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and for those of you who want to invoke the "they don't want to face tough questions" canard......................don't forget.


Political reporters collectively yawned when the DNC banned Fox from hosting debates.


Today they are OUTRAGED............................ Adorable.







There's nothing wrong with tough questions, its the slanted, non-pertinent questions that come with a paragraph of liberal talking points and a healthy helping of rudeness that have no place in a debate.

Loved that Rubio called out Harwood on his lie about the retraction he tweeted on Rubio's tax plan. Harwood thought he could have a Candy Crowley moment by denying that he made a retraction. It backfired on him badly.

Looks like the entire field is about fed up with the crappy way the media have treated them. I think if nothing else, Trump has shown the others the way to push back on these agenda-pushing moderators. That at least is a good thing.

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I'm actually surprised the respective parties don't control their debates, have their own moderators and everything, and then just sell the media rights.

in essence, that's what the repugs do when they have a debate on fox. roger ailes is one of 5the most influential people in the party.

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in essence, that's what the repugs Dems do when they have a debate on fox NBC,CBS,ABC,CNN,MSNBC,PBS,.












Ed Morrissey adds, “it may be time for the RNC (and the DNC, although the need is far less) to do their own broadcasting of debates:”


C-SPAN would be a potential partner and probably willing to do it, but even if not, they could simply broadcast it as a streaming show over the Internet. Netflix has its own original programming using the same technology, and broadband access is commonly available across the US. Moreover, the media would still cover the debates no matter what. Media filing rooms fill up with correspondents from all outlets, not just the one broadcasting the debate, and that won’t change in a presidential cycle. The RNC could invite mainstream-media journalists with demonstrated fairness to participate, or could focus more on New Media outlets with whom Priebus has already started pairing — such as NRO, or Salem Media Group (which owns Hot Air, of course).

Or perhaps booting NBC from further debates will get the point across with less expense. Priebus just fired a shot across the bow of all media outlets, not just NBC. And it was long overdue.



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Now this is very interesting. I think it's safe to say that many literary classics were written by authors who abused opiates.

Sure, but how many authors also had a hard on?

look up both substances in reference to limpy. I can't help with your ignorance.

I'm well aware of his connection to both but I was asking you to explain why that connection would make him a poor moderator. Are drugs the reason Obama is a poor president?

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in essence, that's what the repugs do when they have a debate on fox. roger ailes is one of 5the most influential people in the party.


And remind me exactly how the questions in that one turned out compared to the Hillary lovefest on CNN?

Edited by GG
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i'd like to see it. I know the gray matter i'd bet on...and it's never been exposed to Viagra or massive doses of hydrocodone.

Oh come on. Just because you don't like the guy's politics doesn't mean you can't acknowledge his intellect.


One of the smartest people I've ever met was a heroin addict. And he was a liberal. A real one too; the kind who lived according to his philosophy. The kind of guy who had stellar academic credentials and could have easily had his pick of high paying jobs but didn't because he didn't want to help rich capitalists make money. The opiates took him into a deep addiction, but they never took his intellect.

Edited by Rob's House
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Great Idea.......................... :lol:






And anybody who opposes it is a racist.



Great idea. Use interpreters if necessary and if the immigration topic comes up, let the audience know that the starting point and ending point on negotiations for "rights" for illegal immigrants is that they have none and they can get in line, the back of the line.

Edited by keepthefaith
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Ahh so you read the full transcripts of the debate? Seems it would be easier to just watch them.

No he reads synopsis from other Progressives who may or may not have watched the debate.


Much easier to have others provide an opinion than to watch the debates first hand and think for oneself


Think like a Progressive

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