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If you are interested in a sideshow, then yes a candidate skipping a debate would be more interesting and important than other legit candidates facing tough questions and substance on critical issues facing our country.

He's not the first front runner to skip a debate so late in the election.



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He's not the first front runner to skip a debate so late in the election.




And Reagan lost to Bush in Iowa.


Of course, that was pre-internet, pre-cell phone, pre-cable news (for a few more months)


Will be interesting to see how it plays out on Monday.

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Of course, that was pre-internet, pre-cell phone, pre-cable news (for a few more months)


Will be interesting to see how it plays out on Monday.



A good point.




by the way, Fox News had 2 million more viewers than the last debate with Trump.

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The one on FBN? Not surprising. But last night was still the 2nd-lowest rated debate of this cycle.


The pre-Iowa caucus debate, on the mothership Fox News, WITH Trump probably would've done 20 million viewers, imo

Maybe. While I still find the debates interesting and must-see TV, there may be some debate weariness creeping in for many viewers.

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Maybe. While I still find the debates interesting and must-see TV, there may be some debate weariness creeping in for many viewers.

Count me among them. There are too many participants saying the same things with slight nuances of positions.


We're learning nothing new about them... unlike in the general election cycle when the Republican candidate will be examined with an electron microscope and we'll find all the important stuff, like how he was mean to a kid once during recess in second grade, that he stuck chewing gum under his desk in high school, took a book out of the college library and was two days late returning it, was jilted by the prom queen, had to borrow money to go to college and made interest-only payments for six months while he was looking for work, drove a 15 year-old Chevy with a loud muffler, and once stepped in front of an old lady in line at the bank.

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A good point.




by the way, Fox News had 2 million more viewers than the last debate with Trump.

According to Nielsen, about 12.5 million viewers watched the Fox News debate, which is about half of the audience Trump drew to the first Fox News debate in August, when the event drew a record-breaking 23 million viewers.



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According to Nielsen, about 12.5 million viewers watched the Fox News debate, which is about half of the audience Trump drew to the first Fox News debate in August, when the event drew a record-breaking 23 million viewers.



I suspect a large chunk of the viewers who didn't watch were Democrat/Lean Democrat voters who previously had tuned in looking for a reason to be offended so they could Tweet® about it or post their indignation to Tumblr

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According to Nielsen, about 12.5 million viewers watched the Fox News debate, which is about half of the audience Trump drew to the first Fox News debate in August, when the event drew a record-breaking 23 million viewers.




I wish you guys would understand that the reason more people flock to watch Trump is the same reason more people flock to watch Honey Boo Boo or 16 and Pregnant.


Because they simply can't get enough watching absolute morons make total jackasses out of themselves in an effort to feel better about their own lot in life.


But you keep trying to convince yourself that Donald Trump will make a terrific head of state. It'll be fun when he tries to appoint Judge Judy to the Supreme Court. :lol:

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I wish you guys would understand that the reason more people flock to watch Trump is the same reason more people flock to watch Honey Boo Boo or 16 and Pregnant.


Because they simply can't get enough watching absolute morons make total jackasses out of themselves in an effort to feel better about their own lot in life.


But you keep trying to convince yourself that Donald Trump will make a terrific head of state. It'll be fun when he tries to appoint Judge Judy to the Supreme Court. :lol:

She would be a better choice than Barack Obama.

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I wish you guys would understand that the reason more people flock to watch Trump is the same reason more people flock to watch Honey Boo Boo or 16 and Pregnant.


Because they simply can't get enough watching absolute morons make total jackasses out of themselves in an effort to feel better about their own lot in life.


But you keep trying to convince yourself that Donald Trump will make a terrific head of state. It'll be fun when he tries to appoint Judge Judy to the Supreme Court. :lol:

I disagree. I'm amazed with the people I've talked to that back Trump. These are not the "we need him to make us feel better about ourselves" crowd. Some are very smart and successful people.

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I wish you guys would understand that the reason more people flock to watch Trump is the same reason more people flock to watch Honey Boo Boo or 16 and Pregnant.


Because they simply can't get enough watching absolute morons make total jackasses out of themselves in an effort to feel better about their own lot in life.


But you keep trying to convince yourself that Donald Trump will make a terrific head of state. It'll be fun when he tries to appoint Judge Judy to the Supreme Court. :lol:


I wish that were the reason. But I'm pretty sure it's not.

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I wish you guys would understand that the reason more people flock to watch Trump is the same reason more people flock to watch Honey Boo Boo or 16 and Pregnant.


Because they simply can't get enough watching absolute morons make total jackasses out of themselves in an effort to feel better about their own lot in life.


But you keep trying to convince yourself that Donald Trump will make a terrific head of state. It'll be fun when he tries to appoint Judge Judy to the Supreme Court. :lol:


Your slams against Trump just don’t ring true. Here is a simple example…

Both Trump and Rubio have campaign websites of course. Trump has a button right smack dab in the middle of his page called the “Iowa Caucus Finder“ which leads to a super easy way to find where to go (boom, done), while on Rubio’s page you have to find his “How to Caucus” box among 7 almost identical boxed elements, his “three easy steps” are hidden where you have to scroll down and find the steps on the right, then in step two he gives you two different Iowa GOP and government websites in which you have to leave his site and go on a journey to hopefully find where you are supposed to go to caucus for him.
If you think Cruz is smart then I wouldn’t google “Cruz shaming letter” and also his Iowa caucus finder is just as convoluted as Rubio’s if not more.
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According to Nielsen, about 12.5 million viewers watched the Fox News debate, which is about half of the audience Trump drew to the first Fox News debate in August, when the event drew a record-breaking 23 million viewers.




It doesn't really matter. I see a lot of people arguing about the ratings on social media, so it's become some sort of weird stand-in for whether Trump really has a lot of support or not.


With voting right around the corner in IA and NH, we'll know soon enough.

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Your slams against Trump just don’t ring true. Here is a simple example…

Both Trump and Rubio have campaign websites of course. Trump has a button right smack dab in the middle of his page called the “Iowa Caucus Finder“ which leads to a super easy way to find where to go (boom, done), while on Rubio’s page you have to find his “How to Caucus” box among 7 almost identical boxed elements, his “three easy steps” are hidden where you have to scroll down and find the steps on the right, then in step two he gives you two different Iowa GOP and government websites in which you have to leave his site and go on a journey to hopefully find where you are supposed to go to caucus for him.
If you think Cruz is smart then I wouldn’t google “Cruz shaming letter” and also his Iowa caucus finder is just as convoluted as Rubio’s if not more.



That's a perfect example of Trump being a marketing genius pandering to the lowest common denominator.

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