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Ze, Not He nor She in Tennessee....


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I am working in our Copenhagen location for a short time and the colleagues there told me that their neighboring Swedes recently changed the name of birds (i.e., blackbird) out of fear of racism. Sure enough, I googled it and PC run amuck: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/24/out-of-fear-of-racism-sweden-changes-the-names-of-bird-species/

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I am working in our Copenhagen location for a short time and the colleagues there told me that their neighboring Swedes recently changed the name of birds (i.e., blackbird) out of fear of racism. Sure enough, I googled it and PC run amuck: https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/worldviews/wp/2015/02/24/out-of-fear-of-racism-sweden-changes-the-names-of-bird-species/

Well I undesramd that. Blackbird in Sweedish is !@#$fluphen.

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I have gotten in trouble for using a gender neutral pronoun for "confused" gender people - the pronoun I use is "it".



The folks at UT have simply gone off the rails with this homage to political correctness.




Zesus Christ, will it never end?


soooo stupid , sorry idiots there are genders weather zu like it or not

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  • 3 weeks later...

Why can't reasonable people just fight back with the same logic? "Excuse me, but I am a male, and I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge me as such".


It would do them good to be the ones to suffer a little smug superiority for a change.

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Why can't reasonable people just fight back with the same logic? "Excuse me, but I am a male, and I would appreciate it if you would acknowledge me as such".


It would do them good to be the ones to suffer a little smug superiority for a change.


Because they consider it oppressive. Seriously...highlighting the very existence of heteronormalcy or cisgender by verbally confirming you conform to it is considered oppressive. Not even a micro-aggression...outright oppressive. It used to be rare.


If you think that's crazy in principle...wait until you get into an argument with a gay guy claiming that telling him "Sorry, I'm straight" when he's hitting on you is discrimination, and illegal. Wacky fun.

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Because they consider it oppressive. Seriously...highlighting the very existence of heteronormalcy or cisgender by verbally confirming you conform to it is considered oppressive. Not even a micro-aggression...outright oppressive. It used to be rare.


If you think that's crazy in principle...wait until you get into an argument with a gay guy claiming that telling him "Sorry, I'm straight" when he's hitting on you is discrimination, and illegal. Wacky fun.


Well, if they think my attempt at being reasonable is oppressive, just wait until they hear my response to that.

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Simple. He's got a Y-chromosome, he's male, he's a "he."'


"Got a Y, you're a guy." Everyone say it with me.



I'm with you. I don't use gender specific pronouns, I use sex specific pronouns. In the ultra-rare case where I might encounter someone where that doesn't fit, I'll figure it out on the fly.

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