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Ashley Madison leak -- the fallout begins

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Does anyone else kinda feel like these hackers should be shot? I'm dead serious. To insert yourself into the affairs of others with no intimate knowledge of the individual circumstances of those involved, particularly when your actions can have life-altering effects on people you don't even know is inexcusable.

Do you put more blame on the hackers or the AM users? The actions of both parties led to this mess.

Edited by LBSeeBallLBGetBall
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and that picture isn't revealing as to who it is??? unless of course it is a stock photo


Front page NY Post:

My wife was addicted to Ashley Madison

Matthew is a successful, 48-year-old tech executive living outside of San Francisco. Over the course of five months from 2013 to 2014, his wife — we’ll call her “S” — cheated on him with countless men on the Ashley Madison Web site. Last week, hackers exposed the site’s 32 million users. Here, Matthew, who asked that his last name not be used in order to protect their two sons, tells The Post’s Dana Schuster his story.

Her profile, “attached female seeking male,” read: “Not looking to blow up my life … I am looking to stretch my wings a bit and fly a bit farther.”

My wife, to put it bluntly, was a cold fish in bed throughout our nearly two decades of marriage, so it was devastating to see her explicit fantasies laid out there so unabashedly. When we were together, she wasn’t into oral stuff, she wasn’t into kinky stuff — but on the site, she checked all the boxes: “I like to give oral,” “I like to get oral.”


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Do you put more blame on the hackers or the AM users? The actions of both parties led to this mess.



but i think this is something that is a problem in the wider society right now on several levels -- that we need to have gossip, that we need to be judgy/outraged, etc.... the guys that signed up were wrong, the guys that hacked it are wrong, and the people searching the lists for friends/family/famous people are also wrong. its a big ol mess.

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Does anyone else kinda feel like these hackers should be shot? I'm dead serious. To insert yourself into the affairs of others with no intimate knowledge of the individual circumstances of those involved, particularly when your actions can have life-altering effects on people you don't even know is inexcusable.


Absolutely. And toss in all the sanctimonious a-holes who are acting like AM invented cheating. Or that other people cheating on their spouses is anyone's business but the people in those marriages.

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just read that article....that guy sounds a bit weird, maybe somewhat controlling....told her she could do anything she wanted. then he has an anonymous blog...admitted to the er for stress and sleeplessness? something about that guy sounds kinda off, not to take blame away from the wife, but in her defense, she appears to be a hot red head



How about this one? I think most spouses would have a decent idea if that's theirs


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Absolutely. And toss in all the sanctimonious a-holes who are acting like AM invented cheating. Or that other people cheating on their spouses is anyone's business but the people in those marriages.

yup. for all we know, the friend down the street thats been outted had an open relationship that they didnt publicize. who knows.


but whats going on in that relationship is between the two people in the relationship - thats for sure.

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just read that article....that guy sounds a bit weird, maybe somewhat controlling....told her she could do anything she wanted. then he has an anonymous blog...admitted to the er for stress and sleeplessness? something about that guy sounds kinda off, not to take blame away from the wife, but in her defense, she appears to be a hot red head



Think that hit me Pooj is he claimed to be CEO of tech company that went public , he hit it big, and they lived in $1m dollar home in beach outside San Francisco Ask Chef what $ 1m would buy anywhere close to the water.

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ha..good point...probably the equivalent of my 2BR 1Bath apartment along the philly main line



Think that hit me Pooj is he claimed to be CEO of tech company that went public , he hit it big, and they lived in $1m dollar home in beach outside San Francisco Ask Chef what $ 1m would buy anywhere close to the water.

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I don't really understand the question. How could I blame AM users for the actions of the hackers?

First let me state that I'm not condoning what the hackers did and that I do think they should be punished. I also don't care if people cheat on each other as long as it's not my girl doing the cheating.


You can't blame the AM users for the actions of the hackers. You can blame them for signing up for an infidelity site. I'm not arguing that they deserved what happened to them. It is their own personal business. I also understand that the circumstances that led each person to the site is different. There is a very large moral gray area which includes reasons like being in an open relationship or a sexless relationship (for medical reasons).


A large majority of the users, I assume, are just looking for some strange. Before this happened, I knew that two friends of mine used the site. Both basically said that boredom was the cause. Is a sample of two random people damning of everyone else, no. I just won't feel bad for them if they get caught because they put themselves in a position to be caught.

Edited by LBSeeBallLBGetBall
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This one's bad just because of what happens to all these "outed" people and their families. This inserts a lot of heat into families that were otherwise "stable but not perfect" families, of which there are many. I've never had an affair but I don't stand in some stark judgment of those who do: Marriage is SUPER hard (20+ years here) and an affair is just one thing that can go wrong...but people can forgive and provide a good family. I've seen this first hand many times. We are all human and if no one forgave us, who would even talk to us.


The profiles are mostly fake but I'm guessing at least the majority of the credit card names are real. What's sad is how eager people are to look into everyone's business and see the lists of names. Ugh. I don't want to see that list even a little. If the list really has 37 million names, I'm sure to know some of them, and frankly, I'm happy to respect their privacy and have no idea what seeing their names on the list means: open marriage, unhappy marriage, just looking around on the site, full on affairs... if 95+% of the people there are men, I'm guessing the Ashley Madison guarantee of an affair is mostly not much of a guarantee unless the women are really really easy. Probably most men went on there and "failed to have an affair," but didn't call AM on their guarantee. "Hi, this is John Doe and I want my money back because I have been trying to contact women for months and never gotten laid on your site." Seems difficult to imagine that happening.



Does anyone else kinda feel like these hackers should be shot? I'm dead serious. To insert yourself into the affairs of others with no intimate knowledge of the individual circumstances of those involved, particularly when your actions can have life-altering effects on people you don't even know is inexcusable.

Agree with Rob: The hackers here are not to be lauded and I hope the media (and public) settles down on the witchhunt. Let families deal with any fallout that happens as it happens. The people affected here on TBD (of which percentage wise there have to be many) are in for a rough ride. Compassionate good luck to the silent but scared among you.

Edited by Observer
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Does anyone else kinda feel like these hackers should be shot? I'm dead serious. To insert yourself into the affairs of others with no intimate knowledge of the individual circumstances of those involved, particularly when your actions can have life-altering effects on people you don't even know is inexcusable.

It's all about power to these people. They get in, cause some damage, then hold it over the people (in this case AM) before tearing things apart.


My wife listens to a podcast by Chalene Johnson, who apparently has a huge social media presence. Hackers got access to all of her accounts and caused a massive amount of damage to her business. She did a lot of podcasts and blogging about it and tried to get out a lot of information about how to manage your accounts and passwords, etc... The point that compares to this though is how the hackers were talking to her throughout trying to get her to send money, and actually telling her they were doing her a favor by showing her how easy it was to get in. I'm sure you can Google it. It's all about some little pricks getting power over people in the anonymous world of the internet where they never could before in real life.

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First let me state that I'm not condoning what the hackers did and that I do think they should be punished. I also don't care if people cheat on each other as long as it's not my girl doing the cheating.


You can't blame the AM users for the actions of the hackers. You can blame them for signing up for an infidelity site. I'm not arguing that they deserved what happened to them. It is their own personal business. I also understand that the circumstances that led each person to the site is different. There is a very large moral gray area which includes reasons like being in an open relationship or a sexless relationship (for medical reasons).


A large majority of the users, I assume, are just looking for some strange. Before this happened, I knew that two friends of mine used the site. Both basically said that boredom was the cause. Is a sample of two random people damning of everyone else, no. I just won't feel bad for them if they get caught because they put themselves in a position to be caught.

outside of their own wife, is there any reason any of us should be involved in the catching?

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Front page NY Post:


My wife was addicted to Ashley Madison


Matthew is a successful, 48-year-old tech executive living outside of San Francisco. Over the course of five months from 2013 to 2014, his wife — we’ll call her “S” — cheated on him with countless men on the Ashley Madison Web site. Last week, hackers exposed the site’s 32 million users. Here, Matthew, who asked that his last name not be used in order to protect their two sons, tells The Post’s Dana Schuster his story.


Her profile, “attached female seeking male,” read: “Not looking to blow up my life … I am looking to stretch my wings a bit and fly a bit farther.”


My wife, to put it bluntly, was a cold fish in bed throughout our nearly two decades of marriage, so it was devastating to see her explicit fantasies laid out there so unabashedly. When we were together, she wasn’t into oral stuff, she wasn’t into kinky stuff — but on the site, she checked all the boxes: “I like to give oral,” “I like to get oral.”



Poor guy.


Who do you shoot in this case?


Yourself, the wife, the lover?


Also, could it be Matthews fault too?

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First let me state that I'm not condoning what the hackers did and that I do think they should be punished. I also don't care if people cheat on each other as long as it's not my girl doing the cheating.


You can't blame the AM users for the actions of the hackers. You can blame them for signing up for an infidelity site. I'm not arguing that they deserved what happened to them. It is their own personal business. I also understand that the circumstances that led each person to the site is different. There is a very large moral gray area which includes reasons like being in an open relationship or a sexless relationship (for medical reasons).


A large majority of the users, I assume, are just looking for some strange. Before this happened, I knew that two friends of mine used the site. Both basically said that boredom was the cause. Is a sample of two random people damning of everyone else, no. I just won't feel bad for them if they get caught because they put themselves in a position to be caught.

I see both as separate and distinct acts. Whether anyone chooses to feel sorry for the AM subscribers is irrelevant. It doesn't change the fact that the hackers inserted themselves into a situation that was none of their business and as a result caused problems for a lot of people.


I doubt any of the people who were exposed care about whether you or I feel sorry for them. But I think people who take it upon themselves to make life altering decisions for people they don't know, in circumstances they're not aware of, and without being asked by anyone involved, because they want to impose their subjective morality upon people against their will are highly eligible for, and well deserving of, a bullet in the head.

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I think those in a supposed "committed monogamous relationship" using the site are pitiful humans.


Those who make these kind of sites, are money-grubbing scum---they take advantage of the pitiful. For me, a quick way to judge a business is, when questioned about the practices of the company, somewhere in the answer is "what we do isn't illegal" or something along those lines.


The hackers in this case, are law-breaking scum. Self-deluded and self-righteous. Huge financial penalties and a long stretch behind bars is what they deserve.

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I think those in a supposed "committed monogamous relationship" using the site are pitiful humans.


Those who make these kind of sites, are money-grubbing scum---they take advantage of the pitiful. For me, a quick way to judge a business is, when questioned about the practices of the company, somewhere in the answer is "what we do isn't illegal" or something along those lines.


The hackers in this case, are law-breaking scum. Self-deluded and self-righteous. Huge financial penalties and a long stretch behind bars is what they deserve.

I agree. Cheaters are aholes!

I cant really blame the site though.

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The hackers in this case, are law-breaking scum. Self-deluded and self-righteous. Huge financial penalties and a long stretch behind bars is what they deserve.


The hackers say they outed the AM subscribers because they are opposed to cheating. If you buy that, I have a bridge to sell you. They outed the AM subscribers because they wanted to flex their hacking muscles, because it was fun, and because they knew they'd get a shitload of attention. I don't think for one second that the 23 year old hacker who did this was on a moral mission.

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