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[OT] Karma


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We have a guy at work that looks kinda like Mr. Belding, but is crazy like Rainman. We're talking OCD to the 10th power. Rainman gets a DUI a couple of months ago, so he's out of a car until the paperwork gets finished so that he can get a "work only" license.


Rainman is as annoying as they come. He makes bad jokes. He doesn't know any of the simple technology (Excel, email) that we need to do our jobs and is basically unwilling to learn. When the guys give him a playful ribbing, he goes and sulks in the men's room stall.


Our boss is sympathetic beyond belief. He puts up with this stuff, even though he has to scold him daily. When Rainman got the DUI, the boss offered to drive him home each night (Rainman takes the train/bus in the morning). The boss and I are the first ones in each morning. He has a story to tell about the non-sequiturs that Rainman will deliver during the previous evening's ride. He turns up the radio to drown it out, which only makes Rainman talk louder. It must be pure hell.


Anyway, yesterday the boss played in a charity golf tournament. One the 2nd hole, he gets a hole-in-one which wins him a cherry-red 2005 Mustang.


Rainman loses the ability to drive. Boss is nice to him when nobody else would be. Boss wins car in a most fortuitous manner.


Karma baby. Karma.

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We have a guy at work that looks kinda like Mr. Belding, but is crazy like Rainman. We're talking OCD to the 10th power.  Rainman gets a DUI a couple of months ago, so he's out of a car until the paperwork gets finished so that he can get a "work only" license.


Rainman is as annoying as they come.  He makes bad jokes.  He doesn't know any of the simple technology (Excel, email) that we need to do our jobs and is basically unwilling to learn.  When the guys give him a playful ribbing, he goes and sulks in the men's room stall.


Our boss is sympathetic beyond belief.  He puts up with this stuff, even though he has to scold him daily.  When Rainman got the DUI, the boss offered to drive him home each night (Rainman takes the train/bus in the morning).  The boss and I are the first ones in each morning.  He has a story to tell about the non-sequiturs that Rainman will deliver during the previous evening's ride.  He turns up the radio to drown it out, which only makes Rainman talk louder.  It must be pure hell.


Anyway, yesterday the boss played in a charity golf tournament.  One the 2nd hole, he gets a hole-in-one which wins him a cherry-red 2005 Mustang. 


Rainman loses the ability to drive.  Boss is nice to him when nobody else would be.  Boss wins car in a most fortuitous manner.


Karma baby. Karma.


Cool story. Thanks for sharing. I didn't know you worked with Exiled in Illinois.

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