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There's a better chance that Trump's an American Fister.


I know you guys are angry about the GOP, and I completely get it, but do you genuinely want to elect a guy president who demeans his critics by suggesting the only reason they are criticizing him is for publicity because he's the best show in town?


Trump doesn't give a fistphuck about this country or making it great.


He cares about the spotlight. That's it. It's like watching Schwarzenegger run as a Republican again to unseat the liberal governor of California. He ain't no Republican and he ain't no governor. He's a shiny object banging the nanny.

Well said, LA. Trump is very much like Ahnold Schwantzenwagger. The cult of personality and celebrity is a currency that is easily exchanged in the political market these days.

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Whaa, whaa, Fox is mean to me. Whaaa.


Did I just read that Marrone just signed up to be Trump's campaign advisor?


Let's make America quit again. Catchy slogan.

Edited by GG
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We learned from a secret back channel that the Ayatollah and Putin both intend to treat Donald Trump unfairly when they meet with him if he becomes president — a nefarious source tells us that Trump has his own secret plan to replace the Cabinet with his Twitter followers to see if he should even go to those meetings



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IMO Trump wins this debate before its even started. Ratings will be down without him. And even though he's not there, he'll still be very much on everyone's mind during it.




Apparently he is going to be raising money for the veterans and wounded warriors simultaneously with the debate. Smart man. Hopefully that airs on another station.

Hopefully those on the stage tomorrow don't spend a lot of time talking about Trump.


Of course they will.

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Hopefully those on the stage tomorrow don't spend a lot of time talking about Trump.


Hopefully it will be devoted to how much the nation needs a thin-skinned leader who packs up and runs when faced with adversity.


Four more years!!



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Trump isn't "afraid" of Megan Kelly or Fox.


This is a calculated political move to avoid Ted Cruz and play the victim.


It will work with those already devoted to him, but I think the fence sitters will not be impressed.

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Trump isn't "afraid" of Megan Kelly or Fox.


This is a calculated political move to avoid Ted Cruz and play the victim.


It will work with those already devoted to him, but I think the fence sitters will not be impressed.


I'm happy Fox stood by Kelly. Now the fascists (ozy) and his ilk can jack off over how Trump beat the establishment.

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