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Fear the Walking Dead.

Nervous Guy

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Good point. Unless nobody in their group died without being bitten prior to Rick taking out Shane? They could've just been on the run without seeing anyone die "naturally".

Agreed. No time for people watching when running for your life.


To the OP, yeah the junkie will take time to get used to. WTF was he wearing when he woke up? His girlfriends shirt?


Lesson to the young'uns Wear a belt!!!


Bring on Z Nation!!! (for the comedic effect of Zombie land!)

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Watched the premiere last night. Very well done I thought, and it got me thinking -- in the original TWD why did they ever believe someone had to be bitten to turn? I mean, how did they think it started?


Trying to figure out who I think will live and who will die out of the "main" family. I'm predicting the daughter goes pretty early on but the son will wind up being a major, long-term character.


I feel like the withdrawal will be a major problem for the son as he's trying to get away from some walkers. Did they actually say what he's using?


And speaking of walkers, my 5 year old nephew is about to start kindergarten. His school sent a message to my brother saying that "walkers will be released at 3PM". We got a good laugh out of that one.

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I feel like the withdrawal will be a major problem for the son as he's trying to get away from some walkers. Did they actually say what he's using?


And speaking of walkers, my 5 year old nephew is about to start kindergarten. His school sent a message to my brother saying that "walkers will be released at 3PM". We got a good laugh out of that one.


I assume it was heroin...the physical withdrawal is like 5 days...but not sure how bad it will be considering everyone's running for their lives! That would be a major distraction!


LOL about the walkers...since they are pretty slow moving, they need a bit of a head start, the school is just being very considerate!

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I assume it was heroin...the physical withdrawal is like 5 days...but not sure how bad it will be considering everyone's running for their lives! That would be a major distraction!


LOL about the walkers...since they are pretty slow moving, they need a bit of a head start, the school is just being very considerate!


They did actually say it was heroin.

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I assume it was heroin...the physical withdrawal is like 5 days...but not sure how bad it will be considering everyone's running for their lives! That would be a major distraction!


LOL about the walkers...since they are pretty slow moving, they need a bit of a head start, the school is just being very considerate!


I don't know, those walkers in the beginning were fairly quick and agile so to hell with being considerate. :nana:


I am reserving judgement on this series. With the Walking Dead, I was immediately drawn to several characters. I know it is early, but the only character that I actually like is Nick. The father is OK, but I cannot stand Nick's mother (more for the poor script than her acting as she was great in The Blind Side).


It is a very tall order trying to chronicle the beginning of the zombie apocalypse and yet make it believable, which in my opinion is why the story of the Walking Dead was so successful. After watching the WD short story series, you had walkers immediately on the streets in what appears to be a suburban setting (DPW workers feeding on a pedestrian, what looks like a birthday party outside is vacant, etc.). In a large metropolitan area, you would think that the apocalypse would be accelerated based upon a larger populace congregated in a smaller area. From what we have seen, you have a random walker confronted by police officers and a shadowy figure in a park. Really?

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Just watched the pilot and was disappointed. I don't find any of the characters likeable, especially the druggie son and his mother. Lots of cliches among the families. No real suspense because we already know what's happening. I'll keep watching, hoping it improves. But TWD is more suspenseful, from the first episode till now.

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I am loving this show. Seeing how people react the first time they see the walkers helps you understand just how crazy the situation would be. Thinking you can talk to them or that they will respond to verbal commands -- people naturally assume they're still alive and can reason, and it doesn't compute when they just keep coming. The reality was just starting to set in for Madison at the end of last night's episode when she refused to let her daughter leave the house to help the neighbor being attacked across the street. She now "gets it."


Hate that it's two weeks before the next one.

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I liked this episode better than the first. Daughter gets points for hanging with Nick versus running off to take care of her "sick" boyfriend. It will be interesting to see the contrasts between the inner city and the burbs.


I hope this is the last we see of the boyfriend. The audience doesn't need closure there as we all know his fate. Things are going to get crazy far too fast for the girl to ever make it back over there.

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I hope this is the last we see of the boyfriend. The audience doesn't need closure there as we all know his fate. Things are going to get crazy far too fast for the girl to ever make it back over there.


I hope your right, but I think she will go back to the house to check on him and will find that he has turned and has dined on his parents. They have not connected the dots that flu = death = walker. She thinks he only has a bad flu virus and there is still hope that she can save him.


It stinks that there is no episode next week. Next one looks good and it appears that things are going downhill fast in the inner city.

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Good start but I'm officially bored with Los Angeles as a setting for shows.


Too many years of the Terminator, earthquakes, aliens, and cop shows set there.


It would be interesting to see what is going on in a northern region. I assume that walkers would freeze in sub zero weather and would come back when it warms up in spring? It would seem to give inhabitants an opportunity to fortify defenses, except if they were buried under a great deal of snow.

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It would be interesting to see what is going on in a northern region. I assume that walkers would freeze in sub zero weather and would come back when it warms up in spring? It would seem to give inhabitants an opportunity to fortify defenses, except if they were buried under a great deal of snow.


Spend all winter collecting zombsicles and decapitating them!!

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It would be interesting to see what is going on in a northern region. I assume that walkers would freeze in sub zero weather and would come back when it warms up in spring? It would seem to give inhabitants an opportunity to fortify defenses, except if they were buried under a great deal of snow.


I'd find Detroit interesting. A zombie outbreak in a city that barely has emergency and police services on a non-zombie problem day.

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