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Huckabee is a likeable guy but he and many other need to get the he'll out of the way.


The only candidates that should be on the main stage IMO are Carson,trump,cruz,fiorina,rubio and I guess Bush for comedic value. I like Paul but he has 0% chance to win nomination.


It's time to start weeding candidates out and getting to more substance.

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Huckabee is a likeable guy but he and many other need to get the he'll out of the way.


The only candidates that should be on the main stage IMO are Carson,trump,cruz,fiorina,rubio and I guess Bush for comedic value. I like Paul but he has 0% chance to win nomination.


It's time to start weeding candidates out and getting to more substance.

Amen. And start addressing the real issues and focus on beating Hillary. Yes, I said it - BEAT her. Beat her to a pulp (politically speaking of course).

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Huckabee is a likeable guy but he and many other need to get the he'll out of the way.


The only candidates that should be on the main stage IMO are Carson,trump,cruz,fiorina,rubio and I guess Bush for comedic value. I like Paul but he has 0% chance to win nomination.


It's time to start weeding candidates out and getting to more substance.

Paul is the only candidate who conveys traditional conservative values of non-intervention and fiscal restraint. I am looking forward to him having more air time. The others are pretty much neocon talking heads
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Carly is off to a good start.


Bush looks like a bumbling nerd


Carson had a good first answer too for minimum wage.


Casich needs to go away. Get off the stage.


I like Paul too but I don't think he has a chance


Rubio = meh


Trump hasn't done much yet. Just a pretty standard minimum wage question

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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everyone except bush looks like a huckster. bush just looks a loser.


good lord, they're getting their rehearsed lines wrong repeatedly. this is about as spontaneous as a professional wrestling match and the acting reminiscent of "howard the duck".

Edited by birdog1960
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everyone except bush looks like a huckster. bush just looks a loser.


good lord, they're getting their rehearsed lines wrong repeatedly. this is about as spontaneous as a professional wrestling match and the acting reminiscent of "howard the duck".

They are actually debating. They have different ideas.


Unlike the democrat debate where all I heard was to give everything to everyone and if you dont like it your either a racist, hate poor people or hate women.

Kasich sucks. He needs to get off the stage. Just get him out of there. He's just taking up time and space.

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bush sucks. terrible, as trump would say with a new jersey accent. but at least he's real. carson says he talked to several generals about the middle east. westmoreland maybe? now trump has talked to generals. wow. the generals really like these guys. florina should sue her plastic surgeon.

Edited by birdog1960
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Ted Cruz: "We have to defend this nation, you think defending this nation is expensive? Try NOT defending it."



"It is tragic that you see Iraq and other countries in the region talking to Russia" --strong answer from Jeb Bush




'moderate Islamist?" ...........Poor Jeb.







None of the moderators has smeared a poop swastika on any of the candidates' podiums yet, so it's a big improvement upon the CNBC debate.


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Ted Cruz: "We have to defend this nation, you think defending this nation is expensive? Try NOT defending it."



"It is tragic that you see Iraq and other countries in the region talking to Russia" --strong answer from Jeb Bush




'moderate Islamist?" ...........Poor Jeb.







None of the moderators has smeared a poop swastika on any of the candidates' podiums yet, so it's a big improvement upon the CNBC debate.



well they're pooping pretty stinky on kasich. must not be a friend of fox execs.

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