IDBillzFan Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 And Jeb didn't cry about the treatment afterwards like a petulant child. Great job to pick up the victimization baton, fringe GOP. BTW, how do you square the promise that America will be strong again when your flag bearer curls up after a tough question from a girl? I'll say it again. Listening to him start every sentence with "If it weren't for me..." is something every conservative and Republican should be criticizing. You can't spend almost seven years criticizing the thin-skinned, narcissistic, ego-driven, look-at-me rhetoric of Obama, and suddenly be okay with it for your guy. Instead, Trump loses because of cries of "sexist!" and faux-outrage over an alleged menstruation joke, tactics borrowed from the Left. Why is it so hard for you to see the truth. The left is just sitting on the sidelines watching this show, begging for this idiot to get the nod. Then you know what happens? They deploy the leftists all over the world to show how much Trump hates women, and then he's done and Hillary wins in a landslide. Hell, Romney lost in part because he referenced a "binder full of women." What in the holy PHUCK do you think they'll do with Trump telling an employee she'd look good on her knees sucking his dick? Are you genuinely this stupid? Have you not learned ANYTHING in the past eight years?
B-Man Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Why is it so hard for you to see the truth. The left is just sitting on the sidelines watching this show, begging for this idiot to get the nod. I disagree with this part of your reply LA, You can see that on a Saturday morning, when the Left and the media (but I repeat myself) will decide that the next monumental issue facing the nation & on which GOP candidates must commit is whether Trump is out of line
IDBillzFan Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) ABC isn't waiting any longer. All the ways Trump trashes women on Twitter. We'll wait for him to respond with "If it weren't for me, NONE of you would have idea how big of a douchebag I am." EDIT This is happening much faster than I expected. Trump campaign manager quits because Donald is a nutbag. The next morning, Stone had to fight Trump’s handlers to meet with him for 15 minutes, prompting the following exchange that both of Stone’s friends tell POLITICO happened: Stone: “Donald, stop with the Megyn Kelly ****. It’s !@#$ing crazy. It’s killing us.” Trump: “What do you mean? I won the debate. People loved it.” Stone: “You didn’t win the debate.” Trump: “Yes I did. Look at the polling. Look at Drudge.” Stone: “The Drudge Report poll isn’t a scientific poll. You won’t give me the money to pay for a scientific poll. And you’re off-message.” Trump: “There are other polls.” Stone: “Those are bull **** polls, Donald. They’re not scientific polls. We need to run a professional campaign and talk about what people really care about.” Trump: “We’re winning.” After the meeting, Trump did the opposite of what Stone had recommended by going on CNN and trashing Kelly. “You could see there was blood coming out of her eyes, blood coming out of her — wherever,” Trump said, a comment perceived by many to be a reference to a woman’s menstrual cycle. Trump’s campaign later denied that interpretation, but by then Stone was consulting his friends about quitting. Edited August 8, 2015 by LABillzFan
GG Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 Don't you need to get back to the really long, boring, unnecessary discussion about whether Jon Stewart is a dishonest newsman? Lol, we have all complained about the media for ages. Jon Stewart, Katie Couric, Candy Crowley, whomever. To me, it'd be funny if THIS is how Trump finally loses poll support. He doesn't lose it because he's asked a bunch of great policy questions and is dissected on rebuttal by alleged big-brained policy guru Jeb Bush. Instead, Trump loses because of cries of "sexist!" and faux-outrage over an alleged menstruation joke, tactics borrowed from the Left. LOL, what a tool that Red State guy is. He should lose because he's a think skinned, intellectual lightweight egotist, who's the furthest away from a conservative out of the 17 candidates. He's the living embodiment that PT Barnum was 100% correct. The GOP should be rightfully pissed because 7 years of efforts will go down the drain with this clown.
TakeYouToTasker Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) 1 person 1 vote. It's not complicated. What is the merit to "one person, one vote", other than it's a catchy phrase to put on a bumper sticker? The truth is, assuming a Constitutional Republic is in place to protect the natural rights of those without the franchise, that those individuals who have no stake in the size and scope of government should neither have a say in the size and scope of government. Nanker's suggestion that the franchise should be restricted to those whom are net tax payers is a very reasonable modern adaptation of historical "property owners" enfranchisement. Additionally, because it is vitally important to ensure that everyone eligible for the franchise has the opportunity to obtain it when they reach the age of majority, military service to completion of a primary 4 year obligation should also instill the franchise. As an addendum, I would also do away with the privilege of birthright citizenship completely. Edited August 8, 2015 by TakeYouToTasker
4merper4mer Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) He should lose because he's a think skinned, intellectual lightweight egotist, who's the furthest away from a conservative out of the 17 candidates. He's the living embodiment that PT Barnum was 100% correct. The GOP should be rightfully pissed because 7 years of efforts will go down the drain with this clown. And there is a vacuum for people like him because everyone in the country can instinctively see that none of the other candidates on either side has an its of ability to speak openly about the state of our country. And they wouldn't know how to act quickly if their hair, pants and fingers would set on fire at the same time. It is sad so many people rally around a very flawed guy like Trump but there is a reason for it. Edited August 8, 2015 by 4merper4mer
1billsfan Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 ABC isn't waiting any longer. All the ways Trump trashes women on Twitter. We'll wait for him to respond with "If it weren't for me, NONE of you would have idea how big of a douchebag I am." EDIT This is happening much faster than I expected. Trump campaign manager quits because Donald is a nutbag. I don't get your angst here. Rosie once told Trump to "sit and spin" and he fought back. Kelly is clearly working for Jeb and tried to do a hit job on Trump and it backfired on her and Fox News. People want a fighter and a person who deeply loves America more than they want a puppet or someone who rolls over and plays nice when insulted. If you're an equal as a women (duh) and are going to throw punches with the big "boys" then you should expect to get punched back (not literally of course) and not need to play the "but how could he do that? I'm a woman" victim card. I would think that there are a lot of women out there who are insulted by Kelly's question and ABC News' article using this false "woman as victim" pretense as a tool to further Hillary's and Jeb's chances. So now Trump has been revealed as both a racist and a women hater?...LOL If he's such a hateful horrible human being then why did Fox have him on the stage? Why did PC-everything NBC employ him for over a decade even after the Rosie fight?
keepthefaith Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) Edited August 8, 2015 by keepthefaith
GG Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 And there is a vacuum for people like him because everyone in the country can instinctively see that none of the other candidates on either side has an its of ability to speak openly about the state of our country. And they wouldn't know how to act quickly if their hair, pants and fingers would set on fire at the same time. It is sad so many people rally around a very flawed guy like Trump but there is a reason for it. I get why Trump is popular. He's the candidate from central casting of a hell raising President, who won't take any crap from anybody else and will restore America on the right path. I also recall a lot of fans loving a bullhorn-toting coach because he was going to put the lazy unconditioned fat guys in their place. How did that work out?
Dante Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 (edited) The left and the establishment are terrified of someone that is actually telling the truth. Not one of these spineless republicans dare say anything about the joke that is the border. Trump says it and it resonates with a great deal of the people who give a shite about the country. Rubio, Cruz, Bush all of them are so weak because their life depends on their career in politics. A race to see who can get in position to steal from the slush fund tax revenue. Trump is such a nut he made his millions in the private sector and doesn't need to be a politician. He definitely has his warts and I'm not sure if I want him for prez. But one thing is clear to me, he grades out a good points above the best of these scrubs. Except for maybe Rand but even he isn't clear on shite like the border. Say what you want about the guy at least he's real. Meg Kelly can go f herself she's working for the establishment. They are all scared because he's not bought and paid for and don't need the media or anyone else. These two stick up for Trump. These women are great. I get a kick out of the one on camera right Edited August 9, 2015 by Dante
4merper4mer Posted August 8, 2015 Posted August 8, 2015 I get why Trump is popular. He's the candidate from central casting of a hell raising President, who won't take any crap from anybody else and will restore America on the right path. I also recall a lot of fans loving a bullhorn-toting coach because he was going to put the lazy unconditioned fat guys in their place. How did that work out? I make no claims that it would work well at all. My preference would be for someone who has a little bit of Trump's willingness to call America great and actually mean America, not the federal government. Most of the people on that stage would get absolutely trampled in the business world unless they were the bosses son in law. Fiorina is the obvious exception but HP isn't exactly the world's most nimble company. She is a lot more like the professor in Back to School than she is like Rodney. All of these people are looking at an enormous dysfunctional entity and thinking about how they could tweak it here and there to make it functional. It's size and centralization make that impossible. I think Trump is just like them in that regard. But when there is an elephant in the room at least he is willing to say: "Hey, look at the elephant". The other morons are all wondering what they should say so as not to offend the elephant, anyone that likes elephants, anyone that has ever heard the word elephant or the local peanut farmer. Meanwhile the elephant keeps taking giant dumps in the living room. The political system spits out these losers left and right. Trump is right when he calls them losers because that is what they are. The mere fact that a vile individual like Hillary Clinton could A. be a contender, much less a forgone conclusion for one party while B. the opposition party trots out a roster of candidates that makes it seem not worth the effort to get off the couch to vote against her is astounding and foreshadows the continued pissing away of the greatest society the world has ever known. So excuse me if I don't mind Trump calling the idiots idiots even if I agree that he would not make a good president.
B-Man Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Dems Announce Curiously Short and Delayed Debate ScheduleIt's almost like they're trying to protect someone. When will Dems unleash full “Palin treatment” on Carly Fiorina? Just wait for it. ‘Utterly and totally useless’ Bernie Sanders surrenders campaign stop to #BlackLivesMatter protesters
1billsfan Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 The left and the establishment are terrified of someone that is actually telling the truth. Not one of these spineless republicans dare say anything about the joke that is the border. Trump says it and it resonates with a great deal of the people who give a shite about the country. Rubio, Cruz, Bush all of them are so weak because their life depends on their career in politics. A race to see who can get in position to steal from the slush fund tax revenue. Trump is such a nut he made his millions in the private sector and doesn't need to be a politician. He definitely has his warts and I'm not sure if I want him for prez. But one thing is clear to me, he grades out a good points above the best of these scrubs. Except for maybe Rand but even he isn't clear on shite like the border. Say what you want about the guy at least he's real. Meg Kelly can go f herself she's working for the establishment. They are all scared because he's not bought and paid for and don't need the media or anyone else. These two stick up for Trump. These women are great. I get a kick out of the one on camera right Those women are right. Megyn Kelly gave no context whatsoever to Trumps comments like the fact that they were in retaliation to Rosie's tell him to go "sit and spin" (gee...hmm...I wonder what that meant?). The way Kelly read her question it was as if Trump just out of the blue decided one day to call Rosie a fat pig. It really does seem like Fox News tried to wipe out Trump for either Jeb or Rubio.
reddogblitz Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 (edited) Utterly and totally useless Bernie Sanders surrenders campaign stop to #BlackLivesMatter protesters What should Bernie have done? Last time he and Lincoln Charffee tried to talk to them and got tarred and feathered as racists. Perhaps he should have done what Obama does and Rubio is doing next week. Fly in, hop in a limousine, and ride to Medina or Bellevue and pick up a satchel of cash while no riff raff (people without 5 or 6 figure "donations") will even be able to see him? Edited August 9, 2015 by reddogblitz
/dev/null Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 I gotta admit that I do get a chuckle out of all the Lefties rushing to the defense of a Fox News anchor
Dante Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 Those women are right. Megyn Kelly gave no context whatsoever to Trumps comments like the fact that they were in retaliation to Rosie's tell him to go "sit and spin" (gee...hmm...I wonder what that meant?). The way Kelly read her question it was as if Trump just out of the blue decided one day to call Rosie a fat pig. It really does seem like Fox News tried to wipe out Trump for either Jeb or Rubio. We are in such a fake reality right now. Truth, real facts are perceived as a attack, war, or prejudice. Not for what it is. A first step to a solution. Everything is spun to gain a popular advantage. The motivation is never the good of the country or everyone's individual liberty. It's to further the cause of centralizing power to a few. Republican or Democrat it doesn't matter. It's a fixed fraudulent scheme to create a layer of bureaucracy(fed gov) that basically does nothing except suck cash from us that work for it. It's a total screw job. Personally I think the fed government should be defunded. Whatever it takes. Secession by a significant number of states that say "f you" or whatever. I don't know but this endless stream of bullshite can't go on for to much longer.
Trump_is_Mentally_fit Posted August 9, 2015 Posted August 9, 2015 We are in such a fake reality right now. Truth, real facts are perceived as a attack, war, or prejudice. Not for what it is. A first step to a solution. Everything is spun to gain a popular advantage. The motivation is never the good of the country or everyone's individual liberty. It's to further the cause of centralizing power to a few. Republican or Democrat it doesn't matter. It's a fixed fraudulent scheme to create a layer of bureaucracy(fed gov) that basically does nothing except suck cash from us that work for it. It's a total screw job. Personally I think the fed government should be defunded. Whatever it takes. Secession by a significant number of states that say "f you" or whatever. I don't know but this endless stream of bullshite can't go on for to much longer. You are so angry you want to screw over the whole country?
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