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Posted (edited)

You would be allowed to vote but only for the captain of your bowling team.

No, he asked about a point system. He did that because he's a moron.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker

So you have no system to base the merit system off of? What, you'd just let rich people vote?


You !@#$ing dipshit. How in the ever-lovin' !@#$ do you manage to confuse meritocracy with plutocracy?



You !@#$ing dipshit. How in the ever-lovin' !@#$ do you manage to confuse meritocracy with plutocracy?

Because he has no idea what either word means, and so he's assigned them random definitions.
Posted (edited)

1 person 1 vote.


It's not complicated.

It becomes complicated when you have two distinct groups - one who pays into the system, the other who lives off it - and they both have an equal say.


It's like my wife's friend who lets her degenerate grown daughter & son in law live with her. She's the only one contributing to the household finances, but under one person one vote they can vote themselves a bigger portion of her paycheck.

Edited by Rob's House
Posted (edited)

Going into this debate, Trump led simply because he struck a cord with the American people. He cut through the PC crap and stated like it is. Last night, he had a great opportunity to begin to lay out a plan, but instead, almost looked to be playing defense. I get it, I ran a few campaigns many moons ago, you don't want to put it all out there too early, because you'll peak too soon... But he certainly shoulda thrown a bone so to speak....He won't gain anything, and may lose a few points.


Other notes:

Christie came off as a bloviating idiot in his argument with Paul. Defending NSA spying on the American people in a Republican debate? Paul gained points among Libertarians and Contsitutionists, Christie will more than likely lose his spot in the top 10 to Carly...


Ben Carson is calm cool and collectively the most intelligent person in this race. Please, please, please, whoever wins the nomination, find a place for this man. I think he can help to heal a lot of the racial divide Obama has created almost overnight. He should have appeal to both minorities and the religious right.


Bush tried too hard to pretend he was the adult on the stage, but we're in an era that doesn't want "nice"... They want results an an end to political correct crap. He will lose points too:

Rubio and Cruz... Both had good nights, came off as very articulate, and on point, actually, you know, answering questions unlike some others like Kasich...


Walker was somewhat neutral, nothing damaging, nothing earth shaking.


Huck... wow... Perhaps the most charismatic candidate in the race from both sides. Is going to gain points among the right to life crowd, but boy is he going to get bashed in the media and from the women's rights crowd.


Now here's the kicker... I would argue that in the last 2 elections, many conservatives stayed home because there was not a clear cut choice between Obama and McCain, or Obama and Romney. Conservatives have recently successfully kicked Reid and Pelosi to the curb, only to have them replaced by other establishment types in Boehner and McConnell and they are pissed!!!!!

This is why Trump currently appeals to so many. Non establishment... If the nomination brings any of Bush, Kasich, Christie, or most of the bottom feeders, they will stay home again. But if you take the points held by Trump, Rubio, Cruz, Walker, Carly, and Carson and combine them (all the closest to non establishment), I think of those, you have the winner because they point all Rhinos hold, can't beat that...(I left Huck out as a wild card)....


Oh, and an edit.... Gator is an idiot...

Edited by Cinga

I missed the first hour, and I mainly judge these things at this stage by charisma, stage presence and body language, but I thought Christie looked and sounded pretty good.


I missed the first hour, and I mainly judge these things at this stage by charisma, stage presence and body language, but I thought Christie looked and sounded pretty good.

I disagree....


I think people are really, really, turned off by the personal attacks in campaigns, and in government, which has gone on far too long. Especially in the Democrat Party, if you don't have an answer, you simply attack the other person's character... This is Christie...


In fact I would argue, if Christie switched parties, I bet he would be able to give the Hill and serious run for the money... As a Republican, his career started and ends in NJ....


I disagree....


I think people are really, really, turned off by the personal attacks in campaigns, and in government, which has gone on far too long. Especially in the Democrat Party, if you don't have an answer, you simply attack the other person's character... This is Christie...


In fact I would argue, if Christie switched parties, I bet he would be able to give the Hill and serious run for the money... As a Republican, his career started and ends in NJ....

You're a racist.


I wonder if the bitches on MSNBC would have ripped Jackie Kennedy for being born rich and a debutante.


They should do a remake of 200 Motels and play the Flo and Eddie roles.


:lol: meanwhile, Gonzo, the lead guitar player.......


Miracles of plastic surgery:




Wow, you've really got a boner for the Donald.


Do you have any idea what the left will do with Trump for suggesting on his TV show that one of the girls would look good on her knees?


Any idea?


Did you see what they did to Romney's wife for owning a horse as therapy to overcome cancer? Did you see what happened to Limbaugh for calling some girl a tramp?


When it's the left's turn to beat Trump up, suggesting to a girl on his show that she'd look good giving him head is like handing the keys to the WH to Hillary.


He's a pig and he'll lose horribly. Let him go.


Finally got to watch it, as much crap as I gave Mags about Rubio, he was the only real candidate on the stage. He was good. Jeb disappointed early but rebounded well enough to avoid bombing completely. I liked Kasich, but I don't think he's got much of a chance. Trump was predictable.



Wow, you've really got a boner for the Donald.


Do you have any idea what the left will do with Trump for suggesting on his TV show that one of the girls would look good on her knees?


Any idea?


Did you see what they did to Romney's wife for owning a horse as therapy to overcome cancer? Did you see what happened to Limbaugh for calling some girl a tramp?


When it's the left's turn to beat Trump up, suggesting to a girl on his show that she'd look good giving him head is like handing the keys to the WH to Hillary.


He's a pig and he'll lose horribly. Let him go.


First of all, only nominating Carly would stop the sexist attacks. That's what the Left do -- they call you sexist, racist, intolerant, homophobic, yada yada yada, no matter who the candidate is.


Jeb himself got into trouble a couple days ago didn't he? Something about not wanting to spend money on women's health. Obviously he meant not spending money on Planned Parenthood, but the accusations of sexism came anyway, right?


Nobody with a penis is going to be exempt.


Besides: http://thehill.com/blogs/in-the-know/in-the-know/250611-apprentice-contestant-doesnt-remember-trumps-on-your-knees


“I actually didn’t even remember him saying that,” Roderick, to whom the comment was directed, said on MSNBC’s “Live with Thomas Roberts” on Friday.

Roderick said Trump has always treated her with respect.

I’ve always had a positive experience around Donald. He’s always been encouraging. He’s never been disrespectful to me,” Roderick said after they showed her the clip of Trump's remark. “I don’t condone men being derogatory, but I think he was just — he’s on television, he’s trying to be funny. I don’t think that he meant anything horrible by it.”


Here's the left attacking Jeb about not supporting women's health. It's going to happen to everyone.








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