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Funny...that's the reason I'm starting to lean towards voting for him. The only way the imperial powers of the presidency are going to be reined in is if someone in the office abuses it so badly that both parties unify to restore the constitutional balance to the government. And Trump may very well be that man.


Yes, I'll consider voting for Trump, because I'm coming to the conclusion that we have to destroy the country to save it.


I think you'll likely get your wish with him, Hillary or Bernie. So I think the prospects of the country being saved are high.

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Malarkey. You can't on one hand sit there and say that everyone dazzled by the Trump show is a moron and that you're above his antics, and on the other say he's the reason that no one, including yourself, is talking about the other GOPers.


If you prefer Governor's from large states, who is your candidate of choice? Or are you waiting for a savior to jump in?


Speaking of Malarkey, notice how many people are supportive of Trump, yet critical of Rex?


Ranking in order, Kasich, Jeb, Christie. I'm very familiar with Christie's record and would have been an enthusiastic supporter until I witnessed first-hand how he handled and politicized Sandy clean up. It wasn't the Obama hug that did him in, but how he handled the state afterward.


I think you'll likely get your wish with him, Hillary or Bernie. So I think the prospects of the country being saved are high.


You have to kill it before you save it.

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Speaking of Malarkey, notice how many people are supportive of Trump, yet critical of Rex?


Ranking in order, Kasich, Jeb, Christie. I'm very familiar with Christie's record and would have been an enthusiastic supporter until I witnessed first-hand how he handled and politicized Sandy clean up. It wasn't the Obama hug that did him in, but how he handled the state afterward.


You have to kill it before you save it.

Not really. Is there a lot of overlap?

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You are also wrong on my opinion about the delivery. His delivery is precisely what drives the appeal. He's the classic carnival barker/oil salesman in American history. He doesn't sell a product, he sells a story that appeals to his listeners, and they buy the product no matter the quality.


It's a classic sales routine perfected by pyramid schemes, door to door marketing, affinity clubs, and online shopping. He connects with the buyer's sense of belonging and inferring his empty platitudes.


He's tapped into an angry and confused portion of the electorate who feel that America is sliding down with an empty promise that he will make America great again. That simple slogan resonates, even though his prescriptions stand to do the opposite.


But good luck telling people who are emotionally invested in the early stages of a ponzi scheme that they will lose their shirts. The realization usually comes a few layers later.


As for his failures in business, read what I write. He was a failure in a business that most people credit him for - real estate & gambling. Any time he's had to negotiate with serious people across the table, he got taken to the woodshed. He's a far greater marketer of his name, and rightly realized that he should stick to selling pyramid schemes and reality TV shows.

Just read an article that claims Trump's campaignis all a ruse. He's just out to prove that he can be an anti-politician and say outrageous things and be the most popular candidate.

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I will give you all the credit in the world if you actually know what Trump feels or wants, because all I hear from him is,

"I don't know what is going on, but those guys are screwing it up, and if you elect me I will fix the thing that I don't know, but know that isn't working. But, there's one more thing. I won't reveal how I'm going to fix it until I'm elected. "

Admit it, you have a lot Ronco products at home, don't you?

I just realized that we are debating two separate points:


1. You're discussing why you don't like Trump and why he shouldn't be president.


2. I'm discussing why the American people have embraced him as a candidate for president.


Subtle difference but different just the same. Micro vs. Macro.


But I'm interested to continue reading why you and others here feel that you may know what's best for the American people and why you know better than them what's best for them and their families. Because my local Rolex a.d., who made himself into a millionaire thirty times over with $7,000 and a history degree from American University, and who is a rabid Donald Trump supporter, probably doesn't know what a ponzi scheme is, or, for that matter, what "snake oil" refers to.


So please continue educating the country; please bestow thine own wisdom. This forum has proven to be an accurate bellwether ... what with the fidelity of predictions around the 2012 presidential campaign outcome. I'm not sure that a more accurate tenor of the country's interests and direction, or a more true complexion of the country's ideological makeup, or a more precise demographic composition, exists more so than it does here at "tsw" and specifically the "ppp" sub forum. They should gallup this B word.


Incidentally, you've worked in politics, right? You understand the gritty, dirty, gully parts of the legislative process. You have an intimate grasp of where you can push and with whom you can pull in order to get **** accomplished in Washington. You're juiced in. Why the !@#$ are you even here? Shouldn't you be at hawk and dove drinking a blue moon sanz the orange and captivating everyone with your command of Washington politics and your unparalleled understanding of what middle-America needs.


Why are you on ppp pontificating to a bunch of folks? Shouldn't you be practicing excellence for some think tank that needs to better understand what America needs to be happy and successful, since you've proven to me and this forum that you have an intimate understanding of that topic area - between your various non sequiturs and you're ad hominem attacks that you're passing as "analysis."


Hold on, you Ld'd after college right? My bad, grad school where you wowed your professors with erudite discussion of the "endogenous model of international trade network formation and the effect on domestic political outcomes." Better yet, you know better than most the impact of socio-political **** because national political decisions affect you uniquely more than they do the "idiots" who would vote for Trump.


I just think that you're wasting your talents on this small of a community - notwithstanding its undeniable geo-political influence.

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Has a ring to it.

In Rex's defense, at least he has a reason to withhold how he's gonna get the team to the playoffs.

I just realized that we are debating two separate points:


1. You're discussing why you don't like Trump and why he shouldn't be president.


2. I'm discussing why the American people have embraced him as a candidate for president.


Subtle difference but different just the same. Micro vs. Macro.


But I'm interested to continue reading why you and others here feel that you may know what's best for the American people and why you know better than them what's best for them and their families. Because my local Rolex a.d., who made himself into a millionaire thirty times over with $7,000 and a history degree from American University, and who is a rabid Donald Trump supporter, probably doesn't know what a ponzi scheme is, or, for that matter, what "snake oil" refers to.


So please continue educating the country; please bestow thine own wisdom. This forum has proven to be an accurate bellwether ... what with the fidelity of predictions around the 2012 presidential campaign outcome. I'm not sure that a more accurate tenor of the country's interests and direction, or a more true complexion of the country's ideological makeup, or a more precise demographic composition, exists more so than it does here at "tsw" and specifically the "ppp" sub forum. They should gallup this B word.


Incidentally, you've worked in politics, right? You understand the gritty, dirty, gully parts of the legislative process. You have an intimate grasp of where you can push and with whom you can pull in order to get **** accomplished in Washington. You're juiced in. Why the !@#$ are you even here? Shouldn't you be at hawk and dove drinking a blue moon sanz the orange and captivating everyone with your command of Washington politics and your unparalleled understanding of what middle-America needs.


Why are you on ppp pontificating to a bunch of folks? Shouldn't you be practicing excellence for some think tank that needs to better understand what America needs to be happy and successful, since you've proven to me and this forum that you have an intimate understanding of that topic area - between your various non sequiturs and you're ad hominem attacks that you're passing as "analysis."


Hold on, you Ld'd after college right? My bad, grad school where you wowed your professors with erudite discussion of the "endogenous model of international trade network formation and the effect on domestic political outcomes." Better yet, you know better than most the impact of socio-political **** because national political decisions affect you uniquely more than they do the "idiots" who would vote for Trump.


I just think that you're wasting your talents on this small of a community - notwithstanding its undeniable geo-political influence.

I read this in Matt Damon's Boston accent from Good Will Hunting.

Edited by FireChan
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I just realized that we are debating two separate points:


1. You're discussing why you don't like Trump and why he shouldn't be president.


2. I'm discussing why the American people have embraced him as a candidate for president.




Funny me, I thought I was discussing why American people have embraced him as a candidate for president. I'm sure you remember why PT Barnum has a special place in American history.


As for the rest of the pablum, you need to brush up on your poster knowledge. I have nor want any part of the Washington scene. I think you were looking in the mirror when you penned that drek.


But I am familiar with the world of finance. You know, the world that Donald claims that he is a master of the universe. It is from this world that I declare him to be a joke. And that's the view from most of the people who call Wall Street home. But go ahead and believe that he's a real estate mogul, instead of a real estate failure.

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Funny me, I thought I was discussing why American people have embraced him as a candidate for president. I'm sure you remember why PT Barnum has a special place in American history.


As for the rest of the pablum, you need to brush up on your poster knowledge. I have nor want any part of the Washington scene. I think you were looking in the mirror when you penned that drek.


But I am familiar with the world of finance. You know, the world that Donald claims that he is a master of the universe. It is from this world that I declare him to be a joke. And that's the view from most of the people who call Wall Street home. But go ahead and believe that he's a real estate mogul, instead of a real estate failure.

1. Maybe you thought that you were; unfortunately though, you weren't. But for your peace-of-mind lets just say that it depends on how well you can deceive yourself and with whom you can conspire in that effort.


2. You missed the sarcasm. I know that you're not anything "Washington" or "insider." Far from it. In the same way that you're not in any position to infer that people are idiots or "unsophisticated" because they would buy what Trump is selling (and yes, the suggestion is clear with regard to your references to "Ponzi schemes," etc.). But you werent able to address that part of my crticism of you. You opted for the "beatnik" route. I can dig it though daddy-o.


You should brush up on your posting skills - your platitudes and diversions don't really work in conversations with me. They just scream "not ready."


3. I'm not familiar with the world of finance. I just know that Trump is a billionaire. You obviously know his financial circumstances and the intricacies around his rise to commercial and financial uber success better than most. That's good for you and Im sure that it's a feather in your, already decorated, cap.

In Rex's defense, at least he has a reason to withhold how he's gonna get the team to the playoffs.


I read this in Matt Damon's Boston accent from Good Will Hunting.

And you would be correct in both form, fashion, and result.

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Funny me, I thought I was discussing why American people have embraced him as a candidate for president. I'm sure you remember why PT Barnum has a special place in American history.


As for the rest of the pablum, you need to brush up on your poster knowledge. I have nor want any part of the Washington scene. I think you were looking in the mirror when you penned that drek.


But I am familiar with the world of finance. You know, the world that Donald claims that he is a master of the universe. It is from this world that I declare him to be a joke. And that's the view from most of the people who call Wall Street home. But go ahead and believe that he's a real estate mogul, instead of a real estate failure.

It would be hard to declare Trump a failure in Real Estate. That's a tough business often with more downside risk than upside. His projects and investments haven't all been winners bit he's had more winners. If it were so easy, more would do it.

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1. Maybe you thought that you were; unfortunately though, you weren't. But for your peace-of-mind lets just say that it depends on how well you can deceive yourself and with whom you can conspire in that effort.


2. You missed the sarcasm. I know that you're not anything "Washington" or "insider." Far from it. In the same way that you're not in any position to infer that people are idiots or "unsophisticated" because they would buy what Trump is selling (and yes, the suggestion is clear with regard to your references to "Ponzi schemes," etc.). But you werent able to address that part of my crticism of you. You opted for the "beatnik" route. I can dig it though daddy-o.


You should brush up on your posting skills - your platitudes and diversions don't really work in conversations with me. They just scream "not ready."


3. I'm not familiar with the world of finance. I just know that Trump is a billionaire. You obviously know his financial circumstances and the intricacies around his rise to commercial and financial uber success better than most. That's good for you and Im sure that it's a feather in your, already decorated, cap.


And you would be correct in both form, fashion, and result.

I see that the two year absence hasn't cured your penchant to miss the point. But you make up for it in volume.


Btw, I think I'm in tune with your average Trump supporter, are you?



It would be hard to declare Trump a failure in Real Estate. That's a tough business often with more downside risk than upside. His projects and investments haven't all been winners bit he's had more winners. If it were so easy, more would do it.

A lot easier with dad's seed money. Trump doesn't do development projects, he just slaps his name on them. He is a marketing wiz,real estate and casinos, not so much

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I see that the two year absence hasn't cured your penchant to miss the point. But you make up for it in volume.


Btw, I think I'm in tune with your average Trump supporter, are you?



Average Trump Supporter = one racist poster in this small corner of the Internet?


Interesting sample size there.

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I see that the two year absence hasn't cured your penchant to miss the point. But you make up for it in volume.

Btw, I think I'm in tune with your average Trump supporter, are you?http://forums.twobillsdrive.com/topic/184679-is-the-trumpster-a-conservative/?p=3860425

I see that my two year absence hasn't cured your proclivity to not be able to comprehend any salient point. By the way, please refer to points #1 and #2 above.


Peace yo.

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