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I was browsing a website and noticed an ad for the isidewith quiz. I figured WTH, it's been awhile since I last took it and clicked the link.




Curious what others get. My results



Rand Paul 91%
Marco Rubio 82%
Rick Perry 81%
Ted Cruz 80%
Rick santorum 77%
Scott Walker 76%
Ben Carson 74%
Donald Trump 73%
Jeb Bush 72%
Bobby Jindal 71%
Mike Huckabee 70%
Carly Fiorina 61%
Chris Christie 59%
John Kasich 58%
Lindsey Graham 56%
Hillary Clinton 43%
Bernie Sanders 36%
Martin O'Malley 20%


Libertarians 91%
Constitution 88%
Republicans 88%
Democrats 51%
Green 33%
Socialist 27%

Your idealogy...Libertarian
Your political beliefs would be considered extremely Libertarian on an idealogical scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote social and economic freedom

The idealogy chart had me right on the tip of the arrow pointing to Libertarian.


Rubio - 90%

Paul - 87%

Walker - 87%

Bush - 86%




Clinton - 37%

Sanders - 16% (lol)

Right-Wing Libertarian

Your political beliefs would be considered strongly Libertarian and moderately Right-Wing on an ideological scale, meaning you tend to support policies that promote free market capitalism and smaller government.


92% Republicans


89% Constitution Party


86% Libertarians

56% Democrats


87% Scott Walker


86% Rick Perry

86% Rand Paul

85% Rick Santorum

82% Ted Cruz

82% Jeb Bush

81% Donald Trump


80% Ben Carson

76% Bobby Jindal

76% Mike Huckabee

74% Carly Fiorina

72% Lindsey Graham

68% Chris Christie

65% John Kasich

51% Hillary Clinton

36% Bernie Sanders

27% Martin O'Malley


Rubio - 83%

Paul - 82%

Bush - 77%

Perry - 74%

Cruz - 73%

Fiorina - 71%

Santorum - 68%

Walker - 73%

Christie - 66%

Huckabee - 65%

Graham - 64%

Trump - 63%

Jindal - 61%

Kasich - 61%

Carson 60%

Clinton - 46%

Sanders - 39%

Malley - 25%

I decided to choose the opposite to see which candidate's policies I oppose the most:


Bernie Sanders: %100

Hilary Clinton: %90

Cruz: %5

Carson: %1


I knew it. Bernie is pure evil.

Interesting. I'm gonna have to go back and give that a try. isidewith Bizarro World version


Cruz - 94%

Santorum - 94%

Walker - 92%

Bush - 91%

Perry - 88%

Huckabee - 87%

Paul - 86%

Rubio - 85%

Carson - 83%

Trump - 78%

Fiorina - 75%

Christie - 69%

Kasich - 67%


Clinton - 19%

Sanders - 12%

O'Malley - 9% (lol)


Right-Wing Libertarian.


Rick Perry and a Constitutionalist. Only 81% though, and they are all pretty close. Lowest is 51%. I guess that's what happens when you don't let the media mold how think and feel about things.

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