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I'm about to go Brewster's Millions on you guys-- none of the above.


Rand Paul vs Sanders would be most ideal, IMO, but that'll never happen.

Most ideal for who?


Seriously, they are relatively close on foreign policy and social issues. Their biggest difference is in size of government and handling the economy, which they are polar opposites on.

these things always turn into dick measuring contests

Fiorina may actually have the biggest one :ph34r:

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Seems to me CNN did a terrible job. They did on purpose to ask questions that would involve Bush vs Trump and Cruz vs Rubio.


Then they asked silly questions to Carson about his leadership.


Basically they didnt care about the others.


Fiorina has great answers but no one respects her.


Trump is gonna win this mofo because no one believes the other clowns. And they are all clowns. On both sides!


Seems to me CNN did a terrible job. They did on purpose to ask questions that would involve Bush vs Trump and Cruz vs Rubio.


Then they asked silly questions to Carson about his leadership.


Basically they didnt care about the others.


Fiorina has great answers but no one respects her.


Trump is gonna win this mofo because no one believes the other clowns. And they are all clowns. On both sides!

So the the others are clowns but Trump is not? Ooookay.

Posted (edited)

On balance, I thought that Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush had the best nights. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that this was Jeb’s best debate thus far. (It won’t help; he’s still doomed.)


Ted Cruz was good and will continue to rise, but he didn’t quite reach his debate-champion standards, and I suspect that he knows that. Next time around, I expect him to be untouchable.


Christie was better than he has been, but it won’t be enough to push him up into the top tier.


Trump was incoherent and bombastic, as usual. But he won’t be hurt by it.


As for the rest: Rand Paul is playing a valuable didactic role, but little more; Fiorina and Carson are fading fast; and Kasich is a joke.









Ten Tweets About The CNN #GOPDebate Which Prove Progressives Are Clueless.




Edited by B-Man

On balance, I thought that Marco Rubio and Jeb Bush had the best nights. In fact, I’d go as far as to say that this was Jeb’s best debate thus far. (It won’t help; he’s still doomed.)


Ted Cruz was good and will continue to rise, but he didn’t quite reach his debate-champion standards, and I suspect that he knows that. Next time around, I expect him to be untouchable.


Christie was better than he has been, but it won’t be enough to push him up into the top tier.


Trump was incoherent and bombastic, as usual. But he won’t be hurt by it.


As for the rest: Rand Paul is playing a valuable didactic role, but little more; Fiorina and Carson are fading fast; and Kasich is a joke.









Ten Tweets About The CNN #GOPDebate Which Prove Progressives Are Clueless.





didn't see it but i'm confident Bernie is correct:


"Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch."


who is truly clueless here?


Tonight kicks off the 2016 Debates. That is, the Tepublican debates for the candidates for the Presidency of the United States. The Dems seem to be forego in this formality and simply anointing their candidate who "deserves" to be their standard bearer because she's entitled to it.


There is a lower card and a Prime Time card. Lets discuss the debates.


I would like to see Carly Fiorina rise up into the upper tier. Though The Donald is squatting heavily on her "space". He's the only "Republican" with celebrity status that matches Hillary's. Indeed, I think his surpasses hers.

I think the Dems have had at least 2 debates already, but since there are only 3 as opposed to the cadre of idiots fielded by the GOP, they haven't gotten much press.


didn't see it but i'm confident Bernie is correct:


"Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch."


who is truly clueless here?



The CNN debate was SPECIFICALLY about National Security and terrorism.



So.................I guess you and Bernie are the clueless ones.... B-)

Posted (edited)



The CNN debate was SPECIFICALLY about National Security and terrorism.



So.................I guess you and Bernie are the clueless ones.... B-)

I would strongly argue that income inequality and racial justice are national security problems even if you live in a gated community. Charleston was a terrorist attack based on racism, for example.


climate change will also likely disrupt national security.


nothing exists in a vacuum, especially these issues.

Edited by birdog1960

didn't see it but i'm confident Bernie is correct:


"Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch."


who is truly clueless here?


The moderators were only allowed to ask questions regarding national security, terrorism and foreign policy.


It seems you answered your own question in the last sentence.

I would strongly argue that income inequality and racial justice are national security problems even if you live in a gated community. Charleston was a terrorist attack based on racism, for example.


climate change will also likely disrupt national security.


If you think those are national security issues then it is the fault of the CNN moderators not asking those questions.



The moderators were only allowed to ask questions regarding national security, terrorism and foreign policy.


It seems you answered your own question in the last sentence.


If you think those are national security issues then it is the fault of the CNN moderators not asking those questions.


Posted (edited)



didn't see it but i'm confident Bernie is correct:


"Fifth #GOPDebate is over. Like the first, not one word about income inequality, climate change, or racial justice. The Rs are out of touch."


who is truly clueless here?

Why would Republican candidates debate liberal talking points?

Edited by TakeYouToTasker




Why would Republican candidates debate liberal talking points?


so there's not a single republican candidate with a unique or opposing view on any of these issues? if that's true then this is one truly sad iteration of a political party.


so there's not a single republican candidate with a unique or opposing view on any of these issues? if that's true then this is one truly sad iteration of a political party.



That (of course) is your projection.


The nine GOP candidates have varied opinions on all those issues.



You just cannot seem to connect to the fact that CNN did not bring them up in a security/terrorism debate.


as I said before, that is yours (and Bernie's) problem..........no one else.


Please read the many (critical) media reviews, there is no one asking why those topics weren't broached.




Posted (edited)

so there's not a single republican candidate with a unique or opposing view on any of these issues? if that's true then this is one truly sad iteration of a political party.

Income inequality being considered a problem is uniquely liberal, as is climate change being considered "settled science", as is the ridiculous evolution the concept of "racial justice" has made.


These are not winning issues in a Republican debate, where the candidates are attracting Republican voters.


Which is why the debate moderators didn't ask questions about them.


I'm sure you'll hear about them in the Presidential debate once we have each party's nominee.

Edited by TakeYouToTasker
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