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Dr. Ben Carson is a skilled and brilliant surgeon. He's also devoutly religious, which does not, despite your foolishness, make him a whacko. He's not my candidate, but his healthcare policy is nuanced and wise, and globally revolutionary. He's a man who needs to be listened to, even though he's not a man who should be president.

His talents don't translate to politics. He's nutty

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We, we need strength, we need energy, we need quickness and we need brain in this country to turn it around.




I don't like Trump for president but the above quote is very true and I doubt that 25% of the candidates, regardless of party, understand this. A lot of people in both parties think they have so much brain they can overcome the need for strength, energy and quickness. They're wrong. Some may be very smart but that is not enough. Almost all of them overestimate their own intelligence.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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You mean by asking him to defend his statements and provide proof?


we need proof that Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob? it's okay to be tough on him (i think they've been totally fair to call him out on his previous liberal stances and alliances, for example) but don't use lib tactics, e.g. "war on women"



Carson wants a biblical tax system???


it's called a flat tax, and it would be much better than what we have. and you save money on IRS bureaucrats and buildings, too



So far Trump is the big loser and Rubio has been the best. Still another hour to go.


wishful thinking. check out Drudge poll


Trump's doing fine.


I think Rand Paul hasn't come off well. Not necessarily his policy statements, but he just seems like a douche. Didn't know that about him.

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Dr. Ben Carson is a skilled and brilliant surgeon. He's also devoutly religious, which does not, despite your foolishness, make him a whacko. He's not my candidate, but his healthcare policy is nuanced and wise, and globally revolutionary. He's a man who needs to be listened to, even though he's not a man who should be president.




Huck connects well with people. Too bad his social stances are a non starter for the general electorate


He comes off as the most 'Reaganesque' of the bunch, fwiw.



it's called a flat tax, and it would be much better than what we have. and you save money on IRS bureaucrats and buildings, too




Carson's method of stating the obvious is too nuanced for Gator - he only recognizes a flat tax if you specifically call it that.

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we need proof that Rosie O'donnell is a fat slob? it's okay to be tough on him (i think they've been totally fair to call him out on his previous liberal stances and alliances, for example) but don't use lib tactics, e.g. "war on women"





it's called a flat tax, and it would be much better than what we have. and you save money on IRS bureaucrats and buildings, too





wishful thinking. check out Drudge poll


Trump's doing fine.


I think Rand Paul hasn't come off well. Not necessarily his policy statements, but he just seems like a douche. Didn't know that about him.

Trump is barely getting any applauses, I don't need an online poll conducted by a website that hates illegal immigration to tell me that he isn't doing well.


Kasich did really well with his last answer.


Scott Walker is very bland

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Trump is barely getting any applauses, I don't need an online poll conducted by a website that hates illegal immigration to tell me that he isn't doing well.


any applause or laughter is good, considering they began the night booing him on the 3rd party question... a pro-kasich crowd isn't going to be a pro-trump crowd

Ben Carson, lol lol lol what a loon!


Carson's been outstanding.

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Looking at it from a detatched point of view, considering ability to win, lead, and enact good policy (assuming they would follow through on their word) I thought Chris Christie was the most impressive. Bush came off really well too. His lineage of moderates is somewhat concerning, but if his name wasn't Bush he may have the best chance to win. Huckabee may have the best stage presence. He connects to the audience very well, and has a great charisma about him. Poor Ben Carson's message was good, but he was visibly nervous up til the last bit where he scored with the close. Rubio and Walker both seemed like they might well be great guys with good ideas, but neither of them really have the charisma and strength to win a President in a television world.


Trump.... as a person you have to give him a lot of credit. The guy's got balls. And he's got a great personality. For him to come into a debate like this is like Michael Jordan going to play baseball in his 30s. Sure, he's great at what he does but he didn't start playing politician until he was in his 60s. Most of these guys prepare for this their whole lives. Trump's a joe who thinks maybe he coulda played in the majors, now he wants a chance, and he has the reputation, fame, and money to make it happen, and he went for it. And for being a rookie playing in the major leagues of a new sport, I thought he did well. I don't think tonight helped him, but he was a long shot to begin with. But he got a lot of new people to watch the Republican debate.

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Trump is a lion. Able to find the weakest of the herd very quickly and able to take advantage quickly. It's an instinctual, keen, rare but unsophisticated skill. He's leveraged that into a very successful career. To his credit he takes care of his people and is a prideful leader. The job of President requires some of that skill but many other skills that he lacks. Trump will lose support as he's exposed as somewhat of a one-trick pony.

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Watching to post debate coverage. Okay more like it's still on for background noise, but whatever.


Debbie Wasserman Schulz is one harsh looking woman. But I suppose spending the last 6 years going on always being so negative takes its toll.

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Huckabee, Rubio, Carly, Christy, Kasich did well IMO. Others did too. Trump will lose a few points of support. Rand Paul and Carson have some very admirable qualities and positions. All candidates need more exposure but at the same time there are too many. Some will run out of money and withdraw. It'll be months before there are a few clear leaders.

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