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Happy birthday Burt Reynolds!

Ageless, rarely-funny, uber-creepy, has-been. A groovy 69 years old (insert joke here)


Shares the big day with America’s original LOST island castaway, Tina Louise aka Ginger. 71 years young, and still filthy hot, baby.


Also born on this date...

Leslie “Detective Frank Drebin” Nielson. You’re Canadian, but we won’t hold it against you Les (USA!!, USA!!, USA!!). Happy 79th.


Tanya Peters: What are you doing?

Sgt. Frank Drebin: Oh! I was, uh, just conjugating my next move.

Tanya Peters: Your bishop's exposed.

Sgt. Frank Drebin: It's these pants.



Other accidentally famous people celebrating birthday’s today…


Vice presidential also-ran Lloyd Bentsen . Still alive!!!

Jeb Bush and Mel Carnahan . A political yin and yang…You got peanut butter on my chocolate. No you got chocolate on my peanut butter.

Gene “be-bop-a-lula” Vincent . Go Baby Go, or go to hell!

Joseph L. Mankiewicz . Not the grabby, soon-to-be-ex first baseman for the Sox, the legendary Hollywood writer/director.

Eva Gabor . The ugly Gabor, the one with the pig.


Last-but-not-least, a special birthday shout-out to everybody’s favorite drug-trafficking, ex-panamanian dictator, Manny Noriega. We got a canal, he got overthrown. Hang in there Manny. You’re up for parole next year! (It’s true! He really is!) Maybe Ollie North can give you a ride to the airport…No hard feelings, right buddy?


Dead or Alive

Happy birthday Burt Reynolds

Ageless, rarely-funny, uber-creepy, has-been. A groovy 69 years old (insert joke here)

Nice face lift. You know you've gone too far when you look like a tetherball with eyes.

Leslie “Detective Frank Drebin” Nielson.  You’re Canadian, but we won’t hold it against you Les (USA!!, USA!!, USA!!). Happy 79th.





Surely you can't be serious!

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