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Cruz is the best conservative that has run for president in at least the past 16 years and allegedly it's what the republican voters want. He is a prototypical tea party, limited government, protect the constitution champion. Yet, he hasn't gotten the traction I was expecting and alleged conservatives are choosing trump who at best is a loud mouth nationalist RINO who will probably govern slightly left of center (except his strong nationalist policies).


What gives? Why aren't the tea party guys throwing down hard for cruz? Cruz should be walking away with this and he could coherently crush Hillary in the general election debates.

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Cruz is the best conservative that has run for president in at least the past 16 years and allegedly it's what the republican voters want. He is a prototypical tea party, limited government, protect the constitution champion. Yet, he hasn't gotten the traction I was expecting and alleged conservatives are choosing trump who at best is a loud mouth nationalist RINO who will probably govern slightly left of center (except his strong nationalist policies).


What gives? Why aren't the tea party guys throwing down hard for cruz? Cruz should be walking away with this and he could coherently crush Hillary in the general election debates.

Good question. Maybe because he has been in office and didn't get anything done. That's part of the frustration many people feel, and Trump's the beneficiary of both disaffected Tea Party and evangelicals. It is strange... weird in fact.

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Cruz is the best conservative that has run for president in at least the past 16 years and allegedly it's what the republican voters want. He is a prototypical tea party, limited government, protect the constitution champion. Yet, he hasn't gotten the traction I was expecting and alleged conservatives are choosing trump who at best is a loud mouth nationalist RINO who will probably govern slightly left of center (except his strong nationalist policies).


What gives? Why aren't the tea party guys throwing down hard for cruz? Cruz should be walking away with this and he could coherently crush Hillary in the general election debates.


He's the perfect real world example to prove what is obvious. Voters, even Republican primary voters, could care less about ideology. It's a beauty show plain and simple.

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Cruz is the best conservative that has run for president in at least the past 16 years and allegedly it's what the republican voters want. He is a prototypical tea party, limited government, protect the constitution champion. Yet, he hasn't gotten the traction I was expecting and alleged conservatives are choosing trump who at best is a loud mouth nationalist RINO who will probably govern slightly left of center (except his strong nationalist policies).


What gives? Why aren't the tea party guys throwing down hard for cruz? Cruz should be walking away with this and he could coherently crush Hillary in the general election debates.


I'm not so sure that the true conservatives are lining up behind Trump, because if they are, they're not true conservatives but are running to the shiny object.


I think Cruz's main problem is that he's icky (as my wife put it) It is a beauty contest and he doesn't score well in that regard.

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I think Cruz's main problem is that he's icky (as my wife put it) It is a beauty contest and he doesn't score well in that regard.



As does my family.............it's unfortunate.


Cruz Triumphant

by David French


Tonight was the night when I could clearly see Ted Cruz as President of the United States.
He made the right moral judgment — dealing with Donald Trump was far more important than jockeying for position with Marco Rubio or John Kasich. He made the case against Trump in the right way — he was civil even as he eviscerated Trump again and again. And he connected with the audience not just with his command of the facts, but also by making his case in an effective, human way.
When he asked the audience how many had been waiters or waitresses, I had to smile. Both my wife and I spent more than our fair share of time bringing ice tea to thirsty customers, and the notion that waiting tables — even for a season – is a job Americans won’t do is absurd.


Read more at: http://www.nationalreview.com/corner/432345/ted-cruz-defeats-donald-trump-gop-debate

Edited by B-Man
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I'm not so sure that the true conservatives are lining up behind Trump, because if they are, they're not true conservatives but are running to the shiny object.


I think Cruz's main problem is that he's icky (as my wife put it) It is a beauty contest and he doesn't score well in that regard.

Sure I get it, he reminds you of childhood stories and the evil count. Or he'll even count chocula. Never liked that cereal. I like chocolate but it's just too much.


Its unfortunate because the best candidate for our future is being discounted not on substance but appearance.

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Cruz is the best conservative that has run for president in at least the past 16 years and allegedly it's what the republican voters want. He is a prototypical tea party, limited government, protect the constitution champion. Yet, he hasn't gotten the traction I was expecting and alleged conservatives are choosing trump who at best is a loud mouth nationalist RINO who will probably govern slightly left of center (except his strong nationalist policies).


What gives? Why aren't the tea party guys throwing down hard for cruz? Cruz should be walking away with this and he could coherently crush Hillary in the general election debates.


I took that website poll about who would I vote for or whatever it's called and Cruz came in second for me after the Libertarian guy. That's no shock because what Cruz says often aligns with my core ideology.


But ideology only gets you so far. Cruz's main problem is not his ideology but his execution. He has shown that he's completely inflexible when it comes to getting things done. He advocated sending America into default just a few years ago. He wanted to throw the economy off a cliff to prove his point. He does things like that over and over again. That does not work in a two party system and that's why his Congressional Republicans don't like him. Maybe it's unfortunate that the world won't bend to my (and his where they overlap) ideals, but it's the world we live in and it's important to deal with that reality.


I have a hard time supporting Evangelicals, so that bugs me too, but I can vote for them and have, if you count LDS as Evangelical.


All that and there's no denying that he's also creepy as f$%^.

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So you're wishing for something as disastrous as Trump, but slightly less orange?





I'm not so sure that the true conservatives are lining up behind Trump, because if they are, they're not true conservatives but are running to the shiny object.


I think Cruz's main problem is that he's icky (as my wife put it) It is a beauty contest and he doesn't score well in that regard.


True, Cruz's delivery makes him come off as a mustache-twirling, snake oil salesman. He'd be a lot more popular if that weren't the case.

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True, Cruz's delivery makes him come off as a mustache-twirling, snake oil salesman. He'd be a lot more popular if that weren't the case.

^ change snake oil salesman for serial murderer of young women, and that's the vibe I get. I don't agree with his politics, but I respect him a lot more than Trump... but man is he creepy as hell.

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But ideology only gets you so far. Cruz's main problem is not his ideology but his execution. He has shown that he's completely inflexible when it comes to getting things done. He advocated sending America into default just a few years ago. He wanted to throw the economy off a cliff to prove his point. He does things like that over and over again.


He also advocates for a flat tax, but we both know that isn't going to happen either.


The reality is, with Cruz you know, almost without exception, where he stands. You know what he believes in and you know he's dug in for whatever it is.


What I would like is to hear Cruz's words come out of Rubio's mouth. But as far as I'm concerned right now, the most important part of this election is SCOTUS, and I far more trust Rubio and Cruz to make those picks than Trump or Hillary.


Cruz destroyed Trump last night, and if you heard all the stories -- from the hotel in Florida to Trump U -- it's difficult to not look at Trump and realize he is a massive fraud.


Kasich looked very good last night as well, by the way. I almost wouldn't mind him as a Veep choice, but that spot needs to be filled by a woman since they're going up against Hillary.

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^ change snake oil salesman for serial murderer of young women, and that's the vibe I get. I don't agree with his politics, but I respect him a lot more than Trump... but man is he creepy as hell.


Well, he very thankfully hasn't left a trail of bodies through Texas on his rise to national prominence. None discovered yet, anyway.

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I'm concerned right now, the most important part of this election is SCOTUS, and I far more trust Rubio and Cruz to make those picks than Trump or Hillary.


Bingo. 100%.


So here is my thinking. I think the next president is screwed. I have a gut feeling that the house of cards built up over the past 12 years is going to come crashing down on the next president regardless who is in office. Whomever the president is, most likely their party will receive most of the blame, even though a majority of it will be failed "pro"gressive policies, but I digress.


I would love it to be Hillary or Bernie who inherit this ticking time bomb from their predecessor, but if that means they nominate more activist progressives to sit on SCOTUS, the constitution as we know it is toast and the ramifications of that happening are far too great.


I would rather republicans jump on the grenade to have the power to nominate SCOTUS justices. To me that is the bigger issue in relation to the future of this country then who is captain of the ship as the band plays on.


With cruz, I 100% know where he stands and his views most closely align with mine. I want him making those nominations.

Edited by drinkTHEkoolaid
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Here's what Hillary tweeted during the debate.................






Did Hillary Clinton really just use a clip of herself being BORED by the deaths of the four brave Americans in Benghazi … as a punchline? Yes. Yes she did.



Hillary tweeting .gifs from a congressional hearing about the death of 4 Americans as comedy is by far the lowest point of this election.


And that include Trump's penis reference.






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Here's what Hillary tweeted during the debate.................






Did Hillary Clinton really just use a clip of herself being BORED by the deaths of the four brave Americans in Benghazi as a punchline? Yes. Yes she did.



Hillary tweeting .gifs from a congressional hearing about the death of 4 Americans as comedy is by far the lowest point of this election.


And that include Trump's penis reference.






Omg. She definitely has "memory problems"

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