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Train vs. Connecticut commuter: Train wins

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in our self absorbed society she probably dropped her phone, which she wanted to check to see if anyone liked her latest photo, and desperately needed that phone, at that second

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I wonder if she took a selfie

I just walk through faux hollywood photo shoots all the time. The schadenfreude element of ruining their shot brings a smile to my face

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It's sad. Sometimes you just make bad choices. So many close calls in ones life. Some of them are impulsive, bad judgement. Nobody's perfect. Some people don't get a mulligan. I thank the Lord (or whoever you pray to) for looking out for @ times.


But everyone else is self absorbed. Okay.

Ha... Exactly. I chuckled when I read his reply.

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"Louis was sitting on the platform Friday at the Cos Cob station in Greenwich dangling her legs over the edge as train was approaching"


Ignoring for a moment the decision to jump down 6' onto a track with a train approaching, WTF was this girl thinking with that move??

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KD... She was desensitized to her surroundings. It had to be that. I know it is hard to believe. She must have felt safe. People do the craziest things. I get people in boats dangling all over the vessel (he he, that sounds funny) and when I tell them to stop or they will fall in, I am floored when they say they can't swim! WTF are they thinking!


Some people are like a fly to a flame when it comes to trouble.

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