly as smart as Trump, so we would survive Trump. Heck, I'll take Trump over 3/4 of the yodels the GOP is tryng to pass off as serious leaders.


Which candidate do you like? Ha ha


None at this point. Ha ha. :rolleyes:


Trump is in no way representative of the Republican party. He's a liberal that has tapped into an ugly nationalist, nativist, single issue vein. Gallup polls indicate that 46% of Republicans would not consider voting for him.


According to Rob's logic, what you just said makes you a blowhard.

He is running for and winning the Republican race at this point. Some liberal



TTYT is right, there are nearly as many Repubs that wouldn't vote for him as those that would. What differentiates him from the others more so than anything else is the dying devotion his followers have for him. They are passionate about him, no matter what he says or how many times he's flopped, they don't care.


He has successfully managed to draw more support then just the nativist, xenophobe crowd. With his brash non pc attitude, that has drawn more people add that with his nationalistic approach vs. China, that is also appealing to the anxiety filled people who know that we've lost many manufacturing jobs overseas.


If Trump can be lucky enough to have 4-5 people stay in this race for a very long time, then he could win the nomination. If this race becomes a 2-3 person contest after the first 10 states, then I believe he loses.


TYTT is right, there are nearly as many Repubs that wouldn't vote for him as those that would. What differentiates him from the others more so than anything else is the dying devotion his followers have for him. They are passionate about him, no matter what he says or how many times he's flopped, they don't care.


He has successfully managed to draw more support then just the nativist, xenophobe crowd. With his brash non pc attitude, that has drawn more people add that with his nationalistic approach vs. China, that is also appealing to the anxiety filled people who know that we've lost many manufacturing jobs overseas.


If Trump can be lucky enough to have 4-5 people stay in this race for a very long time, then he could win the nomination. If this race becomes a 2-3 person contest after the first 10 states, then I believe he loses.



Trump Is a Nuisance, Not a Nightmare

by Ramesh Ponneru


Donald Trump is not high on my list of people who ought to be the president of the United States. I would prefer a candidate who has a track record of conservatism. Who supports free trade. Who has served in elective office. Who can keep his petty resentments below the surface. And who doesn’t casually slander whole ethnic groups or call reporters “bimbos” for asking him tough questions.


But even after weeks and weeks of what has become the Summer of Trump, I can’t get worked up about him.




I just can’t take Trump that seriously. He is not going to be president. He’s not going to be the Republican nominee. He’s probably not going to hurt the eventual nominee’s chances of winning. Trump is an existential threat to the weakest primary candidates -- but not to anybody else.

Trump won’t win the primaries. How do I know?


  • Because parties don’t pick nominees who have never run for anything before, unless they happened to be the victorious Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II a few years earlier.
  • Because major parties don’t succumb to sudden hostile takeovers.
  • Because too many of his supporters are just registering discontent before they make a real decision several months from now -- or have a low likelihood of voting in the primaries at all.
  • Because Republicans aren’t going to choose a nominee who wants to raise taxes on the rich. (A lot of Republicans may be fine with that idea, but a lot of opponents care deeply about it.)
  • Because Republican elected officials would consolidate behind a consensus choice if Trump started winning delegates.
  • Because the decisive Republican presidential primary voters are a pretty sober-minded bunch.


I’ll go further: Not only will Trump not be the nominee; his supporters won’t even determine who the eventual nominee is. Take away the celebrity-besotted, the non-voters, and the single-issue opponents of immigration, and you’re left with a group of conservatives who deeply dislike what they see as a spineless Republican establishment. These voters never determine the nominee, because too many of them waste their passion on hopeless candidates, such as Ben Carson, Michele Bachmann . . . Donald Trump.


More at the link: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-08-28/trump-is-a-nuisance-not-a-nightmare




And as I mentioned in Reply #5..........It is the Clinton Camp saying that she has 1/5 of the votes................no one else..............and I believe we all know their record on honesty. :D





If Trump can be lucky enough to have 4-5 people stay in this race for a very long time, then he could win the nomination. If this race becomes a 2-3 person contest after the first 10 states, then I believe he loses.

I think it would depend on which 2 or 3. Ben Carson just seems crazy and he is in 2nd place. He is way worse than Trump as a candidate. Rubio can't pass the immigration test with the base. Bush is Bush. And I think Bush is part of this Trump thing. It's just kind of insulting the GOP pushed this guy out there after his brothers horrible presidency. Walker seems like a zombie and not ready for prime time. Cruz is going no where. Kasich would be an amazing general election candidate but does he have any chance to win the nomination? I don't think so. Paul is a dead candidate walking. Huckabee, no. Santorium, lol, ya right.


Who does that leave? Carly? I'd say if she plays her cards right she can do it and I have no idea what she does in the general election




Trump Is a Nuisance, Not a Nightmare

by Ramesh Ponneru


Donald Trump is not high on my list of people who ought to be the president of the United States. I would prefer a candidate who has a track record of conservatism. Who supports free trade. Who has served in elective office. Who can keep his petty resentments below the surface. And who doesn’t casually slander whole ethnic groups or call reporters “bimbos” for asking him tough questions.


But even after weeks and weeks of what has become the Summer of Trump, I can’t get worked up about him.




I just can’t take Trump that seriously. He is not going to be president. He’s not going to be the Republican nominee. He’s probably not going to hurt the eventual nominee’s chances of winning. Trump is an existential threat to the weakest primary candidates -- but not to anybody else.

Trump won’t win the primaries. How do I know?


  • Because parties don’t pick nominees who have never run for anything before, unless they happened to be the victorious Supreme Commander of the Allied Forces in World War II a few years earlier.
  • Because major parties don’t succumb to sudden hostile takeovers.
  • Because too many of his supporters are just registering discontent before they make a real decision several months from now -- or have a low likelihood of voting in the primaries at all.
  • Because Republicans aren’t going to choose a nominee who wants to raise taxes on the rich. (A lot of Republicans may be fine with that idea, but a lot of opponents care deeply about it.)
  • Because Republican elected officials would consolidate behind a consensus choice if Trump started winning delegates.
  • Because the decisive Republican presidential primary voters are a pretty sober-minded bunch.


I’ll go further: Not only will Trump not be the nominee; his supporters won’t even determine who the eventual nominee is. Take away the celebrity-besotted, the non-voters, and the single-issue opponents of immigration, and you’re left with a group of conservatives who deeply dislike what they see as a spineless Republican establishment. These voters never determine the nominee, because too many of them waste their passion on hopeless candidates, such as Ben Carson, Michele Bachmann . . . Donald Trump.


More at the link: http://www.bloombergview.com/articles/2015-08-28/trump-is-a-nuisance-not-a-nightmare




And as I mentioned in Reply #5..........It is the Clinton Camp saying that she has 1/5 of the votes................no one else..............and I believe we all know their record on honesty. :D



I hope you are right B-man. A month ago I would have thought it to be laughable, but it looks increasingly likely that he will win the first few states. His support from his fans is something fierce. I haven't seen this much devotion for a candidate since Obama. Of course the big difference between Obama's support to Trump's is that his net is much larger, but they are equally as deep.


I think it would depend on which 2 or 3. Ben Carson just seems crazy and he is in 2nd place. He is way worse than Trump as a candidate. Rubio can't pass the immigration test with the base. Bush is Bush. And I think Bush is part of this Trump thing. It's just kind of insulting the GOP pushed this guy out there after his brothers horrible presidency. Walker seems like a zombie and not ready for prime time. Cruz is going no where. Kasich would be an amazing general election candidate but does he have any chance to win the nomination? I don't think so. Paul is a dead candidate walking. Huckabee, no. Santorium, lol, ya right.


Who does that leave? Carly? I'd say if she plays her cards right she can do it and I have no idea what she does in the general election


No, you are wrong about Rubio. Remember, I'm a numbers guy who relies on data to come to my conclusions?


Look through the polling data, When asked who would you definitely not vote for from GOP voters.


Rubio's number is only 6%, whereas Trump's is 28%. Rubio's is the second lowest on the entire list.


Go to page 8.


Within the GOP, Rubio has Not only the highest out of all the candidates favorability rating at 72% out of all the candidates.


But he has the lowest unfavorability rating at 3%. Dude, that's a + 69 and that is including 25% of Republicans who don't even know who he is. If he had the name recognition of Trump or Hillary we'd be talking about at least +80. By the way, that is even better than Hillary.


Same page, look at the general electorate's view of him of favorability. He has the highest favorability of all the GOP and stands at +14. Only one person has a higher net favorability rating, and that's Carson. But of course the difference is that Rubio is much more known than Carson.


Having said that, whether you like Carson or not, people do like him. I'm a bit skeptical of his viability but your dismissal of Rubio is not grounded by facts.



No, you are wrong about Rubio. Remember, I'm a numbers guy who relies on data to come to my conclusions?


Look through the polling data, When asked who would you definitely not vote for from GOP voters.


Rubio's number is only 6%, whereas Trump's is 28%. Rubio's is the second lowest on the entire list.


Go to page 8.


Within the GOP, Rubio has Not only the highest out of all the candidates favorability rating at 72% out of all the candidates.


But he has the lowest unfavorability rating at 3%. Dude, that's a + 69 and that is including 25% of Republicans who don't even know who he is. If he had the name recognition of Trump or Hillary we'd be talking about at least +80. By the way, that is even better than Hillary.


Same page, look at the general electorate's view of him of favorability. He has the highest favorability of all the GOP and stands at +14. Only one person has a higher net favorability rating, and that's Carson. But of course the difference is that Rubio is much more known than Carson.


Having said that, whether you like Carson or not, people do like him. I'm a bit skeptical of his viability but your dismissal of Rubio is not grounded by facts.

Thanks, I'll believe it when I see it. As Rubio gets more attention those numbers will change, but ya, he could be the last person standing



No, you are wrong about Rubio. Remember, I'm a numbers guy who relies on data to come to my conclusions?


Look through the polling data, When asked who would you definitely not vote for from GOP voters.


Rubio's number is only 6%, whereas Trump's is 28%. Rubio's is the second lowest on the entire list.


Go to page 8.


Within the GOP, Rubio has Not only the highest out of all the candidates favorability rating at 72% out of all the candidates.


But he has the lowest unfavorability rating at 3%. Dude, that's a + 69 and that is including 25% of Republicans who don't even know who he is. If he had the name recognition of Trump or Hillary we'd be talking about at least +80. By the way, that is even better than Hillary.


Same page, look at the general electorate's view of him of favorability. He has the highest favorability of all the GOP and stands at +14. Only one person has a higher net favorability rating, and that's Carson. But of course the difference is that Rubio is much more known than Carson.


Having said that, whether you like Carson or not, people do like him. I'm a bit skeptical of his viability but your dismissal of Rubio is not grounded by facts.


I caught some Glenn Beck during the week (take the source however you want, I was riding passenger to a Beck listener at the time) and he brought up an interesting poll. Rubio may not be the front runner but he was tops as the 2nd choice. So when Trump falters his supporters won't go to Bush, they'll go to Rubio. Ditto when Bush falters, his supporters won't go to Walker


I caught some Glenn Beck during the week (take the source however you want, I was riding passenger to a Beck listener at the time) and he brought up an interesting poll. Rubio may not be the front runner but he was tops as the 2nd choice. So when Trump falters his supporters won't go to Bush, they'll go to Rubio. Ditto when Bush falters, his supporters won't go to Walker

I believe that the findings of that poll have some merit to it based on the consistent polling data out there and the anecdotal evidence I've seen. If I had to take a guess, if Trumps support fell off, much of it would go to Rubio and Cruz with some going to Fiorina and Carson. The problem is Trump ain't going anywhere soon.


I personally like Bush, but he is proving to be a bad candidate. Trump has been successful at painting Bush as a "low energy" guy and to be honest I think that line of attack on him has been devastating. Plus, Jeb has done some goofy things lately, like the Asian anchor baby deal, making gaffes about the PP deal and most recently having Eric Cantor endorse him. That's just political malpractice.


The base just doesn't like him and even if he were to win the nomination, which I don't think he will, he wouldn't get these guys to turn out to vote for him, much like Romney.


Even though I don't wish bad outcomes on good people, I kinda wish he'd just implode. Because I think a lot of his support would go to Rubio and Kasich. The data lines up well for Rubio but I'm afraid he's being squeezed by both sides. Trump now has captivated the "base" and Jeb/Christie/Kasich are all vying for the establishment. As strong as Trump is right now, there is only room for two candidates to challenge him. And with Jeb's enormous money advantage and support from the establishment, you gotta believe he will be there throughout most of the process.


Should say 1/5 the way to the Presidency. The dysfunctional party of Trump is blowing up before our eyes.

She rolls over anyone but Trump because hes entertaining and accomplished, and rand because he can differentiate himself from her hawkish foreign policy. She rolls over any of the other dullards the repubes can offer.
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