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Am I going to hell?


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(Attention Rob's House...the thread title is rhetorical & no answer is expected)


Driving to work today, 4 lane divided highway...funeral procession in the right lane. One car in the left lane (not part of the procession) kept pace with the last funeral car and would not let anyone pass.


I get it if you're on a two lane road, you follow, but on a 4 lane is it ok to respectfully pass the procession?


I must admit that I became somewhat heated. (This went on for 7-8 miles)

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Yes you are going to hell, but not because of this. If you are on a 2 lane road, then you are stuck following the procession, sucks but it's the way things are done. There is absolutely no reason to impede traffic if there are more than 2 lanes. Side not, if I am passing or following a funeral procession, i turn down my radio and if i am wearing one, take off my hat, course that is all while I am passing them in the passing lane

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Wow you guys are way too respectful. I usually raise my beer I as I drive by. :beer:

After several miles I was all NDBUFFCUSEBILLS. I could have gotten around the !@#$er in the red car, but, son of a B word sped up to keep me in my place. Finally got around him when the procession went through a red light & we had to stop. Good thing too because a couple miles further on was my exit (& theirs). I would have been stuck for another dozen miles.
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After several miles I was all NDBUFFCUSEBILLS. I could have gotten around the !@#$er in the red car, but, son of a B word sped up to keep me in my place. Finally got around him when the procession went through a red light & we had to stop. Good thing too because a couple miles further on was my exit (& theirs). I would have been stuck for another dozen miles.


That's why I keep a cooler of cold ones in the car. You never know what you're going to come up against.

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Drive by honk and wave with a big **** eating grin on your face.

I was, by chance, behind the Sam Kinison procession. We rolled up next to the hurse and my buddy hung out the window and gave the loudest guttural scream he could muster.




Looking back, that was probably in poor taste. Sam would've appreciated it though, i think.

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