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CNBC is hardly a network: The most credible person asking questions was Jim Cramer. They would have been better off in his TV studio with the bells and horns.


I despise Ted Cruz but he was completely right when he threw the moderators under the bus. From that point on, the questions got better but to that point, the questions and talking-over candidates was horrible.


Winners were Rubio by a mile and Cruz. These two will be fighting over the establishment votes and supports of candidates that start dropping out of the race. I can't imagine either of these two more intellectual candidates cutting into Trump and Carson for a while.


Trump did his normal thing. No doubt a hit with the red meat crowd.


Carson did his normal thing (looked humble and not particularly insightful). Probably a hit with the people who support him and aren't looking for substance.


Christie did well but it's too late for him.


Kasich is the GOP's Jim Webb: Angry old guy who makes sense. He's not long for this field.


Bush was a disaster. Warm kiss for someone who cuts spending? And why attack Rubio--he had to know the moderators would do it for him. Idiot. His loss will be Rubio/Cruz's gain.


Huckabee--sort of forgot he was there.


Fiorina is good in this forum but her star is fading.

Edited by Observer
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Trump did his normal thing. No doubt a hit with the red meat crowd.





When was the last time a candidate was caught flat out lying on live TV, shrugs it off and the electorate just eats it up?


Oh, yes, whenever Hillary opens her mouth.


People deserve their own fate.

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It’s No Longer the Trump Show
The Third GOP Presidential Debate: Spin vs. Reality
Bad Debates With Bad Moderators Can Be Edifying, Too






This was indisputably the worst-moderated debate of this young cycle, and perhaps the worst-moderated debate ever. Brent Bozell called it “an encyclopedic example of liberal media bias on stage.”
If the moderators at the next Democratic debate exhibit one-half of the hostility, skepticism and disdain that the CNBC ones did last night, Hillary, Sanders and O’Malley will have on-stage meltdowns.
It’s fascinating that Marco Rubio gets a question about his personal finances long after that New York Times story generated scoffing and skepticism, while Hillary Clinton didn’t get a single question about donors to the Clinton Foundation and conveniently-timed State Department policy changes.

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I didn't watch the debate but from what I heard this morning was that the moderators were trying to get the candidates to satisfy their liberal bias as opposed to getting the candidates to swat the conservative voters who are the ones that are going to be responsible for choosing the Republican candidate. It shows they have no idea of the purpose of these debates and if that is truly the case it's a disgrace.

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I didn't watch the debate but from what I heard this morning was that the moderators were trying to get the candidates to satisfy their liberal bias as opposed to getting the candidates to swat the conservative voters who are the ones that are going to be responsible for choosing the Republican candidate. It shows they have no idea of the purpose of these debates and if that is truly the case it's a disgrace.

It was completely ridiculous. Extremely biased and hostile moderators endlessly trying to get the candidates to walk into a "gotcha question" trap or generate open hostility towards one another.


The most refreshing part was as the debate went along the candidates increasingly started giving it back to the moderators.


It was basically in per with letting rush Limbaugh moderate a democrat debate.

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It was completely ridiculous. Extremely biased and hostile moderators endlessly trying to get the candidates to walk into a "gotcha question" trap or generate open hostility towards one another.


The most refreshing part was as the debate went along the candidates increasingly started giving it back to the moderators.


It was basically in per with letting rush Limbaugh moderate a democrat debate.


I'd pay to see that lol

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It was completely ridiculous. Extremely biased and hostile moderators endlessly trying to get the candidates to walk into a "gotcha question" trap or generate open hostility towards one another.


The most refreshing part was as the debate went along the candidates increasingly started giving it back to the moderators.


It was basically in per with letting rush Limbaugh moderate a democrat debate.

That's true with the primary difference being that Rush would actually ask substantive questions.

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While the crappy questions watered down the substance of the debate, it gave some of the candidates a great chance to hammer the mods which certainly was well received by the audience and viewers. Even better would be a debate with uber liberal mods and knowing this in advance and having the candidates tee-off on them for a couple of hours.

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I didn't watch, but cnbc being a business network, im surprised of the liberal bias charges. And you cannot hold them accountable for questions asked/not asked by other networks/moderators like CNN.


However, it's fair to hold them accountable for the laughable questions that the CNBC moderators tossed to the candidates. I'm surprised that one of the debaters didn't ask for time out to write some substantive questions for the mod's to use.

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