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Here's what Hillary tweeted during the debate.................



Did Hillary Clinton really just use a clip of herself being BORED by the deaths of the four brave Americans in Benghazi … as a punchline? Yes. Yes she did.



Hillary tweeting .gifs from a congressional hearing about the death of 4 Americans as comedy is by far the lowest point of this election.


And that include Trump's penis reference.






Which was brought to us courtesy of little marco. That was as low a remark as he could possibly have done.

WTF is wrong with these people?

"His hair is orange."

"His ears are large."

"He sweats more than anyone I've ever known."

"HE sweats more than ME."


JHFC they all need to get the hell out. Their haranguing is disgusting and their line of attacks is despicable.

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He also advocates for a flat tax, but we both know that isn't going to happen either.


The reality is, with Cruz you know, almost without exception, where he stands. You know what he believes in and you know he's dug in for whatever it is.


What I would like is to hear Cruz's words come out of Rubio's mouth. But as far as I'm concerned right now, the most important part of this election is SCOTUS, and I far more trust Rubio and Cruz to make those picks than Trump or Hillary.


Cruz destroyed Trump last night, and if you heard all the stories -- from the hotel in Florida to Trump U -- it's difficult to not look at Trump and realize he is a massive fraud.


Kasich looked very good last night as well, by the way. I almost wouldn't mind him as a Veep choice, but that spot needs to be filled by a woman since they're going up against Hillary.


Trump remains the most dangerous person in this race. Even way more so than Hillary.


I started the entire process with Rubio as my first choice but in no small thanks to Christie who I also liked until he lined up behind Trump, Rubio's weaknesses have been exposed. I still like him but my faith in him to be president is shaken.


Kasich is the most palatable of those still left on stage but he's got no shot except to join in as spoiler to Trump.


And while I agree with you that Cruz stands with his principles, even those I disagree with, his inflexibility make him a crappy leader. Obama proved what gets done when you can't talk to the other side...and Cruz isn't even liked in his own party's leadership. I don't need that lesson again.

Edited by Observer
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Which was brought to us courtesy of little marco. That was as low a remark as he could possibly have done.

WTF is wrong with these people?

"His hair is orange."

"His ears are large."

"He sweats more than anyone I've ever known."

"HE sweats more than ME."


JHFC they all need to get the hell out. Their haranguing is disgusting and their line of attacks is despicable.

The Republican inner child has been embraced

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How stupid will the GOP race get? Bragging about the size of his private parts?



Make America White Again! I mean "great," sorry :bag:


The candidate you support is the only one who's given a flowery speech regaling a former KKK leader, calling him her mentor and a noble man.


...But keep on pushing the racial agenda. Only proves what everyone else already knows about your intellectual honesty and capabilities.

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The candidate you support is the only one who's given a flowery speech regaling a former KKK leader, calling him her mentor and a noble man.


In fairness, it's not really the candidate he supports so much as the candidate he's told to support.



An original thinker, he's not. Not even when he's logged in as ...lybob.

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The candidate you support is the only one who's given a flowery speech regaling a former KKK leader, calling him her mentor and a noble man.


...But keep on pushing the racial agenda. Only proves what everyone else already knows about your intellectual honesty and capabilities.


But she's not racist. She has black friends.


Hell, she married the country's First Black President.

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