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WSJ: How the Bills are Solving the Football Time Crunch


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The NFLs Best Practice: No Wasted Time


In order to win in the NFL, you still need a quarterback and a solid defense. But this season you'll also have to tackle the same problem facing every office in the world: a solid time-management plan.

This is the problem the Buffalo Bills faced when a new coaching staff, led by Rex Ryan, came to town this year. Because of recent regulations, practice time has never been more precious. And according to coaches, the attention spans of their players, most of whom are millennials, have never been shorter. The old methods simply don't work anymore.

http://www.wsj.com/articles/nfls-best-practice-no-wasted-time-1440539319 Edited by YoloinOhio
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Thanks for sharing. I enjoyed the article. The policy of not stopping practice at every mistake will no doubt ruffle the feathers of old school types. When I was coaching hockey, I utilized much of this philosophy with my teams. It was a whopping success, and the players loved it.

Edited by The Thurmanator
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IMO, the philosophy shows a progressive approach that will become more and more necessary over the next few years.


Connecting with Gen Y and Gen Z mentality requires the realization that freedom and down time are their top priorities; this staff seems to get it.


It wouldn't surprise me if even a moderate level of success on the field results in this team becoming a (more) popular destination for free agents.

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And of course, they can't say something nice without a backhand about millenials...


What was the backhand?


I always view that type of commentary as nothing more than a statement that Millenials have different priorities (and they do)...which is fine as far as I'm concerned.

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IMO, the philosophy shows a progressive approach that will become more and more necessary over the next few years.


Connecting with Gen Y and Gen Z mentality requires the realization that freedom and down time are their top priorities; this staff seems to get it.


It wouldn't surprise me if even a moderate level of success on the field results in this team becoming a (more) popular destination for free agents.


Yup, the whole "there til 4am and slept in the office approach" is pretty much done in. There is a big difference between putting in quality work and just putting in more work. There is no possible way working that many hours doesn't lead to you being much less effective. Its been shown time and time again in studies the more hours you put in, the less productive you become past a certain point. And this is with normal jobs working 50-60 hours a week not 100+ like some NFL coaches do.

And of course, they can't say something nice without a backhand about millenials...

Its not a backhand, it simply the truth.

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