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Lois Lerner's Drive

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Well, B. O. did say he wanted to "fundamentally change America". I'd say he's done a fine job of achieving his goal.

Next up Hill or Bern will complete the transformation with the entrenchment of their Cargo Cultist religion into the nation's fiber.

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On 7/30/2015 at 10:43 AM, Dante said:

These people are outright criminals. Her and Hillary should be in jail. Certainly one of us would be. Since I avoid msm almost completely does anyone even mention this or even her at all?




So then what implying is that this is telling us that our gov't just sits around & orders all these bogus investigations wasting hundreds of thousands if not millions of tax payer dollars to do nothing but lie during these investigations and have little to no transparency to We the People only to go scot free and retire with a full pension which is again paid for by more tax payer dollars .


And then it is all just forgotten/brushed aside & or covered up & nothing else is said about it while they go on with their well funded lives with no consequences what so ever & some are even thought of as a great piece of American history but not made to answer for their involvements along the way .


🤔 Well now doesn't that sound exactly like the US gov't in all it's glory ... Yet the hamster wheel continues to turn and justice will never be served !! 

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