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Is a Colorblind Society Out of Fashion?

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Two hens were clucking about racial politics and speaking of the ideal of a race neutral society as though it was a passe fashion trend. Apparently it's en vogue to promote racially disparate treatment.


It got me to wondering both if racism is the new anti-racism, and if our political culture is just a prodcut of following popular trends not unlike the arbitrary evolution of other cultural trends.

Edited by Rob's House
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Two hens were clucking about racial politics and speaking of the ideal of a race neutral society as though it was a passe fashion trend. Apparently it's en vogue to promote racially disparate treatment.


It got me to wondering both if racism is the new anti-racism, and if our political culture is just a prodcut of following popular trends not unlike the arbitrary evolution of other cultural trends.


Actually "racism" is now analogous to McCarthy era "communism."


Don't have to actually BE racist to be labeled one, and if you are, good luck.

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it is just like being against bullying and every other octothorpe trend. It is getting prime coverage - even E60 on ABC today was all about racism for 30 minutes in the whole Charleston shooting, going so far as to add to the story ending with it even took down the Confederate flag that has flown for a long ass time. It is quite sad, but my hope is that race is just simply forgotten. Let everyone just be one, themselves, who they are and screw the labels.

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my hope is that race is just simply forgotten. Let everyone just be one, themselves, who they are and screw the labels.

Never gonna happen while we have folks like Sharpton, Obama, Holder, Jackson, #BlackLivesMatter, and the rest of the Racist Industrial Complex

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Never gonna happen while we have folks like Sharpton, Obama, Holder, Jackson, #BlackLivesMatter, and the rest of the Racist Industrial Complex

I find it fitting, not accusingly, that people forget the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, and such...

Edited by Boyst62
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I find it fitting, no accusingly, that people forget the KKK, Aryan Brotherhood, and such...

KKK doesn't shake down businesses for cash


AB has morphed into more of an organized criminal enterprise than racist organization. The higher echelons don't have much problem doing business outside the race.

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