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You mean he's aligned with Know Nothings, not conservatives. It would be easy to ridicule his platform if he had one, or at least was consistent on his tweetstorms that double as a platform.


You guys should just admit that he's popular because people like the theatrics.

I think it's because he resonates with the disillusioned.

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Maybe that's the explanation of why they're disillusioned in the first place.



Or maybe they're disillusioned because the leader of one side lies to the faces or fallen heroes parents whiles their sons' caskets are exiting an airplane.....and then publicly calls THEM the liars, while the de facto choice from the elders on the other side makes a tree stump look vibrant.


If people are disillusioned because they're stupid, can you expand on what exactly they should be illusioned with?

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Or maybe they're disillusioned because the leader of one side lies to the faces or fallen heroes parents whiles their sons' caskets are exiting an airplane.....and then publicly calls THEM the liars, while the de facto choice from the elders on the other side makes a tree stump look vibrant.


If people are disillusioned because they're stupid, can you expand on what exactly they should be illusioned with?


I have no quarrel with the first paragraph. But if your response to the disillusion of the current guy is to stick it to the system by promoting his lighter colored twin, then you're not disillusioned, but stupid.

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I have no quarrel with the first paragraph. But if your response to the disillusion of the current guy is to stick it to the system by promoting his lighter colored twin, then you're not disillusioned, but stupid.



I agree.


So it seems that the choices are stupid or "do what your told by your overlords even though it is leading us on the road to ruin". Good choices. Being stupid is still stupid but supporting a tree stump or grave spitter is NEVER going to have any appeal. And it's clear that only tree stumps and grave spitters are allowed.


If it seems like my posts indicate that I support Trump, I don't. But part of me does wonder how much worse anyone, ANYONE could do that what the party leaders will allow to happen. Clinton, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Christie? The funny part is that these people seem less introspective than even Trump who is one of the most arrogant people anyone could imagine up in a storybook. He is a cartoon character. And? Sanders at least admits he is a commie and the Dems won't let him win. Cruz is made out as some sort of crazy person for knowing what the constitution says. So we can have Bush, Rubio or Clinton. Our choice. Noose, bullet, or cyanide.


BTW don't be too shocked when the republican chief honchos, who are too stupid to beat the stupid guy, line up with him and try to gradually get him to do at least a chunk of what they want. I already saw the guy from South Carolina with a chick name lending credence to the stupid notion that the "NY values" thing meant something completely different than what it actually meant. If a stooge like that contorts himself to promote Trump, you can bet there are more stooges lining up behind him.

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I agree.


So it seems that the choices are stupid or "do what your told by your overlords even though it is leading us on the road to ruin". Good choices. Being stupid is still stupid but supporting a tree stump or grave spitter is NEVER going to have any appeal. And it's clear that only tree stumps and grave spitters are allowed.


If it seems like my posts indicate that I support Trump, I don't. But part of me does wonder how much worse anyone, ANYONE could do that what the party leaders will allow to happen. Clinton, Rubio, Bush, Kasich, Christie? The funny part is that these people seem less introspective than even Trump who is one of the most arrogant people anyone could imagine up in a storybook. He is a cartoon character. And? Sanders at least admits he is a commie and the Dems won't let him win. Cruz is made out as some sort of crazy person for knowing what the constitution says. So we can have Bush, Rubio or Clinton. Our choice. Noose, bullet, or cyanide.


BTW don't be too shocked when the republican chief honchos, who are too stupid to beat the stupid guy, line up with him and try to gradually get him to do at least a chunk of what they want. I already saw the guy from South Carolina with a chick name lending credence to the stupid notion that the "NY values" thing meant something completely different than what it actually meant. If a stooge like that contorts himself to promote Trump, you can bet there are more stooges lining up behind him.


Out of the highlighted, three were major state executives. I tend to look at the full body of work, rather than how they get ratings for the debates or speak at rallies. I still remember the tingles people got up their legs back in '08.

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I have no quarrel with the first paragraph. But if your response to the disillusion of the current guy is to stick it to the system by promoting his lighter colored twin, then you're not disillusioned, but stupid.

Huh? Many folks oppose Trump. The networks, the media talking heads, the system in general. Obama never dealt with the amount heat thrown at Trump. To some folks, that lends credence to the guy, IMO. You're seeing a similar thing with Bernie. Claims of DNC corruption. The whole "outsider" angle.


IMO, the political climate, or perceived political climate, has never been so anti-system as it is now. Folks are sick of D and R. They're sick of shutdowns, real and imaginary. The political counterculture is what's driving both of those candidates.


As an aside, I am convinced a hefty number of Trump supporters (not voters mind you, but folks who support him on media platforms) are doing it partly out of combined spite and cynicism. Let's vote for the crazy celebrity because !@#$ it. They aren't supporting an actual candidate, but a government suicide. It's no coincidence that the loons in the dark corners of the internet like 4chan are full of Trump propaganda.

Edited by FireChan
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Huh? Many folks oppose Trump. The networks, the media talking heads, the system in general. Obama never dealt with the amount heat thrown at Trump. To some folks, that lends credence to the guy, IMO. You're seeing a similar thing with Bernie. Claims of DNC corruption. The whole "outsider" angle.


IMO, the political climate, or perceived political climate, has never been so anti-system as it is now. Folks are sick of D and R. They're sick of shutdowns, real and imaginary. The political counterculture is what's driving both of those candidates.


As an aside, I am convinced a hefty number of Trump supporters (not voters mind you, but folks who support him on media platforms) are doing it partly out of combined spite and cynicism. Let's vote for the crazy celebrity because !@#$ it. They aren't supporting an actual candidate, but a government suicide. It's no coincidence that the loons in the dark corners of the internet like 4chan are full of Trump propaganda.

While I am sick of D and R, I would like to point out that I am all for shutdowns both real and imagined.

Edited by 4merper4mer
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It should be a non-starter for everyone because every time this government (left or right) tries to do something for the poor, it is then used as a vehicle to do something for the 'almost poor,' then the 'not so poor,' and then, before you know, "poor" is anyone making less than $80,000/year.


Also, I've started to remember that the reason the media likes to elevate people like Trump to massive attention for amazing polls and 'tell it like it is' rhetoric is because the higher they can get him, the more dramatic will be his fall. And they LOVE to see someone fall from great heights. He will fall long before he gets the GOP nomination.


Lastly, take note of the latest narrative from and for Trump: he's only bombastic toward people who throw the first punch. So the minute someone tries to argue against or criticize one of his points, it'll be interesting if he goes full gatorman on them right away.

Sometimes it feels like everything that is attempted is an agenda leading to something else or used as an attack by the other side. Maybe cynical, but it sure feels that way.


Do you have a link to support this? I don't think I've ever heard Bernie describe himself as a communist. If he did, please enlighten me.

Words like communist are meaningless

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Golly Beav, it might not be the paradigm doing the killing but when someone gets in the way of the paradigm's proponents, they still end up dead.

What you are saying can exist for any economic paradigm, although it shouldn't. It's a crazy mentality which has nothing to do with economics and no place in a civilized society.


Anyways, I will argue that we aren't exactly capitalists. That's what I meant with the original statement.

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What you are saying can exist for any economic paradigm, although it shouldn't. It's a crazy mentality which has nothing to do with economics and no place in a civilized society.


Anyways, I will argue that we aren't exactly capitalists. That's what I meant with the original statement.

We're not exactly capitalists. On that we can agree.


Now name one nation that slaughtered millions in the name of capitalism?

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Not to mention that there really aren't many countries who can be defined by a particular system. Our politicians use these talking points to make the issue black and white, but it really is far from the case.

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