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EJ Will Start Pittsburgh Game

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Trying to figure out what to make of this. Is EJ seriously still in the hunt to be the opening day starter? Is it really still a 3 QB race? Is it just a nice gesture to EJ for his hard work and solid drive against Cleveland? Maybe a smokescreen to throw off the Colts preparation? None of the above? All of the above?


I'm admittedly perplexed.


It is and always has been a 2 QB "race", with Cassel separate.


The best thing for this franchise is either TT or EJ stepping up and earning the #1 spot. If neither of them could, we'd settle on Cassel. Cassel wasnt really in the race since he was our QB by default, but hopefully replaced.

Edited by DrDareustein
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Weren't they out for the Cleveland game too? And Tyrod was still able to put some things together. However he couldn't finish his drives, let's see if EJ can bring one home for a TD

He had them in position for 2 fields goals, one was a short one that missed. TT did his job and controlled the ball, and put us in a place to score on 2/3's of his drives.

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Rex: "Nobody can say they weren't given a fair shot (for starting job for #Bills). Love competitiveness of EJ


Sure they can. If EJ and/or TT plays very well this game and Cassel struggles yet they name Cassel the starter. I might take issue with the "fairness" of the comp if that happened.

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He had them in position for 2 fields goals, one was a short one that missed. TT did his job and controlled the ball, and put us in a place to score on 2/3's of his drives.

Except for the fact that TT made a critical mistake and took a sack instead of throwing it away, which led directly to the missed FG.

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I think its safe to say that they will give EJ two drives. I know you can't keep the starters in for 6 total drives, but I think it would be pretty pointless to throw EJ in for as little as 3 plays (lets hope its more than that though) and pull him. If they really are wanting to give him a shot, which it appears they are, they will give him 2

Starters will play into the third typically. I'd guess Ej takes the first quarter, cassell gets second and tyrod third (would follow the natural rotation. If they give a guy into the half and then back on the field after, that could be noteworthy depending on the game flow (2min drill, and coming out of the half being two situations for a starter to experience in preseason)

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This is excellent news! It's in the best interest of every Bills fan for this kid to succeed. I can't see how anyone could think otherwise. Good luck, EJ!




It might not all pan out but its the best scenario possible for the team if it does

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