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Is it time for Plan Z at QB

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E...it's time to throw in the towel on EJM. I realize some posters were vocal in their support and discontinuing that would be a blow to their pride, but it's time to move on. He's never improved on the accuracy issues that have troubled him since day 1. He also struggles to adapt to on-field pressure and his footwork remains sloppy.


Non-fans covering this team, i.e. reporters, have signaled his lack of improvement. Other than a blow to pride, I'm not sure why some fans continue to cling to the notion Manuel is OK.


It's not about pride (at least not for me), it's about being asked to completely forget or ignore the good I saw on the field during 2013 and early last year. If EJ doesn't show anything in preseason I'll give up the ghost.

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It's not about pride (at least not for me), it's about being asked to completely forget or ignore the good I saw on the field during 2013 and early last year. If EJ doesn't show anything in preseason I'll give up the ghost.


Fair enough.

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It's not about pride (at least not for me), it's about being asked to completely forget or ignore the good I saw on the field during 2013 and early last year. If EJ doesn't show anything in preseason I'll give up the ghost.

With all do respect, I've never seen pre-season as a determining factor for keeping or cutting a players. Usually it's always what they show in training camp. Either they can play or can't. That's the NFL we live in today. Maybe 10-20 years ago that wasn't the case, but that's just the way I see it.


Bottom line: If EJ's doing the same crap, I don't expect him to be here when the real bullets start to fly.

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why? Just curious.


I think he has potential. He is not a long term starter but he would buy us more time to go find one. Everything that's coming out about EJ says that he still is not accurate and is still holding onto the ball too long.


Hoyer started off well last year and was playing really well the year before (right up to us taking out his leg). I think his style of play would work well with Roman's run first, play action offense - he has the smarts and moves well. I'm really not sure where EJ and Cassel will take us, and know little about Taylor. Hoyer has had some success despite all the drama and distractions that come with playing in Cleveland. There that's my logic

Aw man, you guys are on plan Z already? Give them a few days.


But regarding Hoyer - why would you want that mess? On the field and in the locker room, he's a train wreck. He blabbed to the local and national media about all kinds of internal stuff with the browns, including the texts that got Farmer suspended. He also wanted way more money than he is worth. Very inaccurate. I think he is in the best possible situation for him though, because he knows O'Brien's offense. He can't be trusted. And the players hated him.

The Browns organization is a big old mess. I'm not sure that you can base anything on what happened there, especially last year.


I watched Hoyer make a lot of plays out of nothing. He can throw a deep ball and hit a receiver


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Since EJ is basically playing his way off this roster I think it's time to pull the plug now and move on to plan B, Z or whatever else plan we can muster up. Should we give Jake Locker a call and see if he's feeling differently bout retirement after training camps have now opened or do u give the old vet Michael Vick a shot. Maybe we can make a trade for Mettanberger, Glennon or Cousins using EJ and a pk as bait if I'm Doug Whaley I'm dangling a 3rd for Mettanberger right now. I know it's a high price but what else can we do. Either way we need to make calls move soon before it's too late or maybe it's already to late?


This is way to premature. We have a 3 way competition going on right now...give it time to play out.


I think people around here also significantly under estimate the level of Defense our QBs are facing in practice and the added obstacle of new offense and limited reps. It quite literally could be the top defense in the NFL, and thats what they have to face daily during a tight QB competition in which they are rotating around in. That means less reps and against an unforgiving D. Not to mention, all 3 QB's are dealing with a new offense, new players, timing with those players, etc. Its not exactly a shock that under those circumstances that no one QB is just excelling in the first few days of camp.


It is really hard to bring a QB in at this point...really hard, and have them ready to play week 1 effectively. Players have already commented on the size of Romans playbook.


Most importantly...with our roster from top to bottom, we don't need a world beater to come in and play QB for this team to be a serious contender. We just need a guy who can protect the ball and make enough plays to keep the D honest. And despite all the OVER exaggeration of how bad EJ was his first 2 years, he actually has shown capability to do those things. He wasnt nearly as bad as painted. Matt Cassel has also shown to be able to have done this in his career before. Taylor, we don't really know, he hasn't had a chance.


So while they are struggling now, its not the time to panic. I am in no way comfortable with our QB situation, but I also recognize its too early to panic.

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This is way to premature. We have a 3 way competition going on right now...give it time to play out.


I think people around here also significantly under estimate the level of Defense our QBs are facing in practice and the added obstacle of new offense and limited reps. It quite literally could be the top defense in the NFL, and thats what they have to face daily during a tight QB competition in which they are rotating around in. That means less reps and against an unforgiving D. Not to mention, all 3 QB's are dealing with a new offense, new players, timing with those players, etc. Its not exactly a shock that under those circumstances that no one QB is just excelling in the first few days of camp.


It is really hard to bring a QB in at this point...really hard, and have them ready to play week 1 effectively. Players have already commented on the size of Romans playbook.


Most importantly...with our roster from top to bottom, we don't need a world beater to come in and play QB for this team to be a serious contender. We just need a guy who can protect the ball and make enough plays to keep the D honest. And despite all the OVER exaggeration of how bad EJ was his first 2 years, he actually has shown capability to do those things. He wasnt nearly as bad as painted. Matt Cassel has also shown to be able to have done this in his career before. Taylor, we don't really know, he hasn't had a chance.


So while they are struggling now, its not the time to panic. I am in no way comfortable with our QB situation, but I also recognize its too early to panic.

This same EJ movie has been played out the last 2 years. Time is up, time to move on.

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The EJ dreamers are starting to feel like Marty McFly when that dude cuts into dance with Lorraine at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance and his family starts disappearing from the picture on his fretboard and then he looks and his own hand starts disappearing.


Not sure why 3-4 practices are deterring you now. You refused to listen when the rest of us were telling you that he sucked throughout every practice all last season and you continued to dismiss that and instead allude only to his 14 games. So if you were to follow your own narrative, these practices shouldn't really count at all.


I think Cassel will be fine to get us to 10-6. I think a trade is our only hope if we want to think bigger. And with this new ownership, I wouldn't put anything past them.

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The EJ dreamers are starting to feel like Marty McFly when that dude cuts into dance with Lorraine at the Enchantment Under the Sea dance and his family starts disappearing from the picture on his fretboard and then he looks and his own hand starts disappearing.


Not sure why 3-4 practices are deterring you now. You refused to listen when the rest of us were telling you that he sucked throughout every practice all last season and you continued to dismiss that and instead allude only to his 14 games. So if you were to follow your own narrative, these practices shouldn't really count at all.


I think Cassel will be fine to get us to 10-6. I think a trade is our only hope if we want to think bigger. And with this new ownership, I wouldn't put anything past them.


Cassel has looked just as bad as EJ if reports of training camp are to be believed. Yet you think Cassel somehow magically gets the Bills to a 10-6 record? And you call other people EJ "dreamers"?


At least EJ can make a big play by running with the football. What's Cassel's big thing? Hey I'm a vet! Who cares. Regardless if EJ is still here or not, no way Cassel starts for the Bills if he continues to look horrible in training camp.

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Cassel has looked just as bad as EJ if reports of training camp are to be believed. Yet you think Cassel somehow magically gets the Bills to a 10-6 record? And you call other people EJ "dreamers"?


At least EJ can make a big play by running with the football. What's Cassel's big thing? Hey I'm a vet! Who cares. Regardless if EJ is still here or not, no way Cassel starts for the Bills if he continues to look horrible in training camp.

So lost it's comical. :wallbash:

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Cassel has looked just as bad as EJ if reports of training camp are to be believed. Yet you think Cassel somehow magically gets the Bills to a 10-6 record? And you call other people EJ "dreamers"?


At least EJ can make a big play by running with the football. What's Cassel's big thing? Hey I'm a vet! Who cares. Regardless if EJ is still here or not, no way Cassel starts for the Bills if he continues to look horrible in training camp.

Not according to Vic Carucci he hasn't. It is still early. Hopefully EJ has a bounce back week.

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Not according to Vic Carucci he hasn't. It is still early. Hopefully EJ has a bounce back week.


It's upsetting to hear reports coming out of camp. Hopefully all three QBs start stepping up and turning it around in a hurry. I really feel like the Bills are going to be making a move in the near future if they don't.

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Yay. Ej bashing thread version 34.8!


Same guys same tired stuff.


More fitz, cassell, Orton types. That's the ticket !

What's your suggestion? And that's such a lazy post by the way. No one has ever suggested that old, slow, mediocre QB's are a long term solution. But do you want to make the playoffs this season? I do. And Matt Cassel is probably going to be a better "ticket" than EJ Manuel right now.


It's upsetting to hear reports coming out of camp. Hopefully all three QBs start stepping up and turning it around in a hurry. I really feel like the Bills are going to be making a move in the near future if they don't.

I said the same thing. I totally agree that if one of these clowns doesn't grab the proverbial bull by the proverbial horns then a trade would not be out of the question. And again, that would've sounded crazy one year ago but with the Pegulas, it wouldn't surprise me one bit. That being said, I think if Matt Cassel looks like Matt Cassel, I think they'll take that, at least for this year.

Edited by metzelaars_lives
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Pony up 3 yr $26M $15M guaranteed for Orton. Price will only get higher closer to opening day. Guy had a 90 rating with no running game no reps and Hackett/Marrone to overcome.

I like this idea.


How EJ is playing is expected. Whaley and Rex have a plan and are following it.



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I don't think 'Team it's only been 3 practices' is giving credence to our history here on the Wall. 3 practices IS sufficient to see that nothing has changed from Manuel since he was rightfully kicked to the bench. Yes, he still has an ever-dwindling support group, but many -if not most team observers had moved on from him UNLESS we saw significant improvement in his accuracy and performance starting Day 1 in OTA's.


We have not -and 3 days into Camp is all the longer a leash he deserves.


Cassel by default.

i agree that he really did need to show improvement from Day 1 to make me happy, but I will still wait to see what he looks like in the 1st preseason game. Until then, I will be sharpening my pitchfork.
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